“…I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.” Psalm 32:8
Hello from Johannesburg and Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans!
The last two plus weeks brought plentiful rains to Gauteng…Joburg is so much prettier than when I left! The grass is sooooo green. Due to the afternoon rain it is much cooler this go-around too! Thank God!
The Cape Town venture wrapped Friday the 17th. The last day was bittersweet; happy to see the clients presentations and hear what impacted them, but also sad in that the equip cocoon was ending. I feel that I will always have a close connection to Cape Town due to the people I met and interacted with.
Saturday night we went downtown to the “African Café” (picture). Authentic dishes from all over Africa are served to you…and as long as you keep eating, the food keeps coming. The guys loved it! I discovered a fondness for Springbok (an antelope-ish animal) with ginger and honey. They also had this salad dressing that was incredible, ooh, the fish was good, um, and the chicken in the curry stuff, and, oh, the spinach lentil thingy…needless to say I enjoyed myself!
My ride to the airport was an adventure! My client, Greg, offered to take me but didn’t tell me that the “Double O Boys” (Theo and Quinton) and Brett were also coming along! We all squeezed into this little car (thanks for letting me have the front guys) and I had a “tour” of Cape Town (there was construction and an accident on the freeway so we took back roads…there is NO way I could repeat that route!). The best part was that they wouldn’t let me carry my luggage – and it was HEAVY! I was so pampered! Thanks guys!
The flight was TUR-BU-LENT. I have never been on such an ‘exciting’ plane ride. Passengers know it is bad when the flight attendants strap in! I was excited to have the plane land and see Dave and Sarah waiting for me at the Joburg airport. The Porter’s are so hospitable it is like arriving to family. I have spent my first three days “in venture recovery.” Ironically, this is where God had me recover from the last one! Charlie the cat has been a semi-permanent lap fixture and his goal is to push the “lap invader” (my laptop) to the floor!
In two weeks I return to the states. The last three months have been life altering. Thank you, once again, for your prayers, I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate your support, both spiritually and financially. Here is an update from the last posting:
Hello from Johannesburg and Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans!
The last two plus weeks brought plentiful rains to Gauteng…Joburg is so much prettier than when I left! The grass is sooooo green. Due to the afternoon rain it is much cooler this go-around too! Thank God!
The Cape Town venture wrapped Friday the 17th. The last day was bittersweet; happy to see the clients presentations and hear what impacted them, but also sad in that the equip cocoon was ending. I feel that I will always have a close connection to Cape Town due to the people I met and interacted with.
Saturday night we went downtown to the “African Café” (picture). Authentic dishes from all over Africa are served to you…and as long as you keep eating, the food keeps coming. The guys loved it! I discovered a fondness for Springbok (an antelope-ish animal) with ginger and honey. They also had this salad dressing that was incredible, ooh, the fish was good, um, and the chicken in the curry stuff, and, oh, the spinach lentil thingy…needless to say I enjoyed myself!
My ride to the airport was an adventure! My client, Greg, offered to take me but didn’t tell me that the “Double O Boys” (Theo and Quinton) and Brett were also coming along! We all squeezed into this little car (thanks for letting me have the front guys) and I had a “tour” of Cape Town (there was construction and an accident on the freeway so we took back roads…there is NO way I could repeat that route!). The best part was that they wouldn’t let me carry my luggage – and it was HEAVY! I was so pampered! Thanks guys!
The flight was TUR-BU-LENT. I have never been on such an ‘exciting’ plane ride. Passengers know it is bad when the flight attendants strap in! I was excited to have the plane land and see Dave and Sarah waiting for me at the Joburg airport. The Porter’s are so hospitable it is like arriving to family. I have spent my first three days “in venture recovery.” Ironically, this is where God had me recover from the last one! Charlie the cat has been a semi-permanent lap fixture and his goal is to push the “lap invader” (my laptop) to the floor!
In two weeks I return to the states. The last three months have been life altering. Thank you, once again, for your prayers, I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate your support, both spiritually and financially. Here is an update from the last posting:
- Computer issues – My computer has done great the entire time I have been here (barring the first week) and I have discovered a rouge wireless network in the Porter’s den – thank you God!
- Family – My Dad made it home safely from the Middle East!
- Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – I have been studying Biblical characters…it has been very interesting. All the people I studied have hearts for God but one (or more) area of fallibility – they weren’t flawless, just focused. Gives me a bit of comfort!
- Discernment / Wisdom – still foggy as to exactly what God wants me to do when I return home…details are slowly coming in!
- Material Needs – thank you for your generosity. I bought a plane ticket and the funds arrived the next day via donation…very, very, cool to watch God’s hand move like that!
Here is an updated “needs” list:
- Computer issues – none just now but pray anyway – I am not an IT wizard and am almost clueless how to ‘fix’ these things!
- Family – that they would have a peacefilled Thanksgiving!
- Protection – as I toodle around Johannesburg and then fly to the states in two weeks
- Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19 – I really want this!
- Discernment / Wisdom – please ask God that I clearly hear His voice, experience His leading, and begin to determine His direction for my life when I return stateside in December
- Material Needs - transportation, supplies (toothpaste, shampoo, etc.), and for payment of pressing financial obligations when I return home.
Thank you for your support of me in Africa!
PS: Tom and Kasia – I am seeing Jessica on Friday and I passed on the cd’s to Ria! T, guess who is going to be a consultant? Patrick! Cool huh!
If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.
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