"Yet the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. Indeed, the Father is looking for people like that to worship him." John 4:23
Near Sutter's Mill, California
The morning of March 23rd I had a dream right before I awoke. I was in the audience at a television reality show. There was a wide semi-circular stage with a modern backdrop and lighting – everything was first class and professional in grade. The master of ceremonies (MC) was off to the left behind a clear crystal podium, framed by a red velvet curtain.
On the stage was a slick, well-practiced band playing a well-known worship song. The orchestration was amazing, the harmonies original and catchy and the lead singer commanded rapt attention – his presence emanated from the platform and made you want to follow his every move. His guitar was acoustic in style and hung with practiced ease from his left shoulder. His clothing and hair were trendy in style and even the cowboy boots he wore were scuffed in all the right places.
Screens on either side of the auditorium relayed the audience’s reaction. Joy, pleasure, and contentment reflected from every face. The performance they were witnessing was a worship concert and it was a phenomenal.
Thunderous applause closed the set. The lead singer raised is right arm in thanks, pick still grasped in his palm. The stage went black, the audience quieted down, and the spotlight swept to the MC. He consulted a list and called out three audience member names.
Two women and a tall, slender man approached the stage. They appeared to be friends and were very excited about being chosen. The two women, one tall, blonde, in jeans and a down vest the other brunette in black slacks and a turquoise jacket, excitedly hugged each other. All three had a hard time reigning their enthusiasm for what was about to take place.
The MC moved away from the podium and microphone. They took his place - and began to sing.
There was no accompaniment, no practiced dance moves, no harmony (well, there was if you call off-key, pitch differential, and dissonance “harmony”); but they sang – sang their hearts out at top volume with eyes closed, arms outstretched and hands raised. They reiterated the closing song the last band performed - without the polish, the professionalism, or the proficiency of the last portrayal.
As you do in dreams, I was suddenly in a different place - I was standing just to the side of the trio. I saw their faces up close; tears streaming as the words they sang came straight from their hearts. They meant, really, really, really meant what they were singing – and it was like they couldn’t give enough of themselves.
Again, the auditorium screens showed the audience’s response…this time tears, conviction, and reflection painted their faces.
I woke up. The dream was so vivid, so real. I still felt chocked-up from watching the trio belt out their ardor…God, what was that about?
In my head a side by side comparison began: polished – raw, sophisticated – naïve, performance – unrehearsed, structured – unhindered, cold – heartfelt, dead – alive, for man’s pleasure – for God’s enjoyment.
We so want to be the former performance…polished, sophisticated, unified, “grooving” to the music but God prefers the latter – the raw, naïve, unrehearsed, unhindered, heartfelt, alive, worship of him. God doesn’t want us to become too practiced, too polished – it takes the life out of worship.
Where has “life” left you? Where are you feeling dead and cold? What is keeping you there? Fear? Fear of failure? Fear of making mistakes? Fear of not measuring up? What would it take to become raw, unhindered and open before God?
Living – signed papers (again), awaiting the painting to be completed, railings to be installed and the buyers lender to complete the loan process…hopefully before the 28th of July.
Travel – I am currently in
Work – Our upcoming training cycle starts July 31st. We are actively recruiting, calling and holding numerous events in the coming weeks. Know anyone who wants to transform society through business? www.repurposing.biz
Cool Stuff – I have a website! Check it out: www.denagrace.com
Living – Keep praying for fair weather in
Work – For all the pre-training stuff to be completed, all the volunteers to be placed and for the recruits to come in!
Travel – Safe flights to
PS - Happy Birthday to Julie, Greg, Jeff, Loretta, Erica, Evert, Joy, Kim, and whomever else I may have forgotten!