Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Update #10

“…I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.” Psalm 32:8

Hi from the southern most point of Africa!

I was telling one of my teammates I am having difficulty grasping the fact Christmas is just a month or so away. The KITKAT bars here have holly on them and the stores are putting up decorations…but it doesn’t FEEL like the holiday season! The weather here has been equivalent to early summer in Seattle – lovely and 75 during the day with a light breeze. I am ‘confused’ season-wise but I the weather makes me so happy!

The venture officially started Saturday. We went sightseeing and I was stunned at the raw beauty – the beaches rival California (picture), the mountains were breathtaking and flora was lush. I can understand why people who visit Cape Town end up staying.

“Adventure” is the best descriptor of my first three days of client involvement. This venture has been so different from the one in Johannesburg. Like Joburg I was given a client – but they didn’t show on Monday so I “helped” with other clients and the admin side of things. On Tuesday I was invited to pray with some clients from the last Cape Town venture; all I can say is WOW. There were two guys being prayed for and two other intercessors. When I arrived names exchanged and we started praying.

God gave me verse after verse after verse for them. It was amazing. After the guys left, the other intercessors confirmed the verses were dead on for what had been discussed during the prior two hour counseling session. I love it when God works like that – when some stranger (me) comes along and confirms everything that He just had spoken. I was on a high for hours!

Wednesday I spent most time with the intercession team. Wow. What a way to spend a day…in worship; in prayer for individuals, the venture, for clients…I witnessed a woman re-dedicate her life to Christ, saw direction imparted, wisdom downloaded, etc…and it went on and on! Talk about faith building – watch God work for a day, it will change your life!

I am blown away by what God is doing; in me, in others, in the city. It is amazing to witness and be part of. He doesn’t have to ‘use’ any of us. He could do it more effectively, and efficiently, Himself – but he allows us to experience Him and His power. This humbles me.

Needless to say, I am a bit whelmed at all God has done in and around me. Thank you for your prayers, I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate your support, both spiritually and financially. Here is the latest request update:

  • Computer issues – Connectivity has been better – but with the entire team here the connection is maxed and so being dropped and ‘locked out’ is a regular occurrence.

  • Family – my Mom’s b-day is Friday, my Dad leave for the Middle East this weekend, and I got to chat with my sister on the phone!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – being in a team environment stretches anyone. The ‘stretching’ I am receiving is good, but I am confronted once again with the ‘ugly’ side of myself that I don’t like to recognize or consider all that often!

  • Sleep – Once I get there it is great! Thanks for praying.

  • Discernment / Wisdom – No leads beyond the 19th of November. I know I will be returning to Joberg at some point but am trying to discern what God is going to have me do between November 19th and December 7th.

  • Material Needs – God has met every need thus far through your generous donations. Thank you. As for transportation, I will have access to the equip vehicles through the 19th and then after that we’ll see what God does!

Here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Computer issues – I will be able to connect with those I need to at home and that the wireless system will stay “strong”.

  • Family – continued peace and protection especially for my Dad in the Middle East

  • Protection – as I and the team move around Cape Town and South Africa

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19 – I really want this!

  • Sleep – continued deep sleep that I awake rested from

  • Discernment / Wisdom – please ask God that I clearly hear His voice, experience His leading, and begin to determine His direction for my life when:
    o I finish the Cape Town venture (what am I to do, where to go)
    o Return to Joburg and when I (when, where to stay)
    o Return stateside in December

  • Material Needs - transportation, $$ for supplies, God purposed travel, and the Cape Town equip venture

I can’t thank you enough!

See you in a month!


If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa or for the equip Cape Town venture please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

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