Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Update #109

“The Lord is not slow to do what he has promised, as some think. Instead, he is patient with you, because he does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants all to turn away from their sins.” 2 Peter 3:9

The Fall 2009 India Blitz team (Kim, Margie, Don, Dena, Carla, Sean, Janet, Phil) at the Alumni Dinner - Chennai

In the 1960’s Dr. Walter Mischel designed a doozy of an experiment; for four year olds. In the psychology realm it is known as the “Marshmallow Test.” The design was simple; place a marshmallow in front of a four year old child and tell them “leave it alone for 15 minutes and get another.” If the child chose to eat the first treat, there wouldn’t be a second when Mischel returned.

Two thirds of the more than 400 tempted preschoolers were unable to wait. Oh, some waited several minutes – but ended up eating the marshmallow; some one agonizing nibble at a time. Only one third of the group had the ability to delay gratification.

Dr. Mischel followed these children into adulthood. What he observed was those who had learned delay gratification tactics/skills were more popular, adventurous, confident and dependable. AND, when comparing SAT scores, the group who received two marshmallows when they were four, scored an average of 206 points higher fourteen years later. http://www.smartparentshealthykids.com/blog/?p=412

American society is not geared toward delayed gratification. If it isn’t easy, quick, simple and microwavable most aren’t interested. If it isn’t supplied fully assembled and ready to go - it isn’t purchased. If sweat-equity, long term investment, and little to no short-term benefits describe the pre-payoff status – over 70% of the crowed would seriously reconsider involving themselves.

If you were born in the US after 1965 you were raised in the “McDonalds Culture”; quick, easy, little-investment lifestyle. Go to the counter, pay your money, get your food; go in, order, and get out in less than three minutes.

I have also observed that this “quick and easy” mentality has spawned an attitude of entitlement. We want what we want and when it isn’t presented immediately, or the person who has it doesn’t bestow it in a timely manner, we feel cheated. We feel denied. We feel robbed of what was rightfully ours.

I think this culture of easy, quick and simple paired with entitlement has really skewed our view of God and how he works. I have heard complaints of how God “doesn’t answer,” how God has “checked out,” doesn’t care, and “isn’t listening anyway.” When I probe a bit deeper as to why they have this opinion I find that God didn’t work within their timeframe, their parameters; he didn’t hop into the neat box they had created for him.

What have you asked God for recently? Are you looking for it to appear in your timing, your pre-set boundaries? Do you have an idea how you want the answer to appear, to look, to work, to function?

God isn’t a puppet we control. God isn’t a dog we command, regulate to a kennel and pay attention to when it suits us. God is God. He is big, universally present, all-knowing, massive and in-control. I think we forget this when we start operating on our timeframe and policies instead of his.

God is good (Nahum 1:7) – all the time - and he isn’t slow in keeping his promises. What has he promised you? What are you waiting for? What does your timeframe/ parameters /expectations look like in comparison to his?

– Still for sale.
Work – Recruiting! Events, applications, documents – yep it is that time of year! Learn to be a minister/pastor in your workplace…http://repurposing.biz/how-to-enroll/
Visitors – My parents had a short visit on the 21st and I was able to show them my new little cottage, have lunch with them and my aunt and uncle, and enjoy a leisurely dinner at the Mint Leaf in Saratoga (highly recommend the place). Jamie is coming on the 8th – yippee!

– It needs to sell and I need the monthly mortgage payment to come in. I have been trusting God since July and he has paid it every single time…I wish the condo would just be snatched up by some lovely buyer and I wouldn’t have to think about it anymore.
Work – we are in need of training recruits for the next cycle and for a training lead to coordinate the local and international training (alumni needed).
Websites - If you would like to RSS my update vs. getting them by email visit my blog site http://www.denaandrews.blogspot.com/. To find out more about rēp visit http://www.repurposing.biz/ for information.

PS – Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Update #108

"The Spirit's presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all.” I Corinthians 12:7

me, Sean and Carla our last day in Chennai

Rental car – check. Driver – check. Four team members – check. Suma as navigator - check. Umbrella ratio – 1:6 – oops!

One morning while I was in India we headed off early. We hit a client site then completed a sundry of errands in the Anna Nagar neighborhood of Chennai. Traffic is usually congested anytime of the day or night in India but the overcrowded streets were further clogged by the biggest rainstorm I have ever experienced. And I am a native Seattleite!

The streets were flooded above tire level, cars were stalled in the middle of the thoroughfare, pedestrians waded knee high across roads, little autos created wakes worthy of wakeboarding, motorcycles left whirlpool eddies behind them and doormen built “bridges” from arriving cars to entry ways with stacked bricks and boards…it was organized chaos. Everything went forward – just at a slower pace – and, surprisingly, there was no yelling or accusatory tones when a car drenched a pedestrian or motorcyclist.

I watched all of this from the foyer of Spencer Plaza; a huge mall with multiple floors, multiple buildings, and a glass atrium roof. Which it turned out is a great piece of architecture in the dry months…but during the “winter” it is NOT a good thing! The ceiling leaked. And not just a drizzle of a leak either – it was like the storm moved inside the building! The downpour was waterfall worthy in places!

We were done with shopping, lunch, and ready to leave – but were waiting for the rain to let up a bit (from massive to moderate downpour). Unfortunately, our driver was taking a nap, not answering his cell phone and didn’t notice our dancing, waving antics from the safety of the Plaza’s overhang.

Sean anteed up to the task of awaking the driver and getting the car. The six foot five inch, 250 pound man smiled at us, nodded, and said “back in a sec ladies” and jogged out into the massive, massive downpour.

He crossed the parking lot, awakened the driver (took a bit of time) and then followed the car back across (who knows why the driver didn’t open the door for him) to the covered foyer. Instead of getting into the van immediately, he opened and held it for us…while the driver remained dryly ensconced in the mini-van! Soaked to the skin Sean entered the vehicle and promptly caused every window to fog.

We were so grateful for Sean!

I was thinking about this adventure this morning, and giggling. Not only was Sean chivalrous and gallant; he changed the environment around him.

As Christians we are to be “soaked” with God, drenched in his presence. We are to be carriers of his identity and purpose. We are supposed to change the society, the environment around us.

This made me think of a bunch of questions…What am I soaked with? What has “drenched” me? Where do I spend the majority my time and resources – i.e. where do I marinate? Am I affecting the society / environment / people around me - for the best, or just better, or at all?

I honestly feel that my level of “drenched-ness” wouldn’t cause a mini-van to fog – but maybe a Mini-Cooper!

Condo – Still for sale.
Travel – I am home in California safe and sound! My luggage arrived with me – although a bit of a scare at SFO…my bag was the LAST one to come out on the carousel! The flights were uneventful except for the screaming infant and wiggly 4 year-old…I really felt for those parents. Errol’s naval-anti-motion-sickness-bracelets really work! NO NAUSEA! Headache, yes, burbly tummy, no; Praise God.
Visitors – my parents are coming to California! They haven’t been able to make it down since I moved and I am so excited to show them all that God is doing. They are here on November 21st! Also, my bestest bestest friend is coming down the 8th of December from Seattle – whoo hoo!

– It needs to sell and I need the monthly mortgage payment to come in. I have been trusting God since July and he has paid it every single time…I wish the condo would just be snatched up by some lovely buyer and I wouldn’t have to think about it anymore!
Finances – I am raising funds for my trip to India. If you would like to donate, please send a check to Annie Gaudette, 3777 Fujiyama Way, Redding, CA 96001 – include a note in the envelope stating the funds are for me. Thanks in advance for your generosity!
Websites - If you would like to RSS my update vs. getting them by email visit my blog site http://www.denaandrews.blogstpot.com/. To find out more about rēp visit http://www.repurposing.biz/ for information.