Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Update #4

Habakkuk 1:5"Look at the nations and be amazed! Watch and be astounded at what I will do! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you about it...2:3But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed..."


I have been extremely blessed by being allowed to “camp out” at the Porter residence while they were away on holiday. They have a lovely house and the animals and I got along great…even though their golden retriever has a paper fetish and ate my thank you note to them!

I have been in and out of meetings all week working with Brenda and others. The most interesting was meeting with one of the top women executives at OLD MUTUAL – a London based insurance/savings/loan firm. Brenda has been hired to help implement change in their support structure. Very intriguing.

I moved into Brenda’s cottage on Sunday (entrance pictured above). It is a lovely 500 square foot “flat” with too spacious rooms – and very quiet! Her back garden fronts the entrance so I lookout onto a bricked patio surrounded by green and flowers – very pretty.

I am still experiencing connectivity issues – and I apologize for the long delays between updates. I have discovered a cute pub/coffee shop not too far from Brenda’s that has wireless service. The “Mugg and Bean” allows 10 minutes of internet without a fee, so I am able to up and download e-mail several times a week! Whoo Hoo!

Even with all of my connectivity issues, God continues to move and is ever-present. I have heard Africa described as the “most spiritual” of continents. I now understand what they mean. Spirituality (good or bad) is saturated into everything. The great thing is God “right here” all the time. But, then again, I may have a skewed experience because of all of the prayer being said for me!

Thanks for all of your prayer between my updates here is the latest status:

  • Computer issues – hard time communicating back home and sending instructions/directions to my parents/friends etc. I am trying not to become frustrated!

  • Family – my decision to stay in South Africa has been difficult for my parents. Please pray for God’s comfort for them.

  • Protection – so far so good!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – great things are happening!

  • Insight as I work with Brenda – I have a background in healthcare not business – but it is amazing to see how my training is being used to benefit those around me and those Brenda is working with

  • Discernment / Wisdom – as I move into this time of work and renewal. I want to be able to clearly hear God’s voice and determine direction for now and for when I return to the states in December – still seeking!

  • Material Needs - transportation while I am in South Africa, $$ for supplies and God-purposed travel (Cape Town etc.)

Prayer is essential and a solid group of prayer supporters is my greatest need. When you remember me, please petition God in my behalf for the following:

  • Computer issues – I will be able to get all the e-mail up and downloaded in 10 minutes WITHOUT issue!

  • Family – they will find peace in my decision to stay and work in South Africa

  • Protection – as I move around Johannesburg

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – continued growth

  • Insight as I work with Brenda and travel to Cape Town

  • Sleep - it has taken me a few days each time I move residences to attain a good nights sleep – if you could pray that this happens sooner rather than later – it is not great to have me yawning in the middle of a business meeting with one of Brenda’s clients!

  • Discernment / Wisdom – as I move into this time of work and renewal. I want to be able to clearly hear God’s voice and determine direction for now and for when I return to the states in December

  • Material Needs - transportation while I am in South Africa, $$ for supplies & God purposed travel

Thank you so much for your time, prayer, and for supporting me!

Blessings to you and your families,


If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

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