Friday, August 24, 2007

Update #47

“...not only this, but we glory in afflictions also, knowing that afflictions work out patience, and patience works out experience, and experience works out hope.” Romans5:3-4
Lake in Emerald Hills, CA

In 1998 I was without hope. I had become utterly frustrated with my job, I had ended a long-term dating relationship, and I had come to a place where most of my friends had ‘disappeared’ into new jobs, marriages, or our lives had taken different paths. I was very unhappy.

Financially, on the other hand, I was doing quite well. Bart Miller was the administrative pastor at my church and taught me the finer art of stewardship…and of perseverance. I had royally screwed up my check register (not normal) and he volunteered to help me straighten it out. When I got the register back, corrected and on track, there was a 3X5 card enclosed in its folds.

‘HOPE’ is all it said. I called and asked him about it. I could hear the smile in his voice: “You don’t seem to have much of it now so I am giving you a bit of mine to tide you over.” I cried.

At that point in my life I didn’t realize the gift he’d given me. According to Romans 5, hope isn’t easily acquired. It is attained through affliction, long-suffering, and trial. Ugh.

Reflecting back, Bart had had a fair amount of ‘hope builders’ in his life…so much so he had hope to give away. He had to have had an abundance of the hardship/suffering, patience building, and tribulation pieces to make the reservoir deep enough to overflow to me!

Hope isn’t easily attained but it matters. The Bible says that a life with hope deferred makes you sick (Proverbs 13:12) but a life filled with hope keeps you from shame (Romans 5:5).

So, are you feeling hopeless, despondent, downhearted, or unhappy with life…maybe God is deepening your hope reserve...

Just something to think about!

Living – safely ensconced at my relative’s house
Car – I have one until Eric returns – probably September 1st-ish.
Samson – Houdini has a new harness complete with id tag…and he hates it! It jingles when he walks giving away his locale…no more sneaking up on anybody!
Work – I’ve realized that I don’t want to become a travel agent – I have been booking a lot of trips lately (not mine) and wow, are airline tickets expensive!
Financing – I have raised about $1900 a month – thank you. I am actively working to book LEMON seminars in the Bay area to raise my salary that way.

– I am with my Aunt and Uncle for the time being but, when the new rēp headquarters are determined, I need to a cat friendly space close to the office.
Car – God only knows!
Samson – He and his buddy, Lucky, have become fast friends…as long as Lucky stays away from me and Sam doesn’t go anywhere near my cousin or her room! Fur can fly!
Financing - Eventually my position will be salaried but at first I need to raise ~$3000 a month cover expenses. If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Contribute’ at on the left of the page, or visit and read the footer for additional info.

Happy end of August!


1 comment:

eshibui said...

I read your blog on Sunday morning and really connected with Romans 5:3-4. Then later Sunday night at Japanese church the missionary who was speaking that night quoted it again! WOW! I felt like God was speaking to me through it. :) -- Richard