Saturday, May 26, 2012

Update #175 - Canoodling

“Then Jesus answered and said to them, "Most assuredly I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father doing; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.”  John 5:19

Cool Palm Tree, Botanical Gardens, Bogor, Indonesia

Several years ago I was sitting in a weekend conference and the speaker made a comment on how God is moving in this and that country and how we are following the trend.  I wasn’t fully paying attention, distracted by the people coming and going in the back of the room, but did catch a Bible reference he sighted: John 5:19.

Jesus’ close intimate relationship with God the Father gave him privileged information as to how, where, and when God was working.  Jesus had known God in heaven before he came to earth, so he knew what God was likely to do.  Jesus knew God’s character – what pleased, displeased, and caused him to have mercy.  In a crude illustration, I saw Jesus and God connected by a divine umbilical cord, a spiritual flow from one to the other, always connected,  always sharing information; communicating non-stop.

Jesus also said he was just the show opener; we would do greater things and more miracles than he could do or did while he was on earth (John 14:12). What? How is this possible?  Jesus knew God before he came to earth, he had intimate knowledge of God, he and God were one!  I wasn’t even close to having a holy umbilical cord.  How on earth was I to do greater things than Jesus?

The conference speaker was a man I respected and knew to have a close walk with God. I knew he wouldn’t lead me astray, wouldn’t tell me untrue, unverified, unsubstantiated facts.  He believed what he was saying and verified it with story, after story, after story – from his own life and from others he knew.

Wow.  I could be like Jesus – not just in word, life and action; but in deed as well.

My curiosity was peaked.

“Ok God,” I presented myself “if this guy’s claim is true, if the stories are true, if what he says is real, I want it in my life too. Can we start with something small and simple – ya know, to ease me into this thing?” (I felt I had to qualify things a bit so I didn’t get dunked in the deep end).

Ease me in he did.  Through various people, sermons, Bible verses, etc. he showed me it isn’t about WHO you are but WHERE you are.  Presidents, servants, masters, slaves, rich, poor, male, female all can have the same thing – a real relationship with God but they have to position themselves correctly.  Being in a church, administrating on its board, serving as a deacon, Sunday school teacher or men’s group facilitator doesn’t qualify you for a real relationship;  nor does participating in an ALPHA group, Bible Study, or being a BSF Leader. God is relational – intimacy is prized above all else.

I am servant, back office, out of the lime-light oriented. Don’t get me wrong, I am not afraid of the front of the room, microphones, or public speaking – I just know there are people better than me and I am happy to defer.  I can refill milk pitchers, stock plates, replenish hospitality supplies all day and be completely happy.  But I think this attitude transitions into my relationship with God as well.  Instead of sitting with him, enjoying his presence, his company, his companionship, I am “doing”.  I have a TO DO list the length of my arm… sit and canoodle? Are ya crazy!?

As absurd as it may seem, I think that is what God is after. Jesus would spend all night talking to God after a very busy day. Jesus would steal away early in the morning to make sure he had his daily schedule mapped correctly (Are you sure I need to hit Capernaum today?). Jesus walked on water, raised the dead, healed the sick, and glowed like the sun at one point…. I haven’t done most of these things. So, canoodling it is!

What keeps you from “canoodling” with God? What are you too busy “doing” to experience God?  Do you want more of God in your life? Why or why not? What keeps you from a good canoodle?

 - I am home from Indonesia! Thank you for praying. I have NEVER slept so much on a flight! I think I slept nine of the 15 hours in the air! Whoo Hoo! The transfers were smooth, my luggage arrived (untampered – Praise Jesus), and I have had minimal jet lag!
 - The World Prayer Assembly was amazing and I learned a lot.  It was so fun traveling with a team of intercessors! Check out the team blog: There were over 9,000 people in attendance and I believe God met each one of us in a separate, but meaningful way.
 - I get to stay domestic during the next few months. I am done on the international scene unless God put something in my path

 - The Repurposing Business Intensive 6-11 May was a HUGE success and we are talking about doing another in the October time frame… God healed one man of his allergies!
 - Indonesian hotel logistics finally came together after we arrived (thank you God!) and last minute shuffling brought a meeting room for our team debrief on Saturday.  We scheduled six hours – which expanded to eight when people found out we were praying and came to receive prayer! It was AWESOME!  One woman hasn’t had a migraine since – which were chronic and caused by her inoperable brain tumor. I think the tumor just might be gone! Hee hee!

HOT (Home Office Team)
Brett and Lyn, with Linda, join Kim in Indonesia on Thursday (Kim is currently in Chennai). They are doing a two day Train-the-Trainer session followed by a one day Convergence Seminar in Jakarta.

Travel –I have a trip the end of June to Seattle to celebrate my dad as he retires from Boeing after over 50 years of service (yes, all at the same company – Go Dad!).

Work – Please pray for the one day Convergence Seminar in Jakarta. The room booked can hold up to 200 people – which we are standing in faith for! Prayer around recruiting would also be appreciated – we begin our next training cycle in July.

Personal – Life is so full, God is awesome, and I feel blessed and favored.  It was such an honor to travel with and lead a team of intercessors to the WPA… and now, back to work!  Jet lag hasn’t been bad but I have it in reverse (can’t fall asleep at night, hard time getting up in the morning) – prayer for its quick passing and my full re-integration to State-side life would be appreciated!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Update #174 - Healing Place

“Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities.”  Romans 8:26  

Wabi Natroon - Egypt

In my 40 odd years of singleness I have dated a few men.  Most have been fun, enjoyable experiences and a few – mostly sophomoric in nature – were disasters.  I learned a lot about men - how they think, act, react, decide, as well as how they respond to pain, discouragement and disappointment.

Each relationship brought me new knowledge, insight and wisdom.  It also brought shyness and reticence.  I am much less apt to jump into a relationship now than when I was 20 – why? I have learned a few things and I want to “know” much more now than I needed then. In essence, I am not young and dumb anymore, the veil of innocence and naiveté has been ripped off.  This is a positive attribute in some ways – I avoid the men who aren’t a good fit for me and the life I am called to live; but it is a negative in others – I am restrained in giving my heart, even a little piece, before trust is built, gained, and is solid.

This causes issues.

There is a very smart man who lives in South Africa named Doug Johnson (he is my bosses’ older, and he says, cuter, brother).  He oft quotes this truism: “Healed people heal people; hurt people hurt people.”

So true.

I had been hurt by trusting, giving, opening myself up – so naturally I don’t want to go there; I didn’t want to expose myself to that kind of pain and suffering again.  But I don’t want to hurt others either.  I found myself in a conundrum – don’t want to hurt, don’t want to get hurt.

I asked God about it.  He was pretty direct “Get into relationship with people, men, women, children; open your heart to them and let yours be healed.”  Um, God, this is what I was trying to AVOID!

It took a while but I realized healing doesn’t come if you “Lone Ranger” it through the process.  If you were wounded in a 1:1 relationship, more than likely that is where you will find healing.  If injured in community, most likely, you will need to immerse yourself there to find wholeness.  Offended corporately?  Guess where you have to go to gain restoration… yep, a communal setting.

I placed myself into God’s hands, trusted him to find the healing places for me to engage and cautiously began my journey of intimate, community, corporate relationship wound debridement.  They haven’t been the quickest to heal but now if you bump them, poke them, or inadvertently bruise them I am not traumatized like I once was.

I am still shy in situations and take extra time to suss out situations vs. readily engaging.  But I am more trustful than I once was.  I am still reticent in the full giving of my heart but trust Jesus to guard it verses me vetting everyone I come across.

I know I have hurt others, and I am truly repentant and sorry for the pain I have caused. I have made things as right as I am able and realize God has to do the rest.  I have learned the art of surrender (Yes, Jodie, the other “s” word) and the importance of forgiveness and humility.

God can heal all wounds.  God can make all situations righteous and beneficial.  God can protect, conceal, and mend everything from relationships and emotions to situations and business opportunities; if you let him…only if you give him permission to enter the wound and trust his prescription for healing.

Where are you hurt? Where are you shy? Where are you reticent to join in and take part in the foray?  Were you hurt 1:1, in a community, or in a corporate setting? Where do you need to ask God to place you (safely) so you gain healing?

Where is your healing place?

Travel – The Egypt conference was amazing (God showed up;  as did a ga-zillion mosquitoes).  I have not had so much fun praying for people in a long time.  The mozies took full advantage – I looked like I was wearing poka-dot socks!
Work - I am safely home and now we are smack in the middle of executing our Repurposing Business Executive Intensive (our 3 month training smooshed into 5 days).  Kim and I leave on Sunday morning (uber early – 1am) for Indonesia to join in the World Prayer Assembly.  The WPA trip is coming together. The team is mostly finalized, hotels 80% booked, flights confirmed and the last team call happened today.  The conference begins on the 14th!

Travel – Please pray for personal protection and for me and the team while in Indonesia; luggage to arrive, people to be safe, families to be shielded while we are on the road.  Also for good sleep leading up to the event, we would like to arrive rested.
Work – continued prayer around logistical, spiritual and emotional prep for the upcoming Indonesia trip.  Grace, unity and energy is needed on all fronts!
Personal – What is on God’s heart? What are his priorities? Who does he want me to talk to, connect with, pray for? Please pray I will have the ears to hear, heart to feel, and obedience / wisdom to walk out his responses.

PS - Paula Sandford, a pioneer in the area of Christian Counseling and the Inner Healing movement, passed way 4 May 2012. Please pray for her husband John and her family