Drew & Deana Blaisdell (Greg's sister & b-i-law), me, and Greg at WICKED
Daniel chapter six chronicles the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den. What I have been pondering is the hours between the sealing of the pit to the dawn the next day. What did Daniel feel? What did he experience?
It starts with a 15-20’ fall from the pit opening, he lands and scrambles to his feet, kicking dried bones aside in the process. He is unable to see much of anything in the dark den. The only light eking through is from around the boulder blocking the pit’s entrance; and that fades as the sun sets.
He is sweaty and dust covered. He looks around, seeing nothing but hearing the lions - the whisking of their tails, the padding of their feet, the grinding of their teeth, the tapping of their claws as they walk or paw at something, the licking of their tongues as they groom themselves, and the occasional roar, grumble, or loud exhale. He occasionally feels the rough pelt of a lion as it brushes past him, and the grazing of a tail tuff.
Standing there, his brain processes the sounds and he tries to create a picture of his surroundings. Then a cacophony of smell hits him like a wall. The air is heavy, hot, humid, coated in urine, feces, musty animal scent, plus the stench of rotting flesh – overpowering enough to make him gag and his eyes water.
As he reaches up to cover his nose and mouth to distil the stench he becomes aware of the insects. Flies are monotonous in their attack; buzzing his ears, nose and eyes. Fleas are bouncing off his skin, his clothes, biting his flesh and running through his hair and beard.
As his eyes adjust and he is able to make out shadows and notices rocks to his left. He takes a few tentative steps over to them…avoiding making any noise or sudden movement to call attention to himself. The few steps seem to take hours as he avoids the lions. Finally, he sits in relief and pulls his knees to his chest giving the fleas and flies less territory to assault. He buries his face in his knees pushing his nose and mouth into the fabric so he can’t smell or taste the air.
He sits on the stone and waits. Waits and prays. Waits, prays, and questions. Waits, prays and praises God as the lions continue to ignore him. This goes on for hours. Besides shifting his position he doesn’t move.
Eventually the bolder sealing the pit’s opening is removed and a ladder is lowered down. Daniel climbs up and steps out into fresh air – but the experience remains on him. The fabric of his clothes carries the stench, welts from the insect bites cover him, and his eyes are surrounded by dark circles from not sleeping all night. Despite his appearance and smell, he gives credit where credit is due, focuses on the positive, and humbles himself before the king.
Have you ever been in a place that is dark, smelly, scary, and oppressive? Have you ever been “doing the right thing” only to end up betrayed and in the lion’s den? Have you ever been spared the lions only to be repeatedly irritated by biting insects? What did you do? How did you react? Were you like Daniel – no grumbling, no accusations, no demands of justice, did you praise God and make your survival all about his power and purpose on your life?
At times it may not seem like God is there. It may not seem that in the worst of the worst that God is present. But, God does not lie and he promised in Matthew 28:20 that he would ALWAYS be there (Jehovah-Shammah) – it is just up to us to believe it.
Living – I am living with my relatives, the Johnsons have made an offer on a property in Los Gatos and so I may be moving in the next few months. We are actively fundraising for the property…$2million is due August 15. Check out the blog for details http://campus.inst.net/
Work – working mainly from home and commuting to meetings. It is such a blessing having a home with Wi-Fi, a printer, copier…and AIR CONDITIONING!
Friendships – moving somewhere new always poses the difficulty of forging new solid friendships – God has granted me a few “call at anytime” girlfriends in California!
Housing – a little space somewhere close to the Johnsons will soon be needed! I would love a little cottage all to myself!
Work – Training has started – please pray for the recruits, volunteers, and for success of the i-learning platform that we are implementing this cycle. Please also pray for perseverance through this transitory time – it is hard being scattered, working virtual, and trying to stay on top of “the next thing.”
Purpose – I finished the class I was taking and am now applying for “Facilitator” status…and writing a proposal about introducing an e-learning platform to their training method – pray for favor!
Relationships - deepening of present ones, start of new ones and that God will be present.
Financing - If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Contribute’ at http://www.repurposing.biz/ on the left of the page, or visit http://www.denaandrews.blogspot.com/ and read the footer for additional info.
PS A friend of mine saw a musical in New York back in March…I casually mentioned it to Greg and he remembered…and flew me down to L.A. on my birthday to see WICKED (the pre-story of the WIZARD OF OZ for those of you unfamiliar)!
1 comment:
One word.. Great! Two words.. Very awesome!
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