Thursday, January 24, 2008

Update #63

"He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night..." Exodus 13:22

Last July when Jamie and I drove down to California we listened to several sermon series. The one that really stuck with me was by Graham Cooke. He has a great accent and an incredible sense of humor (check him out on YouTube

In one of the messages he said how much he LOVES desert experiences. In fact, God frequently tells him months in advance that one is coming, and to prepare – Graham often bemoans that he has to wait its arrival.

This shocked me. In the Christian community “desert experiences” are often looked at as “bad,” a time of hardship and pain. None I know like the desert, let alone love it!

As I listened to him speak, I caught the vision. I understood his meaning; and now I long for, relish in, and await desert experiences as well.

Graham pointed out the signs of desert dwelling – things I never noticed before. Consider the Israelites wandering for 40 years, study Paul’s early life – they found God in the desert - learned from him; grew intimate with him; built character and stretched faith through him. AND, God provided for all their needs.

Intimacy and provision happen in the desert. Whoo Hoo…where can I sign up!

Honestly, I think the desert is often mistaken for what I term “the back 40.” Moses went there after he killed the Egyptian – to cool off, learn a bit of humbleness, to live life and see things God’s way vs. his own. He tended his father-in-laws sheep day after day, year after year, decade after decade until poof! a bush lights on fire in front of him. Other than that, it looks like God was silent for the remainder of Moses’ time in Midian. No intimacy, no provision, but plenty of character building and stretching experiences.

The biggest difference between the two “locales” is one God puts us in, whereas the other we put ourselves into.


Yep, you can put yourself into the desert, into the back 40, into exile. If you are experiencing a “dry spot,” repetitive sameness, unrelenting character building and provision is a problem; ask where God is. Have you heard from him lately? Did you flee his presence because of something you did? Do you need to repent and return?

God is just, he is fair, but unfortunately, he doesn’t pay much attention to pleas if sin is in the way…(Isa 1:15-17, 59:2, John 9:31).

The Israelites, Paul, Joseph, and countless others were put into the desert and their faith was emboldened, their characters were shaped, and they have an incredible story of God’s provision. How about you? Where are you living? What is your story?

– at my relative’s house until God puts me in my own cute little place.
Work – Busy! Recruiting is in full swing, training Kick Off is this Saturday, it is less than two months to our HUGE retreat, we are pursuing income generating leads and…
Relationships – making new ones, deepening old ones
Family – my sister’s last ear surgery was a great success; she has close to 100% hearing now in her right ear now.
Computer – I have discovered that computers have personalities. This one is zippy, but don’t ask her to have too many things open and then unplug and plug back into the network – this causes extreme crankiness and she “stalls” – George (the IT wonder-guy) has helped me learn how to “recoax” her into action.


Housing – I am with my relatives for the time being but will move when the time is right into my own little space.
Work – Training Kick Off is all day Saturday, The Big Weekend retreat (March 28-30) and international leader’s conference (March 24-28) are fast approaching, and administratively I am learning new things and being stretched constantly…please pray for consistency in excellence and that I can build teams to make the conferences more enjoyable both for myself and the attendees.
Relationships - deepening of present ones, start of new ones and that God will be present.
Husband – I don’t know who he is /where he is, but I am sure he would appreciate prayer!
Financing - If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Contribute’ at on the left of the page, or visit and read the footer for additional info.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Update #62

"I am the light of the world," he said. "Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness." John 8:12

View of Seattle from across Lake Washington…picture courtesy of

I was born and raised in Seattle. I haven’t spent all my time there – seven or so years in Spokane and now I reside just south of San Francisco. Each city has its own distinct characteristics, weather patterns, and expectations (you should KNOW how to drive in the rain if you live in Seattle, and if you can’t handle snow, why are you living in Spokane?).

The biggest change I have noticed is the amount of light. In California, it isn’t light as late in June/July as up North (Seattle it can be 10pm before dusk finishes), but in December/January, California stays lighter later (Seattle hits twilight around 3pm and is DARK by 4pm).

I didn’t realize how much I craved light until I went home for Christmas and I was loosing almost two hours of it each day. I felt as if my day had been cut off and I had been “shortchanged.” Honestly, in July, when I moved to California I felt the same way – the sun was setting a lot earlier than it had been in Seattle and I didn’t like it!

The light deprivation got me to ruminating (surprise, surprise). How much light do I show in my life at any given time? What do my attitude, my actions, my articulations reveal about me? Am I more like the longer light filled sunny winter day in California, or short cloudy day in Seattle?

With me, it is a choice. I have to choose how to view the world around me. Yes, crap happens. Yes, bad things occur. Yes, our world is overrun with violence, death, destruction, corruption, abuse, manipulation and control – but it is a choice how I choose to view it.

Jesus is known as “the light of the world” and when he is accepted into your life as Savior and Lord (see letter #61) he brings the light with him. Darkness is dispelled, dismissed, and driven away. 2Corinthians says we become new – we get a new lens in which to view things.

What lens are you looking through? Are you viewing the world through the lens of light that sees the possible hope, comfort, optimism, and joyfulness? Or are you seeing the world through your own short-sighted, un-transformed view?

Further, what do your attitude, actions, and articulations say about your perspective? Are you living in the light? Is the light shining out of you? Is your light affecting others?

Where do you live? And how many hours of light take place there?

Thanks for praying – it has been a PHEOMINAL couple of weeks!
– at my relative’s house until God puts me in different accommodation.
Work –After our staff retreat Brett re-assigned our responsibilities…I am very excited to be in charge of intercession! Otherwise, tons of events are happening, training starts this week, and the hum is back to “normal”!
Relationships – Jodie Cottrill and Jamie Sanders came down for the weekend from Seattle and experienced an early spring (the weather was FABULOUS) – we had so much fun! Now I miss them even MORE…wonder triplets unite…
Family – my Aunt is cancer free! She has been having throat issues for months and with a past history of cancer we were really concerned but whoo hoo! It isn’t cancer! My Dad’s foot surgery is healing nicely and he should be able to get his other one done on schedule! My mom is becoming the incredible shrinking woman…another couple pounds lost this week! Go Mom!
Computer – My boss bought me a new machine! It arrived last Thursday and by Friday afternoon it was ready for use! I can’t believe how fast she is! Yipee!

Housing – I am with my relatives for the time being but will move when the time is right into my own little space.
Work – Our next round of training starts this Wednesday, The Big Weekend retreat (March 28-30) and pre-The Big Weekend conference (March 24-28) are fast approaching, we need to finalize recruiting, for our host country resident teams, and for odd and ends administratively…please pray for consistency in excellence…
Relationships - deepening of present ones, start of new ones and that God will be present.
Computer – what does God want me to do with my old machine? It is currently being used as my QuickBooks computer (Vista, on my new machine, doesn’t support the QB version we use)
Husband – I don’t know who he is /where he is, but I am sure he would appreciate prayer!
Financing - If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Contribute’ at on the left of the page, or visit and read the footer for additional info.
