My Dad and me last Christmas
My dad, at his zenith, was about 6’5” tall. He could see over most of the multitude and find a path pretty easy out of a crowded auditorium. My mom, 5’7” was of average height in my home town and couldn't see – plus she HATES crowds. This lead to the affectionately known “Andrews Exit Strategy.” Whenever my family went to sporting events or crowded auditorium affairs upon exiting my mom would always stand behind my dad. Her finger would hook through one of his belt-loops and sometimes her head would rest between his shoulder blades. Her steps would match his as they zigzagged out of the crowded amphitheater together.
I am not a big fan of crowds or crowded places either. The Hong Kong subway system, albeit orderly, clean and quiet was bordering on overwhelming people-wise for me; we were practically sitting on each other’s laps or standing on others’ feet! Thank God I had my friend Gwyn with me. She, dissimilar to my dad, is petite, can’t see above heads (unlike me, the giantess of Hong Kong, or so I felt) but she knew her way around and zipped from one train to the next, through one turnstile to the next, from one stairwell to the next without looking at a map or consulting signposts. I just tried to keep up with my tiny friend. The hardest part was picking her dark locks out from all the rest of the black-haired beauties! I should have tied a bright orange scarf around her head!
I had no clue where I was, where we were going but I knew we were using a subway to get there. I put my trust in Gwyn and followed. Same with my mom – she knew they were on the way to the car but how they were getting there (ramps, stairs, elevators, sidewalks) was an unknown to her. She put her trust in my dad, kept her head down, and watched his feet.
How much do you understand about your existence? How much do you really know about where you are going, the path you are on, or the upcoming events (known or unknown) in your life? I don’t know much. I think I get things sorta figured out then something changes, and my view shifts.
Who do you trust to lead you through the crowd of decisions, life choices and options presented to you? Who knows their way around? Who can see up ahead? Who can see over all the clamor to the ultimate destination? Who has the orange scarf tied to their head?
I hope you said God. I hope you are relying on him to help you make decisions, determine life choices, and ferret out options. I hope he is the one guiding you, giving you the scope of the land and describing the ultimate destination. Anyone else could have faulty information, not know a road has been closed or that a once viable opportunity is no longer valid or available.
Who is your orange scarfed front runner? If it isn't God, why?
Work – Brett is off to Toronto without me. The speaking schedule changed and he can handle 30 people while blindfolded and handcuffed… so I get to stay in 80 degree California and while he tolerates 50 degree, rainy Toronto (I think I got the better deal!).
Personal – I am still battling a head cold. I am completely wiped by the end of the day and uber ready for bed, but I am able to make all my appointments and work obligations (thank God). It is SLOWLY improving, but I am sick of being sick! My voice is MUCH better – thanks for praying!
Work – Craziness is coming! We wrap our 13 week training cycle on the 3rd, start the Executive Intensive the 7th, commission everyone the 13th and then Brett, Lyn and I head to South Africa the 22nd to conduct ventures back to back (one in Johannesburg, one in Cape Town). We need more attendees for the Intensive and more consultants for both ventures… we have a full client load!
Personal – My cold to go away, for our intercession team to grow not only in numbers but in depth of spirit, and for protection of my family while I am away. Also for my side trip to the UK on my way home – I know, I know, seeing London in November isn’t prime, but it works in the schedule! Prayer for planning, places to stay, what sites to see, etc.
PS If you would like to donate toward my travel and ministry fund I would appreciate it! I am currently fundraising for my trips to Johannesburg and Cape Town ($4k total) and my airfare (almost $3K!!!). All the info you need is located here: Thank you in advance for your generosity!