Carmel Valley California
Have you ever been micromanaged? I have and I hate it. I am given a task and then the giver comes back over and over and over again to check up on things; they ask questions (have I contacted so and so, or done this or that), make suggestions (researched this option, thought of this angle), and give their insight (well I think, wouldn’t it be better if). At times I get a bit grouchy and want to know if they are still interested in me carrying out what they asked me to do or if they would rather complete it themselves.
God is the exact opposite of the micromanaging type. In fact when he gave Adam charge of the earth – he gave Adam full authority. Genesis 1:26 says that God gave dominion over all the earth. God didn’t check in with Adam everyday giving suggestions, making comments or going over checklists…he gave the earth to Adam and that was that.
Now, to take this a bit deeper, the Hebrew name Adam basically means human – or human being. Do you see where this is going? God gave the earth to you to manage, to care for, to direct, supervise, handle and control.
Now remember, God is a good manager. He is the type that gives a task or a project (see Genesis 1:26), outlines expectations (don’t eat of that tree), and then is available if you have questions or need help (God walked in the garden in the cool of the day). This type of manager doesn’t get involved unless asked – you have full control of the task or project and can run it anyway you like.
I was listening to a speech and the orator was saying that there are three basic reasons people pray 1. They want something, 2. The Bible says they have to, and 3. To build a deeper relationship with God. He went on the reveal that there is a fourth to this list…4. God acts when asked.
God has given us our lives as our own. He won’t force anything on us, he won’t suggest anything to us, won’t get in the way - unless asked. He has given us full authority on the earth as well – so he won’t intervene, ask questions, or direct our steps – unless asked.
Have you reflected on the state earth is in right now? Read Revelations 6 – the first five seals are open…deceptive leaders populate the earth (i.e. Thailand demonstrations just a month ago), evil happening through violence and war, rampant famine and economic injustice, and massive unjust deaths are common place. Yep, we are definitely in control…if God was, this stuff wouldn’t be happening!
So, you ask, what do I do? How can I take up responsibility for my part of earth’s dominion? How can I better rule and reign over my terrain?
Easy. Pray. Ask God what he thinks is best. Ask God what he thinks should be done. Ask God for his opinion. When God delegates he fully entrusts us and things are in our control. God is like the CEO in a business – he has the most experience, the greatest perspective and the biggest network to call upon. Wouldn’t you want that at your disposal?
Ask. Ask a lot (he expects it see Col 4:2); because, God only acts when he is asked.
Living – Now that I have my new little place I am hardly there! But what fun it is to come home to! I am at the Huntington Beach, CA office this weekend and enjoying the 60F January days!
Work – Worldwide training starts on about three weeks and that means the “training weekend away” is coming up fast. I am also working with the intercession team to get regular meetings in place and praying about developing a new product that centers around intercession in the corporate environment….could use prayer around this!
Heath – much better! Bit of slight cough when I get over tired or cold but as long as I sleep enough I am regaining ground on the health side!
Work – I feel that this is a year of stretching for me – into new lines and areas of business that I haven’t experienced before. That said, we are seeking a bookkeeper to take over what about 4 of us are handling at the moment. With a bookkeeper in place it will free up a lot of my time to do income generating work.
Travel –I am hopefully heading back to Indonesia the middle of February to do some client work with my boss.
Intercession – that God would be able to change the perception that prayer is boring. That I would be able to boldly share what God has done through and around me and others to inspire greater intimacy with him. Also, that he will speak to me more about the new product (see above).
Health – My right ankle is still really cranky. I don’t know why – maybe it is still recovering from “the move” – all I know is I am in more pain than usual. Thanks for your prayers around this.
Financing – I rely solely on donor support. If these devotions have touched you, caused you to see God differently, or altered your outlook on life AND you are interested in contributing toward my day-to-day needs or to my travel fund, please see ‘Contribute’ at on the left of the page, or visit and read the footer for additional info.
P.S. If you want more information about what I do and who I work for attend one of the report backs or informational meetings…they are only scheduled in the US at this point – check out our website
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