Tres Amigas: Jamie, Me and Jodie
Some time ago I was chatting with an acquaintance I had approached to help me with a retreat I was coordinating. They said they were too busy. I felt compassion and asked what their weekly schedule looked like. They responded with a litany: Monday, BSF; Tuesday, The Thing; Wednesday, mid week church service; Thursday, community group; Friday – well I have to leave that open, I might have a date; Saturday, sleep in and then play with my friends in the afternoon and evening; Sunday, church, late lunch and hanging out with my friends.
I stood there speechless, shocked and too stunned to speak. I nodded my head and agreed that they were busy. But speculated; were they “busy” with the right things?
I left the conversation disheartened – not because I didn’t garner the volunteer I was seeking – but because of the selfish, self-centered, narcissistic lifestyle this individual was living. Was there anything wrong with the activities they were involved in? No. Was there anything immoral? No. Was their anything wicked or dishonest? No.
What shocked me was every activity was “self” focused – they benefited from all in which they were involved. Bible study – they get fed; social networking group – they make contacts, friends and get fed; church – they get fed; community group – they get fed; hanging out with friends – they get fed. I was flabbergasted to realize my trim, toned, well-built friend…was fat!
What causes physical “fatness”? Self- indulgence, overeating, lack of exercise and discipline. Spiritually, this happens as well – constant feeding without the “work out” of service or outward facing action equals fat, lazy Christian. The pitiful point is most don’t realize it – hedonism has blinded them.
When anyone starts to exercise after a long period of inactivity, it hurts. Blisters form, muscles ache, bones creek – and the discomfort can last for days before going away. Christians who are too used to eating experience this pain when faced with the prospect of personal sacrifice - of giving up time with friends, their Christian book club, their Christian sewing circle, their Christian basketball team, their Christian quilting club, their Christian softball team, their Christian whatever. More often than not when Christ subtly calls them to serve they say “NO” because they are too busy.
I am not saying these activities are bad, evil or shouldn’t be attended. I am saying there should be moderation. Outward facing service to others is important – and we do benefit – it stretches and grows us to new levels of faith and intimacy with God. And yes, this isn’t always the most comfortable, sometimes it is downright painful!
What is the “eating to exercise” ratio in your life? Are you fat? How much muscle building are you doing? Are you being stretched at all? Is anything challenging or life-changing? Is your life stale?
It is one thing to learn the principles in the pew; it is a whole different story to practice them in public. Remember, eat too much, too often, and plumpness will pursue you like a plague!
Living – My Redmond, Washington condo goes on the market March 10th. Please pray for a quick sale and that my renter will be honored in the process.
Work – Going well – but really busy. I was really “battle worn” last week but rallied over the weekend and feel much better!
Health – I danced for the first time in over a year last weekend! One of my Seattle dance buddies was in town and we made the most of his sister’s marble tile floor – my poor feet were blistered! They aren’t used to this stuff any more!
Social – I made some new friends at the church I have been attending and went to lunch with them after service – very fun.
Finances – If you would like to sow into what I am doing see the footer info at or contribute at for more information.
Work – That I would be able to discern the most important tasks and be ok with letting the rest of my “list” wait until later.
Intimacy with God – That I can rest and work at the same time. That I can remember that God has already won the battle and that I am only called to do my part – which He strengthens me for.
Relationships – God has my husband out there somewhere – please pray for him and his walk with God to be deepened, strengthened and made more robust!
PS Please pray for an easy delivery and recovery for my friend Jodie – she is having baby number two next week! Happy early B-day James!
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Nice to meet you.
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