“This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.” Revelation 14:12
South Africa doesn't have Starbucks, Tully's, or Seattle's Best, but they do have the SEATTLE COFFEE COMPANY...go figure...
Since committing to return to Africa my life has been chaos. I have been in California two weekends (one for a Cape Town Team reunion – we received 4 ½ feet of snow in 24 hours – which is ironic if you contrast the summer temperatures CT is actually receiving) and in Canada at Whistler (another irony – no snow, just immense amounts of rain – yep, the rental chalet’s roof has SEVERAL leaks – mostly around my favorite reading area!).
Adding to the chaos is the job market. It is finally opening up! I have gotten calls from friends recommending positions, cold calls, recruiter calls, calls from actual hiring managers – it has been wild! “Ok God, whater doing?”
So far each job has fallen by the wayside for one reason or another and I am back to where I started – but it has been an intense time of seeking God and what He actually wants from me!
I was at church a few Wednesday’s ago and Clark Roberts was joking with me about the length of my trip this time around. He asked how long I was going for and I answered that the outside parameter is 6 weeks. He quipped – so you’ll be gone 9 months? Ha, Ha, Clark, very funny - but it brings about a good point.
The point being: “Dena, when are you returning to the US and what are you going to do?”
I don’t know. My ticket says I return on May 20th at 10:47 am, but if God asks me to stay and work for awhile I will. On the other hand, if God asks me to come home early I will. As for when I return, heaven and its inhabitants only know! I am still praying for direction, knocking on doors, and walking through those that stay open. It is an adventurous living situation, to say the least, and hope for some more ‘concrete’ pathways to be revealed between now and when I return. I’ll keep you posted.
On the topic of posting – I have created a blog (denanadrews.blogspot.com). For you non-techies, a blog is like an on-line diary that is out there for the world to read. This time around, instead of doing the weekly e-mail updates, I will write to the blog, post it, and a notification will be sent to you through Google groups. The tricky thing is, you need to have a Google account to be in my group – fortunately it is easy to set one up! If you haven’t received an invitation to join my group, let me know.
This will be the last ‘conventional’ update you will receive. From now on, if you choose to join the group, you will receive an email from Google notifying you that the blog has been updated. Clear as mud?
Thanks to all of you who have graciously volunteered to give some of your precious prayer time to me. I appreciate your sacrifice. Thank you to those who have sacrificed financially to help me make it back to the ‘dark continent’ and share Jesus in an unconventional way – through business consulting (yes, it can be done).
When petitioning heaven for me if you could chat to God about:
· Safe travels
· Godly relationships
· His will to be done
· Protection in the Spiritual realm
· Daily provision
· Wisdom, discernment, grace, His guidance, etc.
· Team unity in JHB and CT
· US consultants for JHB
· Clients in JHB and CT
· God to provide the funds needed for the venture in JHB and CT
· Physical, mental and emotional strength and stamina
· Strengthening of all relationships locally and internationally
Funding: I am trusting God completely for the resources I need. But, I believe that others desire to give and support the cause of Christ, thus the request to join me on my adventure. My expenditure will be about $6,000. (This covers airfare and 6 weeks of in-country costs). If you would like to know more about how to financially support me, please see the bottom of the page.
Thank you so much for your time in reading this and for your prayerful consideration of supporting me.
Go sign up for Google Groups (http://groups.google.com/group/denaandrews?hl=en)!
1 comment:
About the "Seattle Coffee Company" in South Africa: South Africans often copy the names of famous US businesss. They have a "7-11" chain (http://www.711.co.za/) with no connection to 7-11 in the rest of the world, and a "Woolworths" chain (http://www.woolworths.co.za/) with no connection to the famous F.W. Woolworth chain that operated from 1878 to 1997 in the US. So I'm surprised the coffee shop wasn't called Starbucks!
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