“Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” Psalm 34:14
California Coastline near Pescadero
I am a tidy person (I would say “clean” but my mom would argue the point due to the level of dust I am comfortable with letting settle on my furniture). In my world things have places and they should return there when you finish using them… not some obscure place you randomly set them down. In my world counters are clear, table tops are viewable, and desks are relatively free of clutter – and filing is mandatory. Yes, I have “piles” (as my mother affectionately refers to my “in progress” stuff) of paper needing to be tackled, but they are usually encased in a file folder, envelope or three ring binder.
Just recently I realized my “tidy factor” just isn’t in the physical – it spills over into the emotional realm as well.
I don’t care for conflict. I don’t care for confrontation. I don’t like skirmishes, clashes, discord, tension or fracas of any kind. I like peace. Unfortunately, peace is usually fought for and hard won. It doesn’t come naturally and we have an enemy constantly working against its manifestation.
Like I said before – I like things tidy; including relationships. When there is discord, misunderstanding or a rift I want to fix it – PRONTO. I want resolution, reconciliation and restitution to happen. I want peace and the row to disappear. Usually I am the one, even if I was the individual hurt, seeking out the other party to make the mess go away.
God called me out on this.
In my “uncomfortableness” I was superseding God’s timing. I wanted peace and I went after it thinking it was what God wanted too. It wasn’t. In fact, I messed things up and made the rift wider due to my actions. If I had checked with God, gained more clarification and followed his instructions I would be in a better place than I am in now.
God’s timing is perfect. God’s ways are best. God is good and he only gives good things – he doesn’t want us to suffer, he doesn’t want us to be in pain, he doesn’t want us to be miserable. But, sometimes he allows it because in the end it will bring us closer to him.
Well, I can tell you, the dialogue between God and I has been constant. The back and forth about the relationship has been heated. My “TO DO” list is ready to be populated (did I mention I am action oriented and “wait” is almost like a swear word for me?) and nothing is forth coming.
What feels like a mess to me God sees as an opportunity. What feels like disharmony and disagreement God sees as an opening into a heart. I need to ask myself, “What is best for the other person in this situation?” Or better yet, “What does God want?”
His timing is perfect. Periods may have to pass – days, weeks, months, maybe even years – for God to get the work done he needs to so the reconciliation we seek has lasting impact, not just be a short-lived Band-Aid of a victory.
Am I uncomfortable – yes. Are all my relationships squared, tidy and bow worthy – nope. Am I where I am supposed to be – certainly. It isn’t an easy place to live but I trust God’s plan and know he will bring peace because that is what he wants too.
Where are you superseding God’s timing? Where do you need to ask for clarification and direction? Are you pursing long-term or short-win peace projects?
Travel – Currently in Johannesburg and on my way to Cape Town, South Africa on Friday afternoon. Brett, Lyn and I are meeting with alumni, local businesses, and local intercessors. My jet leg is minimal – which is SO nice – it hasn’t kicked in until around 9pm… and I am sleeping relatively well at night; Praise Jesus!
Work – We had our second all day Saturday training last weekend – it went well - the intercession team and I had quite a “party” in the back room (who says prayer is boring?!). I am in South Africa until the 11th and then head back to the States to run our training retreat weekend, affectionately called “The Big Weekend. Brett and Lyn return shortly before it starts only to be off the following weekend to the KEYS conference in LA.
Marketplace Impact – South Africa – April 2007. A man comes to the rep venture unexcited, unhappy and reluctant – and very ill (the intercession team prays for him and he heads off to the doctor who diagnoses him with bronchitis and cautions him to stay in bed). He awakes the next morning completely well; needless to say, God had his full attention. The venture was life changing - he surrendered control of his business to God and within weeks he received the needed funding and within four years he sold his start up for several million Rand. What are you holding onto that God could steward better and grow more efficiently?
Travel – Abolishment of all jet lag, solid night sleeps, good interaction with alumni and for a fun weekend of rest with my friend Rebecca.
Personal – to be fully present in the moment and not distracted by what’s next on the schedule (and what needs to be done in preparation), to understand what God is doing and follow him fully, to hear God’s voice and be obedient.
Work – for alumni galvanization - for them to reconnect and feel a part of what we are doing, not just in the Bay Area but worldwide. Also, for our upcoming Repurposing Business Intensive.