“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7
Picture: View from the lawn in front of my condo...
The above verse was on my flip calendar (thanks Inge) the other day - a simple sentence embodying a very deep, challenging concept.
I have asked several people what they think faith is - and most oft quoted is Hebrews 11:1 (Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.) But when I personalize the question, most look stymied.
What is faith? Is it being rock solid sure of something that has no tangible proof? A ‘knowing’? A ‘confidence’? Or is it trust in something/someone other than us?
I have heard people say “It was a faith-building period of my life”, or “Wow, that took faith!” What are they building, what are they cashing in? What is the basis of faith?
I think it simplifies to initial choice and trust. A choice made when we grasp that grace is for all and Christ came to set us free from sin – our first faith step happens when we move away from all that is logical and known into the shadow realm of the unfamiliar and mysterious to begin our lives as Christ followers. Then what? What embodies faith moving forward?
Trust. Trust in a heavenly being that has a greater plan, a bigger purpose, a mightier mandate than we can grasp with our finite minds. Trust that what we see isn’t all that there is, that there is more; a greater, richer depth to what we are living. Trust that we are participating in something greater than ourselves and are having a lasting impact.
Trusting the unseen, the unknown, is hard. If we are walking by faith (i.e. trust) we don’t always understand much. Life doesn’t make sense, we do ‘weird’ things by the world’s standard, and our resumes are a jumble of unrelated work experiences.
Thrill, excitement and adventure are only some of the byproducts of ‘faith’ living, intimacy with God is another. A greater familiarity, closeness, understanding, nearness, friendship, confidence...and, yes, trust, in God develops as intimacy matures.
Faith and Intimacy have a symbiotic relationship, as one develops the other deepens. God’s greatest aim is intimacy with us – for us to reach a place of total trust, faith and hope in him. I am not there yet, and I don’t know if I will ever be this side of heaven! But, I get points for persistent effort!
My ability to walk in ‘faith’ lately is only because of the support I receive from you. Thank you for your continued prayers and financial assistance. God’s provision is evident (ask about my home owners insurance) and the confirmation about my upcoming travel is overwhelming! When you chat with God next, could you mention a few of the following for me? Thanks!
1. Safe travels: No nausea! I leave at 8 am Thursday, April 12th and land in Johannesburg around 3pm Friday. That my luggage will arrive with me!
2. Protection
3. Provision
4. Family: My parents aren’t too hip about this latest foray into Africa and my sister is healing from extensive ear surgery
5. Wisdom, discernment, grace, His guidance, etc.
6. Venture: Team unity in JHB and CT, US consultants for JHB, Clients in JHB and CT
7. Health: Physical, mental and emotional strength and stamina
I am trusting God completely for the resources I need. If you would like to know more about how to financially support me, please see the bottom of the page.
Thank you taking the time to read this and for partnering with me!
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