“In all your ways give ear to him, and he will make straight your footsteps”. Proverbs 3:6
Medina Police Department - Washington
I recently moved to the Peninsula south of San Francisco and have been a zealous user of Google Maps and Mapquest. One of my first stops after moving here was an AM/PM mini-mart to get maps of the area. I do so much better when I have an overall picture of where I am driving and going. I usually have a great sense of direction (N, S, E, W) but in new areas, especially JHB, I can get confused!
A few Sunday’s ago I went to the Stanford Mall (very nice – kinda like U Village in Seattle – but less concrete and more flowers) looking for a watch. I didn’t see anything I liked and was chatting with God about it. I then remembered that I had gotten my last wristwatch at a drug store in Washington (Bartells) which has an equivalent here in California (Longs).
Great, thanks for the reminder God. Get in Eric’s car and head out from the Mall. Oh, um, God, where is it?! I don’t have wireless in this car so I can’t download directions, I don’t have an address, so I can’t find it on a map! All I remember is it’s on that street that starts with an M…um, God?
Then the most remarkable thing happened. God gave me directions. Left, right, straight, left…all the way across Palo Alto, Los Altos and into Mountain View to the exact store I had pictured in my head. I didn’t take main streets either; I was on little residential roads. I went into the store and found the exact watch I had before and, it was on sale for 25% off!
Just this Saturday I was trying to locate a Trader Joe’s my aunt had told me about. I was on the phone with my friend Jamie and she said “Use your GPS”…(um, James, this car doesn’t have that feature)…she responded with “your God Positioning System, silly!”
Ok…God where is this store? Left. I immediately got into the left lane and up ahead, on the left, there it was. I shared this with Jamie and she giggled – “I love how God works” she commented.
I love how God works too. I just have to get out of the way more and let him do it. I have to remember to ask for his input, his help, and in this case, his store-locating skills. He likes to help, wants to help, and I think gets a kick out of holding our hand.
This wasn’t the first time God has given me directions…I told him once I wanted to go sit at the beach and watch the sunset. He took me straight to the Medina Police Station – which is located next to a park on the eastern shore of Lake Washington. I had just moved to Bellevue and there was NO WAY I could have found it myself. In fact, I was sitting in stunned silence in my car for so long that a police officer came up and asked if I was ok!
As I think back to how God has helped me, gotten me through, made the impossible possible – it humbles me. I then repent of trying to do things myself and ‘save him time’. I need to ask God the W’s more – who, what, where and when – and follow his lead. It is SO much more fun than planning it myself and, I get a great story to tell!
Living – safely ensconced at my relative’s house
Car – I have one until Eric returns – probably September 1st-ish.
Samson – He and cousin Lucky have taken to racing, tails at full flag, up and down the length of the house; then sprawl, full length, on the tile to cool off. They look at us as we step over them as if to say “What? We’re resting here!”
Financing – I have raised about $1600 a month – thank you. I am hoping that by January we will be booking enough LEMON Leadership conferences that my position will be salaried.
Housing – I am with my Aunt and Uncle for most of the summer but, when the new rēp headquarters are determined, I need to a cat friendly space close to the office.
Car – Eric’s dad passed away on the 8th from invasive cancer. The memorial service was on the 11th – please continue to pray for his family as they transition into living without their loved one. They had less than a month to prepare for this – he was diagnosed the first part of July.
Work – remote training is going well and I am trying to book Brett into several companies to lead LEMON Leadership seminars before the end of the year. Also, the 2nd edition of Convergence is on its way
Samson – the early morning fascination with the bunnies has ceased! Thank God!
Financing - Eventually my position will be salaried but at first I need to raise ~$3000 a month cover expenses. If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Contribute’ at http://www.repurposing.biz/ on the left of the page, or visit http://www.denaandrews.blogspot.com/ and read the footer for additional info.
Thank you for reading this and for praying for me. I value you.
PS - Thanks Mike for finding me a tenant!
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