Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Update #5

Habakkuk 1:5"Look at the nations and be amazed! Watch and be astounded at what I will do! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you about it...2:3But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed..."


Well, so far, this week has been amazing! Brenda spent most of Monday prepping for a Tuesday meeting – so I caught up on reading for the November Cape Town venture (Clint, thanks for the books!). That night we went to a “learning to prophesy” course at a local Christian bookstore (picture). It was mind-blowing! The teaching was straight out of the Bible and done in a way that you could apply it pronto! I am still trying to grasp all that I learned. It is basically “active prayer” – when I get home I can explain if you are interested.

Tuesday was spent at a client site. In the morning I had the privilege to sit in on a Leadership Development class Brenda’s business partner Robin lead…it was on personal and organization change and implementation (oh, hmm, how apropo!). It is amazing to see how God lines things up in my life! Last night I dropped Brenda off at the airport. She is off to Cape Town for a conference and a series of meeting – I will be “holding down the fort” in Jo-berg.

The weather has been beautiful and warm (like a Seattle July) – with thunderstorms threatening occasionally. My ankle has been holding up great! I haven’t had any discomfort at all with all the barometric pressure shiftings! Praise God!

My camera died. I have no idea why or what caused it. I asked God to fix the problem or help me to find someone to fix it. Several days later, I was driving close to where I was house sitting and low and behold off to my left is a Pentax camera shop – so I took it in for an estimate. Long story short, God provided a certified Pentax repair shop (the only one in Jo-burg) and I am getting my camera repaired! Go God!

As I read over the last few paragraphs I shake my head – God is so good to me and so present in my life. I hope the same is true of you! I feel so fortunate to have you praying for me (Let me know if there is anyway I can be praying for you). Thanks for all of your prayer between letters. Here is the update from the last posting:

  • Computer issues – this is getting better, but still frustrating. God is really working on my patience!

  • Family – they are still adjusting to me staying until December 7th

  • Protection – as I move around Johannesburg – so far, so good!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – I am being exposed to new and exciting aspects of God’s character all the time

  • Insight – I trust my “gut” more – thanks for praying – things pop into my head during meetings that I have no idea where they came from. Now, if I will just speak them out...

  • Sleep - better but still not great…

  • Discernment / Wisdom – I know I am where I am supposed to be – the confirmation is too numerous to discount!

  • Material Needs - I am borrowing vehicles as I have need and financial support is trickling in!

A solid group of prayer supporters is my greatest need. Thanks for praying for me – here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Computer issues – I will be able to get e-mail up and downloaded in 10 minutes and that attachments will come through without “hanging” the system

  • Family – they will find peace in my decision to stay and work in South Africa

  • Protection – as I move around Johannesburg – my travel insurance has expired and won’t extend while I am in-country (I have to go off continent, apply, and then come back – weird) so I have no coverage at the moment.

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me.

  • Insight as I work with Brenda and travel to Cape Town for the pending equip venture

  • Sleep - it takes me a few days each time I move residences to attain a good nights sleep – I still haven’t had it!

  • Discernment / Wisdom – I want to be able to clearly hear God’s voice and determine my life’s direction when I return in December

  • Material Needs - continued transportation availability while I am in South Africa, $$ for supplies & God purposed travel

Thank you so much for your time, prayer, and for supporting me!

Blessings to you and your families,


If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

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