Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Update #14

“…I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.” Psalm 32:8

A final ‘Hello’ from Africa –

I awoke in Botswana Monday morning and by 6:30 was off to the airport – with the air conditioner blasting! Yup, it was in the mid-80’s and not yet 7 am! I won’t miss the heat or the mosquitoes, but I will miss the country and the people!

I had a special treat last Wednesday & Thursday – I was privileged to visit Mashatu Game Reserve ( I stayed in the tent camp (I likened it to a hotel with soft, breathable walls) and my shower had a tree in it! Anyway – I was able to go for two game drives (about 7 hours total) and saw African wildlife at its best! I saw elephants up close (picture), zebra, wildebeest, impala, kudu, tortoise, a lioness with her month old cubs, giraffe, ostrich, baboons, leopard…the list goes on. I had seen most of these animals in zoos, but seeing zebra race alongside the land-cruiser bucking up their hind legs, elephants spraying each other in play, giraffe heads popping up over trees in curiosity…it was amazing! Mashatu is the largest privately owned game reserve in Africa. It is in the corner of Botswana that touches South Africa and Zimbabwe – at one point I was riding the border between Bots and Zim!

I was touched by the harsh beauty and disparity of the bush. The bright green of the soft new leaves contrasted with the red, hard-baked earth. The fragile butterflies / dragonflies (huge actually) compared with the enormity of the bull elephant. The bush is a place of extremes and survival. I saw a zebra with a huge open red gash on its neck. The ranger said it had probably survived a leopard or lion attack. There’s reality for ya!

I don’t think I could live in this climate year-round, but, it has given me a greater appreciation of God’s creativity and the effort of survival. People live here. They have round mud huts with thatched roofs - were we have dog’s they have goats. Were Americans would have grass they have red dirt that is immaculately swept and edged with a stick fence or carefully placed rocks. Trees are treated with a special reverence because they provide a rare commodity - shade. Bush dwelling Africans are a hardy bunch – this wimpy Northwest girl can’t hack it! 102+ in the shade is a bit much for me!

I leave the heat of the African summer on Thursday night. When I board the plane for home I will have been here three months. I feel that I am a different person, a much different person, than I was when I landed 12 weeks ago. I have broader vision, a greater respect for life, and for the hand of God. Africa is just another continent filled with people – but I think it is special due to the suffering and hardship it has to face. God is present with those that suffer and are sorrowful – and you can feel His presence in Africa. I am humbled and awed that I was able to spend so much time here - thank you, once again, for your support - both spiritually and financially. Here is an update from the last posting:

  • Computer issues – I am back at the Porter’s using the ‘rogue’ wireless. Thank you God for providing the ability to communicate through the internet!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – Wow. I have seen God work in ways I can not put into words and my life has been changed because of it.

  • Travel – I made it back and forth from Botswana without incident – AND I had the luxury of riding in an air-conditioned corporate jet BOTH ways (vs. driving 7 hours)!

  • Material Needs – I had a friend e-mail me a story of provision. She has been trying to pay off debt despite one obstacle after another; also, her business was declining in bookings and therefore profit…she received an $11,000 anonymous cashiers check the other day. Wow. God more than abundantly provided for her needs. Amazing what God can do huh!

Here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Family – Please pray for a pleasant reunion with my family and a smooth return to home – and that Samson would remember his ‘mama’. Also, my girlfriend who has been house-sitting for me is staying on…pray that we become great flat mates!

  • Protection – as I am in Joburg and as I revert to driving on the ‘other’ side of the road!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19 – and that this ‘learning’ will continue in the states.

  • Discernment / Wisdom – Please ask God that I clearly hear His voice, experience His leading, and determine His direction for my life when I return stateside December 8th. (What am I supposed to do?!)

  • Travel mercies: I leave Johannesburg at 11:55 pm Thursday, December 7th; fly to Amsterdam and then home to Seattle. Long distance flights are hard on me - I get nauseated and feel generally icky! Please pray for “divine seating” and smooth travel! I am hoping to connect with a friend in the Amsterdam airport – he arrives from Paris the same time I arrive from Africa!

  • Material Needs – That God is preparing my next employment opportunity and that He will abundantly provide for pressing financial obligations.

  • Insurance – that I will be able to obtain drivers and medical insurance – mine expired while I was away.

Thank you for your support of me in Africa and beyond!


If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa or while I transition back into stateside living, please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

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