San Jose Rose Garden
I went for a walk recently and saw a sign out side a church: “You are self-confident and self-reliant but it doesn’t hurt to have a backup.”
Wow. What this sign said to me was “You go in your own confidence, your own strength and rely on God to back you up if you need Him.”
How arrogant! God, the maker of the universe; God, the creator of mankind; God, the orchestrator of time is our back up? Ha! Let’s put things into perspective here! Very often we tell God what we want and ask him to bless our brilliantly made plans; instead of finding out what he is up to and joining his initiative.
· “God, I want this job, bless me.” vs. “God, what job would you like me to have? What is best for your kingdom?”
· “God, I am buying this car, give me strength in the negotiations.” vs. “God, I need a car – can you help me find one? By the way, I really like sports cars!”
· “God, I am pursuing this woman for my wife, give me the words to say so I don’t sound stupid.” vs. “God, which woman is the best for me? Who do you want me to pursue for my wife?”
The former is in our strength, our time, our plans – the latter, Gods. The former is in the position of authority and control, the latter humbleness. The former tells, the latter asks.
As a parent, or person in authority, which way would you rather have your children/subordinates address you…in a telling, or asking manner?
I think it ultimately boils down to control. Who is really in charge? If it is anything but God, why? What fear, untruth, preconceived notion keeps the sovereign, all knowing, all good God from guiding your life? What would it take to have God in complete control?
Is God “driving” the car of your life or is he in the backseat occasionally giving directions? Is God your primary or your backup?
Honestly, I make too many mistakes, unintentionally hurt too many people, and make a huge mess when I take control. It is like driving a car with the windows all mucky from bug-guts, dust, dirt and tree-pitch – you can get a general outline of what is around you but you have no detail. Thus is driving your life – you don’t have the big picture (even though you think you do), you don’t know all the pieces of the puzzle intimately (even though you have a good grasp of your situation), and you don’t know what is going to happen next week let alone next year or an hour from now. Let’s get real. You can try to run your life. You can try to be in control but you are doing yourself a severe disservice in denying the God who loves you, the God who knows all, sees all, is in CONTROL of all to guide your life.
Let him clean the windows and drive. It is a lot more fun to sit back and enjoy the scenery – and he lets you choose the music!
Living – My condo in Redmond, WA is still for sale. I unexpectedly switched realtors last week. Thank God for the quick provision of someone in the same brokerage firm, who knows the area, and has 20+ years experience.
Work – We found a bookkeeper! I spent part of last week training Annie on donations and receipting – it was fun to see God doing all sorts of stuff in the financial realm but it wasn’t my forte!
Travel – I found a great deal on a ticket! I leave June 4th for Jakarta and will spend a month there – one week with our team and the other three doing client facing work with my boss Brett and some colleagues from our Indonesian office.
Travel – I have pretty much a straight flight to Jakarta but need to spend the night in Hong Kong. Please pray 1. My luggage makes it to Jakarta WITH ME 2. That I find a sleeping lounge in the HK airport 3. That the flight is smooth and uneventful (not like last time!) and 4. That I stay healthy – no tummy trouble, no bronchitis, no flu, no illness what so ever!
Work – Please pray with us as we seek a training lead to manage the upcoming training cycle beginning July 22nd
Finances - If you would like to sow into what I am doing see the footer info at or contribute at for more information.