“The one who does not love has not known God. For God is love.” 1 John 4:8
For a little over three years I experienced unconditional love. It came in the form of a soft fur ball named Samson. He was my cat.
When I lived in my condo he greeted anyone that came in the door with the attitude of “you love me you just don’t know it yet.” And he would proceed to charm them by bushing up against their legs, purring up a storm, tossing his toys, doing the Kitty 5000 race track around the room and eventually finding a place in their lap or right next to them. Even my friends who HATED cats loved Sammy.
One woman, who was absolutely petrified of cats actually offered to house / cat sit for me. Sam won her over the night her boyfriend broke up with her and she was sitting in my wooden rocking chair weeping. Sam placed his front paws on her knees, tilted his head to the side and meowed. She sat up; eyes wide with terror, looked at me and asked what he wanted. I smiled and pointed to my cat, who was in the process of jumping up into her lap making himself comfortable, and turning on his motor. She hesitantly started petting him and wept even harder. He staid in place for hours even though he was soaking wet. She later commented that Samson was one of the most therapeutic things she experienced during that time. She came over for regular doses after that (under the guise of having dinner with me…HA! I knew the truth – they would end up in the rocker together and she would talk to him).
Sam loved everyone. He thought the best of everybody and treated everyone the same (sorry to my friends who are allergic to cats…especially Mark, Naug and Suz). He was a very sociable, happy cat and I only saw him act differently toward a few people…and they usually were making scary noises (hot water heater repair man, electrician installing a new appliance, the guys repaving the lanai) he was all friendly until they got loud and then they were forever taboo…he ran and hid until they were gone!
I wish I was more like Samson. I wish I accepted people for who they were no matter how they initially appear to me. Sammer had a way of winning everyone over with his love. He didn’t wait for the other person to make the first move, he didn’t judge on appearance or circumstance or wealth. If you came through the door then you must be ok… “Mom” wouldn’t let in anyone else!
God brings people into our lives all the time. How do we treat them? What is our initial reaction? Is it one of suspect and judgment or one of hospitality and love? Samson’s default was the latter.
I miss Sam. He has been gone almost 18 months but tales of his mischievousness, vocality (my aunt nicknamed him the “loudest cat in Los Altos”…for good reason, he LOVED to talk), and caring nature lives on.
Will you leave the same legacy? What will you be remembered for when you die? Will it be for your acts of kindness and gentleness? Will it be for your love of others; loving them through their faults, their mess, and their “ick”? Or will it be for your success and worldly achievements? A good question to ask is what is bigger; your storehouse here, or the one in heaven?
Sammy, I know you are in heaven. Have a great time chasing butterflies and stalking through tall grass. Know you are loved immensely and missed intensely. -Mom
Living – My condo in Redmond, WA is still for sale and my renter has decided to move out. So, stand by for stories on how God pays the mortgage and assessment fees! This is going to get exciting!
Work – I am still in Jakarta, Indonesia working with businesses here. The team has left and are on their way home or are in Bali for a little vacation – if you want to see some pictures go to http://repurposing.biz/indonesia-june-2009-blitz/.
Travel – Went up to Bandung over the weekend for a forum and I didn’t get car sick! Thank God!
Travel – That my stomach will stay solid and that the nausea at bay.
Client Work – that I will hear what God has to say and be obedient to implement it.
Work – Please pray with us as we seek an alumni training lead to manage the upcoming training cycle beginning July 22nd
Finances - If you would like to sow into what I am doing see the footer info at http://www.denaandrews.blogstpot.com/ or contribute at http://www.repurposing.biz/ for more information.
PS - Happy Fathers Day Dad...and Happy Anniversary! I love you! D.