Redwood Christian Park - Santa Cruz Mountains
A very small pebble is dropped into a pool. It is innocuous, it doesn’t harm the current occupants and they continue like it isn’t even there. But, eventually the pebble gets sucked into the filtration system and jams some motorized part or anther and the entire system is forced to a stop. If not addressed the pool gets murky, green and brown stuff starts to grow and the once happy users avoid the pool all together. To the casual observer that little pebble couldn’t harm a thing – but in time the consequences of its presence are revealed. Things stop working as they normally would.
Do you have areas of your life that aren’t working as they should? Are certain relationships out of whack? Do you struggle to keep or make friends? Do you become easily offended? How are your finances?
Do you have any closets in your life that you don’t want to open? A past relationship that, regretfully, went a little too far physically; a cruel word spoken in anger to a loved one; prescription drug dependence; an aborted pregnancy; a childhood prank turned wrong; a homosexual encounter / relationship; past illegal drug use; hatred toward a spouse, loved one or friend…Do you have a hidden past you don’t want exposed?
Why do I ask this? Because, I don’t think people really understand the full impact of sin. If they did, they wouldn’t even be tempted to do it. Big or small, white or black, sin spoils relationships, environments, cultures, and families - not only now but for generations to come.
The wrongs you have done don’t just affect you. Like the pool example, your sin affects all those around you – your spouse, your children, your friends, your parents, your coworkers. Sin is pervasive and subtle – seemingly mild and inoffensive – but the long term effects are extremely damaging.
God says that all things will come into the light eventually – and the far reaching affects of our sin will be disclosed.
Fortunately, there is a way to avoid the guilt and shame due to you. There is a way to become blameless and free of sin. Jesus.
God requires blood sacrifice to cover wrong-doing. Because Jesus was perfect, because he never had that “closet” of hidden wrongs, because he was tempted and resisted where we didn’t, he became the worlds sacrifice for sin.
Guilt gone. Shame lifted. Closet cleaned. Feeling good.
Whether you realize it or not, accept it or not, Jesus is the only answer to a better life. Will you let him take the pebbles out of your pool? Will you let him clean your closet?
Christians are afraid to be known to have sinned, thinking it mars their reputation, standing and witness. I have found the exact opposite to be true. When God works in your life, when he transforms a past wrong, it becomes an area of right – an area of strength and light – and he uses it for his glory. Gory equates to honor…I want the honor of God, I want his glory to rest on me – don’t you?
Here is a secret…the less pebbly your pool and cleaner your closet the greater the glory. Who doesn’t want that?
Living– Due to an absurdly large special assessment ($46.6K) my condo is soon to be on the market. Yep, the season of home-ownership is over!
Work – Still looking for a bookkeeper, training volunteers, and recruits…we are calling this the “week of miracles” at the Home Office. Yep, praying for them to appear!
Social – I liked the new church I tried out – small, very friendly and CLOSE! I will definitely go back again. It is very “Seattle” - they have a 20 minute coffee break in the middle of the service!
Finances – My monthly needs have increased since I moved into my little place. If you would like to sow into what I am doing see the footer info at or contribute at for more information.
Work – That I would be able to discern the most important tasks and be ok with letting the rest of my “list” wait until later.
Intimacy with God – That I would carve out more time!
Health – My ankle continues to improve as long as I “behave” myself. I just have to remember not to try anything too strenuous or taxing and it is relatively pain free.
Financing – I am sowing, sowing, sowing for my future harvest…
Thanks for reading,
PS I heard of a great Christian Conference in the Seattle area March 6-8th – beautiful location and incredible speakers...if you are in the area, I hope you can go!
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