“Therefore, the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you.” Isaiah 30:18
Picture: Downtown Seattle from Lake Union
Pain, suffering, sorrow, persecution, fraud, death, loss – all ‘ick’ words in my vocabulary and the last ten years of my life has been wrought with them. I, in my opinion, have had more than my fair share of ‘refining experiences’ in the last decade! The first few incidences I wondered where God was, if He cared, and if I would live. Then I got smart and started asking “What for?” instead of “Where are you?”
“What am I supposed to learn here? What is the bigger picture? What do you want me to gain from this?” That ever popular verse states that ‘all things work together for the good’...”ok, this isn’t lookin’ all that beneficial God, show me how this is helpful!”
God allows situations to enter our lives to cause us to call out to Him, to seek Him, to return to Him. The above verse from Isaiah really hit me the other day; it showed me that God actively waits...longing and hoping for us to return. The best part is, once we humble ourselves and come to Him, He is gracious (kind, generous, compassionate).
We have all had times of ‘rough go’, feeling stuck, and that God has all but disappeared. He is silent and we are without answer. Fortunately, this is part of the refining process and will have an end. I know my refining process isn’t even close to over...daily I discover ‘ick’ words affecting my life!
“With all this refining goin’ on Lord, when does the gracious bit begin?”
All the time. God is gracious all the time. Take today for example. I am preparing to leave for a six week trip to Africa, and have no luggage. I went to Fred Myer’s to pick up some odds and ends only to discover a 50% off luggage sale. I started unzipping and peeking at the merchandise. Neon green was my best option. A salesman saw my interest, produced an identical bag to the verdant one I was eying (in burgundy!), AND, (to make things even better), gave me a coupon for an additional 15% off! Yep, I got a new suitcase for 65% off the ticketed price! Whoo Hoo!
His graciousness to me extends way beyond luggage provision...airline ticket times and routes, funding, MP3 players (I am still ‘wowing’ over that one), places to stay in Johannesburg and Cape Town, running into people I haven’t seen in ages, being able to share about equip/what God is doing/where I am going in the oddest of circumstances...the list goes on.
I know that God isn’t gracious to me on my own merit - yes, I have returned to Him, yes, I have answered His call. But others are petitioning on my behalf and I thank you. I know that my life is going the way it is right now because of God’s graciousness and because of your prayers.
That said, when you think of me, could you mention some of the following to God?
· Safe travels – no nausea!
· Godly relationships
· His will to be done
· Protection in the Spiritual realm
· Daily provision – in Africa and for bills back in the US
· Wisdom, discernment, grace, His guidance, etc.
· Team unity in JHB and CT
· US consultants for JHB
· Clients in JHB and CT
· God to provide the funds needed for the venture in JHB and CT
· Physical, mental and emotional strength and stamina
· Strengthening of all relationships locally and internationally
Funding: I am trusting God completely for the resources I need. But, I believe that others desire to give and support the cause of Christ, thus the request to join me on my adventure. My expenditure will be about $6,000. (This covers airfare and 6 weeks of in-country costs). If you would like to know more about how to financially support me, please see the bottom of the page.
Thank you taking the time to read this and for partnering with me!
Blessings to you,
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