“For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13
The movers just called…they will be here in 30 minutes. It is with bittersweet feelings I write this last update from my Redmond condo – bitter because I am saying goodbye and sweet because I am excited about what is ahead.
I packed the last of my things yesterday, and Samson responded by putting himself into his kitty carrier. As I look around my condo, everything is packed, wrapped, sorted, and ready. It is a surreal experience – I was on the phone this morning and they asked me to take down a number…um, where did I pack that paper, um, pen, um, ‘could you text it to me?’ – thank God for technology!
Anyway, Jamie (my current roommate and I leave for California around 7 am tomorrow morning. With a few detours, etc., we are hoping to arrive in Los Altos Sunday evening, July 1st. Yep, driving down – I am excited about a road trip with one of my closest friends! Two of my good friends are having a going away party for me tonight (where did I pack the Kleenex) at Suzanne Chan’s house…call if you want details.
More to come after the move…I feel scattered and my thoughts are all over the place! I wanted to say thanks for your support, a final goodbye to the Seattleites, and ask that you please continue praying for my move, drive, transition, etc.
Moving – They are on their way – Jordan River Moving and Storage came highly recommended (Thanks Kevin for your contact!)
Storage – Found a place in Mountain View that only charges $1 for the first month!
Financing – Thank you for your generosity…donations are coming in. I have raised about 1/3 of my lowest monthly salary for the next 6 months!
Moving – that it will be smooth, nothing will break, and that the transfer to the storage unit will be easy
Car – due to insurance issues, the best case scenario would be to borrow a car until August 1st and then obtain one
Samson – that he will do well on the trip down – and actually enjoy himself (aka sleep)
Trip Down – pray that the trip is non-eventful, that we have good weather, we don’t get lost, traffic is not too congested, and that we enjoy the process!
Financing - Eventually my position will be salaried but at first I need to raise $2,500 - $5,000 a month cover basic expenses. If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Donations’ at www.repurposing.biz on the bottom left of the page, or visit www.denaandrews.blogspot.com and read the footer for additional info.
Blessings to you!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Update #37
“…the sheep follow him. For they know his voice.” John 10:4
Picture: Cannon Beach, Oregon
We had the NW report back last night. In my mind it was a huge success: We had over 40 people crammed into Holly’s townhouse, we overcame major technical issues (thanks Tim, Jeff and Lars), the food was mostly consumed, Loretta’s picture slide show was a hit, and interest for future REP ventures was generated. I feel I am leaving REP NW on a high note!
My pending move to California was news to a lot of the folks in attendance last night. Why? How? Do you know how expensive it is down there? Are you nuts? - Were the common responses. Half the people who hear the tale of my newest adventure are excited for me, smile broadly and wish me the best, while either hugging or slapping me on the shoulder – and then offer to help pack, loan me a car, or find me boxes. The other half shuffle their feet uncomfortably, mumble about how they know eventually it will be ‘ok’ and drift off into the periphery.
The main question I have encountered over and over and over is: “How do you know it is God – and not last nights (pizza, Thai food, garlic, smoothie)?” When I answer ‘I know his voice’, their faces get all wrinkly, they become severely confused, and I am dubbed ‘crazy-weird’.
Most of the people I know think it is abnormal to hear God directly – ‘Yeah, he talks through the Bible, through others, through circumstances…but to actually hear a discernable voice – right, it doesn’t happen.’ I disagree. I hear a whisper of a voice, like a thought passing through my mind. I used to think it was me…I was just extraordinarily perceptive and observant! Ha.
I had to really fight the “God doesn’t talk today” mindset. One verse that turned things around for me is in John where Jesus talks about how sheep hear his voice and respond to it. If God is the same yesterday, today and forever, doesn’t he still guide his ‘sheep’ in the same way?
Why don’t more of us hear God’s voice directly? I think the issue is several fold… we don’t take the time to learn what his voice sounds like, we are too distracted to hear a whisper, and we believe the lie that God doesn’t talk. I know…that was me.
So, to the people who murmur a response, feel uncomfortable, and don’t know what to say…I understand. I get the awkward feeling my situation causes, I empathize with the battle going on with what you know to be true and what you are witnessing. I identify with how it makes you feel. My encouragements to you are to keep watching, reading, and ask questions. Your search will be rewarded.
Moving – I have narrowed it down to about 5 companies and need to pick one in the next few days
Storage – My uncle and is providing me a list of the nearest places (thanks Tom).
Car – Roger from my church has lent me his truck until I move (thanks Roger!)
Samson – I am hoping to bring him with me…
Financing – Thank you for your generosity…donations are coming in. I have raised about 1/3 of my lowest monthly salary for the next 6 months!
Moving – that it will be smooth, nothing will break, they can get their truck into my complex, and that I will be able to bless them in some way
Storage – that I will find something near by, at a good price, and is easy to get into and out of for the movers
Car – due to insurance issues, the best case scenario would be to borrow a car until August 1st and then obtain one for myself…ok…how will this work????
Samson – that he will do well on the trip down – he is being trained to harness – he likes the going outside bit but not the leash – have you seen a cat slither? It is hysterical!
Trip Down – my current roommate is driving down with me and then she and a friend are driving back up a day or so later – pray that the trip is non-eventful, that we have good weather, we don’t get lost, and traffic is not too congested!
Financing - Eventually my position will be salaried but at first I need to raise $2,500 - $5,000 a month cover basic expenses. If you are interested in contributing, please see the bottom of the page for additional info.
Thank you for reading this and for your support!
Blessings to you!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Address Change

More to come later, but I wanted to update my contact information...it takes effect the end of the month...
Dena Andrews
171 Main Street #215
Los Altos, CA 94022
My comcast.net account will be dying soon due to my move, but yahoo and gmail (denaandrews@) will still reach me!
Thank for your support!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Update #36
“For we walk by faith not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7
The rollercoaster I call my life is on an uphill climb at the moment – I feel the tension mounting as the cars click their way to the top. What is the next pinnacle? What does the next downhill ride consist of? I know one thing; it will be exhilarating! Since I have placed my life fully into God’s hands I have been moved into places (presidential guest homes) and met people (Botswanan big-wig) I would have never before dreamt of.
And I know more is on its way - I have been asked to partner with rēp full time! My job will be to travel alongside the founder, as his administrative assistant, as well as work on numerous ‘special projects’. I am excited to use my administrative gifting to help reach, and repurpose, businesses locally and internationally.
To work with rēp I need to relocate….yep, I am packing up and moving to sunny San Francisco! My aunt and her husband have graciously opened up their spare room to me while I get settled and learn the area (thank you Julie and Tom)!
This is a God-sized, faith-building step for me. One, being the logical type, this goes smack in the face of what a girl my age should be doing; Two, being of the organized/administrative variety, moving without everything ‘known’ is VERY difficult; and Three, I am leaving my closest family and friends behind.
So why am I doing what I am doing? Because I believe God asked me to join rēp to serve Him on a broader horizon than I can now. I am excited about the track He is directing me down and for the next ‘phase of the coaster’.
And I know more is on its way - I have been asked to partner with rēp full time! My job will be to travel alongside the founder, as his administrative assistant, as well as work on numerous ‘special projects’. I am excited to use my administrative gifting to help reach, and repurpose, businesses locally and internationally.
To work with rēp I need to relocate….yep, I am packing up and moving to sunny San Francisco! My aunt and her husband have graciously opened up their spare room to me while I get settled and learn the area (thank you Julie and Tom)!
This is a God-sized, faith-building step for me. One, being the logical type, this goes smack in the face of what a girl my age should be doing; Two, being of the organized/administrative variety, moving without everything ‘known’ is VERY difficult; and Three, I am leaving my closest family and friends behind.
So why am I doing what I am doing? Because I believe God asked me to join rēp to serve Him on a broader horizon than I can now. I am excited about the track He is directing me down and for the next ‘phase of the coaster’.
During this transition I would like to ask for prayer in several areas:
1. What moving company do I use?
2. Where should I store my stuff in the Los Altos / Palo Alto area?
3. I am in need of a car
4. Samson
5. Financing: Eventually my position will be salaried but at first I need to raise $2,500 - $5,000 a month cover basic expenses. If you are interested in contributing, please see the bottom of the page for additional info.
2. Where should I store my stuff in the Los Altos / Palo Alto area?
3. I am in need of a car
4. Samson
5. Financing: Eventually my position will be salaried but at first I need to raise $2,500 - $5,000 a month cover basic expenses. If you are interested in contributing, please see the bottom of the page for additional info.
...A cool thing happened...I took my camera to the 'camera doctor' because it wasn't working properly (6th appointment in 9 months) - they called me today and let me know that the cameras designer is sending me a brand new top of the line model! Whoopee! I just have to buy a new battery!...
Thank you for praying with and for me! Blessings to you!
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