“God…raised us up with him, and seated us with him in the heavenly realm…” Ephesians 2:6
Filoli Gardens, Redwood City, CA
Like God we are triune beings. Instead of God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit we are Body, Soul and Spirit. In western culture the spiritual part of us is all but ignored, but the body is taken to the gym, tanning parlor, hair salon, nail place, clothing store, shoe pavilion, and anti-aging lotion department – millions are spent keeping our bodies looking good. Our soul feasts as well – self help / how to books, mental enrichment / development classes, forums, conferences, seminars, movies, tv, Facebook, Twitter, Hulu…
As Christians we are supposed to be spiritually led beings. We are supposed to listen to the spirits leading and follow where he goes (like Jesus did with God when he was here). We have spiritual armor we can put on to protect us (Ephesians 6:11-18). But our spirits, for the most part, are weak and fall subject to our bodies and souls (mind). Such influence does not come from the one who calls us (Galatians 5:8).
I tried living a “spirit led life,” but with a burly body and mind it can be difficult. Bill Johnson, a pastor at Bethel Church, recommends pretending there is a dove (symbolizing Holy Spirit) on your shoulder – and living in such a way to not dislodge it from its perch. This approached helped; I was more conscious in asking for God’s assistance and opinion, but living continuously, consistently, from a spiritual perspective was still really difficult.
God’s kingdom is somewhat upside down and unintuitive to the un-initiated. Read Matthew 5 – blessed are the meek? Blessed are those that mourn? Blessed are the poor? This runs smack in the face of what our physical world carillons, what our minds tells us is true. God’s kingdom says things like “be kind to those who hurt you” – when our body and mind want to haul off and whack them; “bless those who curse you” – when we have a few choice comebacks of our own; “turn the other cheek” – when we want to slap or mar theirs.
How do we do this “spiritually led life” thing???
I heard a sermon on Ephesians 2 and my perspective changed. In verse 6 it says our spirits are seated in heavenly places, and this eludes they have access to Jesus, to heaven, to God all the time (Don’t believe me? Read the chapter!) Jesus’ death made it possible and through him I have unlimited access. So, if I have admittance to all the things in heaven (and here is where it gets fun), I can bring things down to earth through my physical body and soul to bless others!
What kind of things can we bring to earth? All the things of God – all the aspects of his character and his kingdom: Need strength? Ask for joy (Neh 8:10). Need boldness? Ask for love (1 Jn 4:18). Need wisdom, discernment, counsel – just ask! Need healing? ASK!
“When I get to heaven I won’t be cold anymore.” She said. “My heart will work right and my circulation will be perfect. I won’t have to take medications anymore. I’ll be warm – no more blue toes or fingers or lips. And, I’ll be able to run without being short of breath, no chest pain, or exhaustion. I’ll go back to running marathons – not just two-milers. When I get to heaven…” she paused, a look of longing and hope crossing her face.
I explained the body, soul, spirit thing to her – how one-third of us is already in heaven and we can ask God for anything because we are his kids and we have access (like a child in its parents house). She decided she wanted to “risk” asking God to help her heart condition… we prayed and I saw her cheeks go from grey-blue to pink, her fingers and toes turn rosy and I actually felt their warmth. She started to cry, I started to tear. Heaven had come to earth. She was changed.
How strong is your spirit in comparison to your body and soul (mind)? What aspect of your triune being do you rely upon the most? If you could bring an aspect of heaven into your life today what would it be? How can you bless others around you with aspects of God’s kingdom you have access to?
Work – Nigeria isn’t happening for the moment… maybe in May??? Egypt is still in the proposal phase and South Korea is still in formation. TBW – our bi-annual retreat happens the 25-27, and training is almost finished. Brett’s three new books are just about to be shipped to the Indonesian printer and they should be available by Memorial Day Weekend!
Life – I went ballroom dancing last Friday night (thanks Amber for coordinating) – my ankle was a bit sore afterward, but wow did I have fun! I forgot how much I love to dance!
Work – Our bi-annual retreat is 10 days away and is shaping up nicely – all interested rep alumni RSVP by the 17th please! Prayer would be appreciate for the speakers and attendees – as well as for me coordinating the whole thing.
Travel – for all those coming to the Bay Area for TBW – save travels and for hearts ready to hear, see, and respond to what God has for them.
PS - Happy Birthday Jamie.