"…everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened.” Luke 11:10
Northern California Coastline
I am not a big drinker – in fact my grandfather once said I was a “cheap date” because it takes little to no alcohol for me to experience effects. I am also sensitive to caffeine – any after four pm and I am up until two am and then toss and turn all night! Want to be entertained? Give me “fully leaded” coffee, or copious amounts of dark chocolate in the morning and I buzz around the office in hypermode!
What are you sensitive to? Do you have allergies? Are there certain sounds or smells you react to?
Taking this to a spiritual level, how sensitive are you to the nearness of Christ? Can you tell when you pull away from his intimate friendship? Can you discern when you are acting on your own strength vs. his? Can you tell when your decisions are guided by worldly inspired wisdom vs. Holy Spirit conviction?
I thought I was pretty sensitive in this area - until last weekend. I went to a conference and was immersed in worship and teaching for two and a half days – my “still time” revealed I had moved away from Christ. I had put work, home activities, relationships in front / first. Intimacy with Christ took a huge hit.
That was sobering. The small glimpse of my altered position startled me and I sprinted back - back to the heart of Christ to bask, to ask, to receive, and seek him. The sad thing was I didn’t realize I was wandering farther and farther away via baby steps and small compromises. I was camping near to where I should have been but chose to settle rather than make the effort to move.
What are you putting in front of your 1:1 time with God? Laundry? TV? E-mail? American Idol? Internet? Dinner prep? A trip to the gym? Work activities? Ministry? Where does God rank in your world?
I think this is a pivotal question. Who is first in your world…you or God? So many call themselves Christians but when they really look at their lives they are Selfians. They serve themselves and spend 1:1 time with God if it is convenient or opportune. This is what I came face to face with last weekend. I realized I have a heart for God but live life pretty much for myself. OUCH.
How about you?
Living – The Johnson House SOLD and the hunt for a new residence continues. We are moving in to a temporary housing/office situation until the permanent place is revealed. To keep up on all the happenings check out our blog http://campus.inst.net/.
Work – Donations are rolling in for all the consultants – I love all the generosity I am witness to! We will be working “virtually” for the month of May (while the teams are out) and reconvene as a staff in June.
Family – My uncle is slowly recovering from his stroke – the greatest trial for him is not being able to drive…he adores cars – old, new, restored, and those with – ahem - “possibility”!
Housing – I am house/Rupert (dog) sitting while a friend is India the first part of May, in Seattle through the end of May, then back with my relatives until the Johnsons find their new abode - then I will be moving close to the new office location.
Work – Forging forward with donations & receipting, packing my desk / related items, and prepping for the final move next week. Please pray that I will have a constant attitude of praise and worship amidst the challenges, office chaos, and the office / household move.
Relationships - deepening of present ones, start of new ones and that God will be present. I am having an open house at my parents May 25… http://www.evite.com/app/publicUrl/BWMVTXMQEOSBSUUHAHWR/Dena
Family – I am visiting my parents and Seattle friends next month! I land on the 18th!
Financing - If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Contribute’ at http://www.repurposing.biz/ on the left of the page, or visit http://www.denaandrews.blogspot.com/ and read the footer for additional info.
PS One final question…if your existence is depicted as a target with God at the middle how much time do you spend dead center?