"…know the truth and the truth will make you free." John 8:32
My apartment's kitchen
The apartment I recently moved into was built in the 1960’s. At the time of its construction it was top of the line with all the modern conveniences and nuances. Besides a dishwasher being added in the late 1970’s, a new bathroom counter in the 1980’s, and replacing the linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom the apartment is untouched. It is a tribute to the fashion and taste of the hippie era.
What was fashionable and “hip” in 1960 does not match 2009 trends. Standards changed, technology improved, and tastes transformed. What was architectural and decorative “truth” in the 1960’s isn’t now.
The same with fashion; I recently saw some pictures from high school on Facebook and laughed at what we were wearing and how our hair was styled. I can’t imagine myself now in an outfit consisting of leggings and a baggy sweater cinched at the waist with faux leather 4 inch wide belt! Add to that poufy permed hair, neon accessories, and big sunglasses…it is painful to recall! But, that was fashion “truth” in the late 1980’s.
Like architecture and fashion, societal moral standards have also changed. The 1950’s had TV couples sleeping in twin beds and not a swear word was to be heard. The 60’s brought the “sexual revolution,” the 70’s and 80’s seasoned the “free love” movement and the 1990’s introduced gay rights into the mainstream.
With all this change, what is the truth? What is the standard? What is the norm?
How do you determine truth? By what standard do you make your decisions and choices? Is it the societal standard – what the “norm” is? What the “buzz about town” says it is? Is it by what your parents say? Your spouse? Your pastor? A mentor? A peer? Who or what determines the truth in your life?
For years I looked to authority figures and my parents to define truth. This is fine for children – but not for adults. Adults need to have their own model, their own criterion for how they make decisions and manage their lives; unfortunately, many govern their existence based on the changing opinions of society.
God says if we know the truth it will make us free. What truth is he talking about? The Gospel? That Jesus came, died and if we accept him we are free from death? I think that is only part of it.
God cares for us more than anyone on earth ever could try to love us – so he set up some rules to protect us from ourselves. God’s word, the Bible, contains truth about every subject – ya just have to search for it.
God’s word is unchanging. It is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Unlike society it isn’t trendy, it isn’t fashionable, and it isn’t always hip – but it lasts. It lasts centuries.
Again, I ask on what do you base your decisions and choices? What is your truth built upon – something shifting and changing or something solid and ageless? Do you want your decisions and choices to have lasting power and impact…then base them on something that does.
Living – I had my aunt, uncle and cousin over for dinner – what fun to give back to them, in a small way, for all that they gave me.
Work – Today I handed off all of the “training weekend away” stuff to an eager and willing volunteer (thank you Alexia!) – whoo hoo!
Social – trying out a new church in the South Bay area. I found one I really like in San Francisco but it is too far away to cultivate community on a regular basis…and I travel a lot so that makes it even tougher.
Travel – At the client’s request, my February Indonesia trip has been rescheduled to June. It looks like I will be in the Bay Area for a few months!
Finances – Due to the economic downturn donations have all but dried up (for me and for the ministry). God is still providing in cool and creative ways – my faith is being stretched and grown – which I praise God for!
Work – Please pray with me, we are seeking a bookkeeper to take over what about 4 of us are handling at the moment. This is a much needed position! We are also “praying into being” other key staff positions.
Intercession – That I would carve out more time to spend with God.
Health – My right ankle is still cranky. But, thanks for your prayers; they, the warmer weather, and Dr. Joe’s care, seem to be helping.
Financing – 2 Corinthians 9:6 is all I have to say… (Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.)
PS For more info: http://www.denaandrews.blogspot.com/ and Karen - thanks for the towels!