Villa Montalvo hiking trail - Saratoga, CA
Enoch is only mentioned a few times in the Bible – mostly in Genesis, and then in a few New Testament references (mostly in “begat” sections). But there are verses, short one liners, that really impact me (in summary):
· Genesis 5:24 – intense intimacy / fellowship with God for 300 years resulting in absence of death
· Hebrews 11:5-6 – faith is what kept him from tasting death – and the famous verse about “faith pleasing God” was inspired by this man
I don’t know about you, but I only know of two men in the world’s history translated off this earth – Enoch and Elijah. We know more about Elijah’s story – just because there is more written in the Bible; great prophet, weird guy, trained Elisha, afraid of Jezebel for a season, able to change weather patterns, ability call down fire to consume a wet altar, slaughtered a bunch of false prophets, etc. And in 2 Kings 2 a fiery chariot from heaven swoops down, picks up Elijah and off to the heavens he goes. There were over 50 eye-witnesses to that incredible event.
I have known, and know, lots of devoted God-followers but none of them have disappeared and are “known no more.” What set Enoch and Elijah apart?
Enoch was married and had kids; Elijah, not. Enoch lived before the flood; Elijah, after. Both were men, both were prophets, both had names starting with the letter E. They were alike in some aspects but very different in others. It is reported in Genesis 5 that Enoch started walking with God after the birth of his son Methuselah…Enoch was 65 (go Gramps Go). Conversely, Elijah appears out of nowhere in 1Kings 17 prophesying in Ahab’s court and not much is said about his genealogy – a bit strange for Jewish culture.
But, I don’t think these facts are the reason they never tasted death.
Why were they zipped up off the planet and not some of the other “greats” of faith? Why these two men and not Billy Graham? These are some of the questions I would like to ask God when I get to heaven. Was it the faith factor? Their intimacy level? That they were men? Was it there were so few others on the earth who were like them God wanted to make examples out of their lives?
Both Enoch and Elijah were radical followers of God; both were able to hear God’s voice and speak it to the nations; both were taken alive into heaven during their “prime.” I don’t know what made them so special to God…but they were. I am not sure what set them apart, but they were. One thing I do know, their faith pleased God.
Does your faith level please God? Does your life depict you need God to show up or you fail? Do you have to trust him for life, breath and everyday energy – or do you have things handled yourself? Do you make God happy with your decisions? Do you please God with your actions?
I doubt that I will be translated off this earth. But I do want to be special in God’s eyes, I do want to be set apart, and I do want to make God happy. Do you?
Condo – Still for sale.
Work – Recruiting! Events, applications, documents – yep it is that time of year! Learn to be a minister/pastor in your workplace…
Visitors – Jamie’s visit was so much fun! We walked, talked, shopped, and I got to show her all my favorite places in and around Saratoga. So Fun!
Travel – God provided a ticket for me to travel to Switzerland for the holidays! Yep, I leave Christmas morning to join Rebecca (who is flying from South Africa). I am excited to see and spend time with my friend at her Dad’s house outside Berne.
Condo – Needs to sell and I need the monthly mortgage payment to come in. Please pray for a buyer – God has one in mind, I just don’t know where they are!
Work – for 2010 plans – so much to consider, contemplate and pray about! Exciting things are ahead!
Websites - If you would like to RSS my update vs. getting them by email visit my blog site To find out more about rēp visit for information.
PS – Happy Christmas – consider this your Holiday Greeting Card from me! :)
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