Carmel Valley, California
At a concert a pianist related the back-story of the next piece he was about to play. He told of his frame of mind (brokenhearted over a recent relationship demise), he told of the state of the environment in which he was writing (“bachelor pit” – his words not mine), and that he was out of inspiration for his next composition. He went to the refrigerator, opened it and, half hanging on the door, stared at the contents – moldy bread, a jar of pickles and ketchup. Slamming the fridge door he stalked back to the piano and began to compose. He entitled the song “Moldy Bread, Pickles and Ketchup.” The albums promoter was shocked and asked if they could entitle the song “Sudden Inspiration” after hearing the story. Check it out…it is on Jim Brickman’s album By Heart.
What inspires you? What motivates you to be a better person, to set your sights on greater things, to become creative and produce? What encourages your heart to do more, what stirs you? What instigates initiative?
I haven’t felt very ‘inspired” lately (probably one reason this blog hasn’t been updated in a month) and have been busy with moving, the holidays, and catching up with work. I was lying in bed the other morning thinking of all the things I needed to accomplish that day when all I really wanted to do was curl up with a good book, a cup of tea and my furball Samson (bad sign - he has been dead for 14 months). I cried out to God.
After about 3 seconds of teary eyes, I started praising him. I praised him for all that I had been given, for all that I have learned; for all that he has changed in me. I praised him for friends, family, and the future he has planned for me. I praised him for the creature comforts of a home, a warm bed, and food to eat. I praised him for the ability to see and hear and taste and perceive the world around me. I praised him that I have a full schedule, that I have a lot I am responsible for; that I was trusted with much.
I felt better. Not necessarily fully inspired, but better. I think so often we dwell on what we don’t have, what we wished we had, what others have and we don’t; and forget to look at what we DO have.
World travel has really opened my eyes to how thankful I should be. Living in comfort vs. radical poverty, malnourishment and after affects of war, strife and natural disasters. I have so much. I have reason to be thankful even when I feel overwhelmed and undone.
How about you? What pulls you out of the pit of despair when you find yourself there? What snaps you out of a “pity party for one” mode of thinking? What are you thankful for?
Living – I have moved into my little place! It is retro 1960’s with original stove and oven…and a pink tub! Thank you to all of you who carried a box, washed a dish and especially to my “Swedish Maid” who spent hours in the bathroom battling the scum remnant from the last tenant! I had my “thank you to the movers, cleaners, unpackers” dinner last night and it was fun to use my own dishes and linen. Sigh…small things make me so happy!
Work – We had our annual planning meeting the first full week of January in the Carmel Valley. It went extremely well and I am excited about all that God has for us in the coming year – very full but lots of adventure and fun too! We found a training lead for the next cycle (Sooyoun Kim) but we continue to pray for someone to come long term.
Heath – I am finally over bronchitis! I think it was God’s good sense of humor to send me home to Seattle in the middle of a snow storm so all I could do was sit and read, eat, and sleep!
Work – I feel that this is a year of stretching for me – into new lines and areas of business that I haven’t experienced before. That said, we are seeking a bookkeeper to take over what about 4 of us are handling at the moment. With a bookkeeper in place it will free up a lot of my time to do income generating work.
Travel – I am heading to the “Huntington Beach Office” (Kim Wilson’s home) the 22nd to 27th of this month to help with recruiting efforts and maybe visit some businesses in the area. I am hopefully heading back to Indonesia the middle of February to do some client work with my boss.
Intercession – that God would be able to change the perception that prayer is boring. That I would be able to boldly share what God has done through and around me and others to inspire greater intimacy with him.
Health – My right ankle has been steadily improving until the last month or so. Just before heading home to Seattle it started getting “cranky’ again. It is stiff in the morning and if I walk too far, do too much it “avenges” me for the entire next day – it is not as bad as it was in 2005-6 but it is painful. Please pray for God’s healing comfort.
Financing – I rely solely on donor support. If these devotions have touched you, caused you to see God differently, or altered your outlook on life AND you are interested in contributing toward my day-to-day needs or to my travel fund, please see ‘Contribute’ at on the left of the page, or visit and read the footer for additional info.
PS Thank you Al and Laura Gerona for lending me the area rugs…they fit perfectly!
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