Since returning from Africa, my life has been a study in patience and trust. In the eyes of the world (and most of my loved ones) I haven’t accomplished much. I haven’t secured employment, I haven’t secured a car to permanently call my own, and I not pursuing a marked direction or path.
Almost every time I chat with God about this ‘lack of direction’ I am rewarded with some verse about patience/trust. I have started keeping track of all the Hebrew words I have learned...Here’s a sampling:
- Qavah – wait patiently/hopefully for
- Yachal – to wait for, put hope in, expect, trust
- Hasa – put trust in
- Makrothumia – longsuffering patience
- Hupomone – patience which grows only in trial, endure
“Yep. Ok God. This is a time of patiently waiting on You. Um, have you seen my bank balance lately?”
I am patiently waiting and trusting in God to bring about the ‘next thing’ – as I actively wait (pursue every lead given, seek out new ones etc.), I lack nothing. This ‘living on the edge’ mentality is adventurous, but at times, a bit nerve racking!
My life is full of color and light. I am working through the ‘direction’ question (and others), but who isn’t struggling with something huge? My life is blessed in so many ways. God has provided solid people to walk along side me. I have two ‘life experienced’ women providing me with insight/wisdom and two accountability partners that aren’t afraid to ask me if I need balloons for my current pity party.
Yesterday I had lunch with one of the ladies and she posed several questions. It made me consider multiple things – among them: Where is my heart? What am I passionate about? Where is God working? Where can I join in?
The answer was immediate. Equip. God is working and moving in Equip. I am passionate about the ministry and what they are doing around the world – and I want to be apart of it.
In short, God is allowing me to return to Africa to participate in the Johannesburg and Cape Town business ventures. I leave the 12th of April but need your help to get there.
I am write in hope that you can share my adventure with me. I have two primary areas of need:
- Prayer support is essential! Some areas include, safe travels, for Godly relationships, for His will to be done, for protection in the Spiritual realm, for daily provision, for wisdom, strength, grace, His guidance, etc. A solid group of prayer supporters is my greatest need and I would value your partnering with me in this way. Please let me know if you will be able to support me in prayer so that I can keep you up to date on my adventure! There will be daily updates posted on the website (http://www.repurposing.biz/) and I will send updates tracking answered prayers, events, and prayer requests.
- Funding: I trust God completely for the resources I need. But, I believe that others desire to give and support the cause of Christ, thus the request to join me on my adventure. My expenditure will be about $6,000. (This covers airfare and 6 weeks of in-country costs). If you would like to know more about how to financially support me, please see the end of this mail.
Thank you so much for your time in reading this and for your prayerful consideration of supporting me.
I appreciate you and your friendship,
Immediate Prayer requests:
- Team unity in JHB and CT
- Clients in JHB and CT
- God to provide the funds needed for the venture in JHB and CT
- Physical, mental and emotional strength and stamina
- Strengthening of all relationships locally and internationally
- Protection while traveling and while in South Africa
Financal: Please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below
1 comment:
Hi Dena,
Great to hear you are coming again, our house is always open to you and even though we are moving we will always have a spot for you even if it is on the sleeper couch! So what's up on your side?
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