Sunset in Morrow Bay, CA
I’m in the transformation industry – Repurposing Business, Transforming Society - is rēp’s tag line. “Transformation” is a buzz word…it gets a lot of use and the marketers love to attach it to their products (“This ‘insert item’ will transform you, your life, your world”).
The American Heritage Dictionary defines transformation as “a marked change…usually for the better.” Nice. We all want that - but how do we make it happen? What needs to be present for transformation to occur?
I think transformation happens on the inside, but requires an outside force to manifest. Transformation isn’t a “self” thing – it can’t be done alone – to change into something better, into something greater; into something “un” of ourselves, necessitates a power greater than us driving the change.
In the God-fearing population, there are two big steps toward transformation. The first, accept Jesus as Savior; the second, accept him as Lord.
Savior and Lord are often viewed as a single unit - as if when you get one, the other is a natural add on. Not so. In the Greek, “Savior” means to save, deliver or protect (literally or figuratively), where as “Lord” denotes supremacy; a supreme authority; the owner; one who has control of the person, the master.
Most people I talk to don’t have a problem with the Savior piece – they want to be redeemed from sins consequences, rescued from an eternal hell, revived and given a new life – they want to be saved once they understand and own the liberating truth for themselves.
Not to downplay the saving piece, it is a tough decision, but, I think making Jesus Lord of our lives is even harder. Putting his wants, his needs, his desires, his agenda above our own and following his directives on a minute by minute, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year basis is challenging.
Yet, this is where transformation occurs.
God can only do so much in your life as Savior. When he becomes Lord, he can transform your life even further - he can instill, infuse, inspire, implant, construct, craft, create and produce the you that you were meant to be when he originally formed you.
So often transformation starts, but gets stuck or detoured due to a “Lord issue.” With honest introspection, does this describe you? What is holding you back; what are you holding back - what are you keeping to yourself and from God? What do you have to surrender control of so you can experience more of his transforming power?
The real question is, who is Lord of you life…you or Jesus?
Living – at my relative’s house until God puts me in different accommodation.
Work – I am easing my way back in after a week off visiting family and friends.
Relationships – I was able to see several of my close friends while I was home – thanks to Kelley (and the kids) for driving all the way out from Enumclaw and to all of you that came to Jill’s last Friday!
Holiday Travel – besides a few delays and a bit bumpy ride home it was uneventful - the screaming baby stopped once we were airborne!
Family – my mom is the queen of weight loss – she dropped over 30 pounds since I moved (go mom!), my dad’s toe/bunion surgery is healing great, and my sisters last ear surgery was a complete success; her right ear’s hearing is near perfect now!
Computer – I think she may have to retire soon. She sounds like a coffee grinder when she gets going in the morning, is slowing way down, and is topped out on memory. I have an external hard drive and that has helped a little bit.
Housing – I am with my relatives for the time being but will move when the time is right into my own little space
Work – Our next round of training starts in January, The Big Weekend retreat (March 28-30), pre-The Big Weekend conference (March 24-28), recruiting, our host country resident teams, odd and ends administratively…please pray for consistency in excellence…
Relationships - deepening of present ones, start of new ones and that God will be present.
Computer – what does God want me to do with what I have, and for how long?
Husband – I don’t know who he is /where he is, but I am sure he would appreciate prayer!
Financing - If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Contribute’ at on the left of the page, or visit and read the footer for additional info.
PS. Happy Birthday to Ryan Webster and Ryan Weeks.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines transformation as “a marked change…usually for the better.” Nice. We all want that - but how do we make it happen? What needs to be present for transformation to occur?
I think transformation happens on the inside, but requires an outside force to manifest. Transformation isn’t a “self” thing – it can’t be done alone – to change into something better, into something greater; into something “un” of ourselves, necessitates a power greater than us driving the change.
In the God-fearing population, there are two big steps toward transformation. The first, accept Jesus as Savior; the second, accept him as Lord.
Savior and Lord are often viewed as a single unit - as if when you get one, the other is a natural add on. Not so. In the Greek, “Savior” means to save, deliver or protect (literally or figuratively), where as “Lord” denotes supremacy; a supreme authority; the owner; one who has control of the person, the master.
Most people I talk to don’t have a problem with the Savior piece – they want to be redeemed from sins consequences, rescued from an eternal hell, revived and given a new life – they want to be saved once they understand and own the liberating truth for themselves.
Not to downplay the saving piece, it is a tough decision, but, I think making Jesus Lord of our lives is even harder. Putting his wants, his needs, his desires, his agenda above our own and following his directives on a minute by minute, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year basis is challenging.
Yet, this is where transformation occurs.
God can only do so much in your life as Savior. When he becomes Lord, he can transform your life even further - he can instill, infuse, inspire, implant, construct, craft, create and produce the you that you were meant to be when he originally formed you.
So often transformation starts, but gets stuck or detoured due to a “Lord issue.” With honest introspection, does this describe you? What is holding you back; what are you holding back - what are you keeping to yourself and from God? What do you have to surrender control of so you can experience more of his transforming power?
The real question is, who is Lord of you life…you or Jesus?
Living – at my relative’s house until God puts me in different accommodation.
Work – I am easing my way back in after a week off visiting family and friends.
Relationships – I was able to see several of my close friends while I was home – thanks to Kelley (and the kids) for driving all the way out from Enumclaw and to all of you that came to Jill’s last Friday!
Holiday Travel – besides a few delays and a bit bumpy ride home it was uneventful - the screaming baby stopped once we were airborne!
Family – my mom is the queen of weight loss – she dropped over 30 pounds since I moved (go mom!), my dad’s toe/bunion surgery is healing great, and my sisters last ear surgery was a complete success; her right ear’s hearing is near perfect now!
Computer – I think she may have to retire soon. She sounds like a coffee grinder when she gets going in the morning, is slowing way down, and is topped out on memory. I have an external hard drive and that has helped a little bit.
Housing – I am with my relatives for the time being but will move when the time is right into my own little space
Work – Our next round of training starts in January, The Big Weekend retreat (March 28-30), pre-The Big Weekend conference (March 24-28), recruiting, our host country resident teams, odd and ends administratively…please pray for consistency in excellence…
Relationships - deepening of present ones, start of new ones and that God will be present.
Computer – what does God want me to do with what I have, and for how long?
Husband – I don’t know who he is /where he is, but I am sure he would appreciate prayer!
Financing - If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Contribute’ at on the left of the page, or visit and read the footer for additional info.
PS. Happy Birthday to Ryan Webster and Ryan Weeks.