Thursday, September 16, 2010

Update #135 Radio Static

"If, then, we say that we have fellowship with him, yet at the same time live in the darkness, we are lying both in our words and in our actions." I John 1:6

Hanggi Backgarden, Sun Valley, ID

The car I drive is lovingly nicknamed Blanche. She is big, she is broad, she is white…and she is old. One of her past passengers commented that riding in Blanche is like sitting on a comfy couch with surround sound and a 3D-180 degree Technicolor screen – basically a living room on wheels.

Blanche was donated to the place I work several years ago by one of our alumni. Before she came to us she had lived in the Midwest and south Silicon Valley. She was well taken care of and loved. That said, Blanche can be temperamental – her radio dial light only comes on once a year (if that), the volume knob is semi-responsive, her floor leaks when it rains really hard, and the gas gage always reads full. She is like an old lady…full of idiosyncrasies that you just tolerate and get used to.

The latest quirk to manifest is intermittent radio reception. The station is clear as a bell then static, then two stations at once, then nothing, then clear again. Certain stations are clearer in specific areas – I have a radio reception map in my head marking where I can and can not tune into particular stations.

I try not to get frustrated when a song I really like suddenly morphs into a Latin ballad, a Spanish talk show, or a Mariah Carey tribute. I endeavor to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

I was listening to the local Christian station today as I drove home and the static started. I knew the song well so I was able to mentally sing along even though the words and melody weren’t clear.

“God, this is frustrating.”

“Yeah, tell me about it…I know.”

“What do you know?”

It was like a reality became clear in my head. We, as Christians, have heard that earth isn’t our real home – our real domicile is heaven. In the Bible we are likened to “aliens” in residence. When we are “in tune” with God there is no static, the channel is clear and “receiving” from God is a piece of cake. But, if something gets in the way to muck up our reception (sin, anger, bad attitude, disobedience, rebellion) the quality of the signal goes down. If we get far enough away from God the signal dissipates all together and we start “hearing” other airwaves.
Where do you hear God the clearest? When do his channel and your receiver have the least static? Are you even tuned into what he is saying? Do you want to be? Where are places that disrupt reception? What will you do to increase reception capability?

Living – Condo is closed, under new ownership and my profit check is deposited in the bank to eventually be used toward another capital investment.
Work – Book editing and revisions are in full force, as is training. I was able to find some key players to help me with the upcoming October retreat – thank GOD – it is a huge help having them in place! We have a bunch of upcoming events too:

Work – Books re-published, up to Kindle and for training to progress smoothly. And for the upcoming trainee / alumni ‘weekend away,’ as well as our travel to points beyond.
Travel – for safe travel of my boss and his wife to / from Nigeria and our team’s upcoming trips to Indonesia and India.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Update #134 - Shovel or Scalpel

Winnow: To examine closely in order to separate the good from the bad; sift.

Loretta and me on top of Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa

I am fascinated by medicine and the medical profession. I am in awe over and over again how frail and complex our bodies are. I spent about 15 years of my life working with those in pain or having some sort of disability. I loved seeing someone stand and take a step after a stroke, a golfer sink a put with one arm after a brain injury, a spinal cord patient transfer themselves in and out of their new van for the first time, an amputee waterskiing again, and witnessing a grandma dance with her grandson at his wedding after months and months and months of therapy following a horrific car accident.

Working in the medical profession taught me many things – some now not so useful (most men ages 16-35 barf the first time out of bed after anesthesia) and some very useful. One of the truisms I’ll always remember is “small goals help reach the big ones.”

I worked with a lot of stroke victims. If their leg or legs were affected their goal was plain “I want to walk.” This coming from the guy who can’t sit on his own because his brain hasn’t recalibrated to where “middle” is and keeps falling to the left, and is completely unaware he has a problem. “Yeah, ok, you want to walk – can we start with static sitting first, then dynamic sitting, then move to getting in and out of a chair, then standing, then moving one leg forward and backward all while in an extremely protective environment where neither of us gets hurt?” They would usually smile at me, fall to one side or another and reiterate “I want to walk.” Ok, got it.

I could have them walk that first day…it would take about 6 people, several splints, devices, and a heck of a lot of sweat on all our parts and the outcome would still be the same – they can’t sit unaided. That makes dressing, feeding, toileting very, very difficult for them and their caregiver. Let’s start with the foundation and build up – small goals - sitting, standing) leading to the big one (walk).

In other words, I could use the “shovel method” and heap a ton of stuff on at once expecting the patient to just catch up and deal with all the nuances or I could use the “scalpel” method where we slowly cut away the old ways of doing things, learn new ones and build on what we have established. “Shoveling” usually causes more damage to weak joints and overall progression whereas the latter format takes more time and produces less injury.

Spiritually I think “shoveling” often happens. An outside observer sees a sin, a lifestyle, a trait needing to be altered and they arrive with shovel in hand and unload – not just once but over and over and over again until not only is the person incapacitated but they are wary of doing anything for fear of getting another mound of spiritual intellect, theory, theology, scriptural principle, or religious argument thrown their way. They are overwhelmed, confused, and usually worse off than when they started. The shovel holder feels “vindicated” in that they addressed the evil but is hurt and confused that not much can be seen from all their efforts. Both are wary of the other and trust most likely has been broken.

God is all about love and relationship; loving the one in front of you despite their sin, despite their flaws, despite their spiritual rank and odor. Loving them to a point where you can indicate a discrepancy between where they are positioned and where God’s Word says they should be – showing them gently in the mirror how they are listing to the left and no longer plumb center.

The responsibility is left up to them. Do they see the difference (yes), do they want to change and right themselves before God (yes / no)? You are there for support, you are there to guide if needed, you are there to give a tap on the shoulder if they start to list again, but it is their job to reestablish “center” and hold it.

Who in your life is off plumb? Who is listing from God’s will in their lives? Who needs your love and relationship to intercept their fall from center? Now, look in your hand, are you carrying a shovel or a scalpel?

Living – The condo closed at 5pm on Friday the 27th! Whoo Hoo! With only two business days left in the month the sale was registered with the state. Again, WOO HOO!
Work – Book editing and revisions are in full force, as is training. I was able to find some key players to help me with the upcoming October retreat – thank GOD – it is a huge help having them in place! We have a bunch of upcoming events too:
Travel – I am off to Sun Valley this weekend for a friend’s wedding and I am most likely heading to Indonesia in late October.

Living – After tithing on my small proceeds check, what does God want done with the condo sale profit? Invest? Donate? Disburse?
Work – Books re-published, up to Kindle and for training to progress smoothly. And for the upcoming trainee / alumni ‘weekend away’
Travel – for safe flights to / from Sun Valley, travel while I am there and for the bride and groom.