Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Update #20

“Therefore, the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you.” Isaiah 30:18

Picture: Downtown Seattle from Lake Union

Pain, suffering, sorrow, persecution, fraud, death, loss – all ‘ick’ words in my vocabulary and the last ten years of my life has been wrought with them. I, in my opinion, have had more than my fair share of ‘refining experiences’ in the last decade! The first few incidences I wondered where God was, if He cared, and if I would live. Then I got smart and started asking “What for?” instead of “Where are you?”

“What am I supposed to learn here? What is the bigger picture? What do you want me to gain from this?” That ever popular verse states that ‘all things work together for the good’...”ok, this isn’t lookin’ all that beneficial God, show me how this is helpful!”

God allows situations to enter our lives to cause us to call out to Him, to seek Him, to return to Him. The above verse from Isaiah really hit me the other day; it showed me that God actively waits...longing and hoping for us to return. The best part is, once we humble ourselves and come to Him, He is gracious (kind, generous, compassionate).

We have all had times of ‘rough go’, feeling stuck, and that God has all but disappeared. He is silent and we are without answer. Fortunately, this is part of the refining process and will have an end. I know my refining process isn’t even close to over...daily I discover ‘ick’ words affecting my life!

“With all this refining goin’ on Lord, when does the gracious bit begin?”

All the time. God is gracious all the time. Take today for example. I am preparing to leave for a six week trip to Africa, and have no luggage. I went to Fred Myer’s to pick up some odds and ends only to discover a 50% off luggage sale. I started unzipping and peeking at the merchandise. Neon green was my best option. A salesman saw my interest, produced an identical bag to the verdant one I was eying (in burgundy!), AND, (to make things even better), gave me a coupon for an additional 15% off! Yep, I got a new suitcase for 65% off the ticketed price! Whoo Hoo!

His graciousness to me extends way beyond luggage provision...airline ticket times and routes, funding, MP3 players (I am still ‘wowing’ over that one), places to stay in Johannesburg and Cape Town, running into people I haven’t seen in ages, being able to share about equip/what God is doing/where I am going in the oddest of circumstances...the list goes on.

I know that God isn’t gracious to me on my own merit - yes, I have returned to Him, yes, I have answered His call. But others are petitioning on my behalf and I thank you. I know that my life is going the way it is right now because of God’s graciousness and because of your prayers.

That said, when you think of me, could you mention some of the following to God?

· Safe travels – no nausea!
· Godly relationships
· His will to be done
· Protection in the Spiritual realm
· Daily provision – in Africa and for bills back in the US
· Wisdom, discernment, grace, His guidance, etc.
· Team unity in JHB and CT
· US consultants for JHB
· Clients in JHB and CT
· God to provide the funds needed for the venture in JHB and CT
· Physical, mental and emotional strength and stamina
· Strengthening of all relationships locally and internationally

Funding: I am trusting God completely for the resources I need. But, I believe that others desire to give and support the cause of Christ, thus the request to join me on my adventure. My expenditure will be about $6,000. (This covers airfare and 6 weeks of in-country costs). If you would like to know more about how to financially support me, please see the bottom of the page.

Thank you taking the time to read this and for partnering with me!

Blessings to you,


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Update #19

“This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.” Revelation 14:12
Thanks Jess for the picture....

Africa. You say the word and millions of pictures pop into your head – mud grass huts, desert scenes, kids in mismatched shrunken clothing, body piles from genocide, lions, a runny-nosed kid with his ribs poking out, funny land rover type vehicles with shotguns fixed to their hoods, giraffes – the picture that often doesn’t come to our mind is ‘African business’.

What does African business look like? It may come as no surprise, but it looks just like it does here – some are poorly run, some are manned by overzealous luminaries with 40 million ideas and no direction, some are on track but are strapped by man power or financing...they have the same questions, the same considerations, and at the end of the day, want the same thing – to feel good about what they do and have a profit vs. a loss.

I have had several tough questions posed to me last week – two, I will address here – 1. Why are you serving there when there is so much need here? and 2. Why are you raising support when other people have a greater need than you do for the money? Good questions. Without pulling Biblical mandates into the equation, I will address them as simply as possible.

As I said above, African and American businesses are very similar. What I have learned, used, practiced, taught I take with me and implement. Business theory, guidelines, principles, rules that work here usually work there. I am serving here, I have worked here, I am furthering business’ here – I am just choosing to spend some of my time abroad sharing what I have learned...spreading the intellectual wealth if you would. Not that I am the ultimate business expert – I’m not. There are MBA’s and other business school graduates swimming circles around me. I just take the time to share what I have learned. I am giving back, not just here, in the greater Seattle area, but in internationally as well.

There are several ways I could address Question #2: Money. I could say that the money given to me goes farther because I teach how to profit vs. just giving money (‘teach to fish’ vs. ‘give a fish’ theory) – but the real reason I fundraise is simple. Humility. Fundraising keeps me very humble. Asking for a donation is hard, seeking financing isn’t what Americans were brought up to do. We are an independent nation; ‘do it yourself’ is our motto. My question is, if we are providing, attaining, achieving, and accomplishing all on our own, where/how does God fit in?

Due to my present life circumstances (seven months of unemployment) God has had a chance to move. I have seen God’s provision in miraculous ways, and am still seeing it. Asking for monetary support is counter-cultural and shamed in our society, especially by those who don’t understand how God works. “How dare you ask again?” “What entitles you?” are remarks I have fielded. How dare I? God told me to. What entitles me? God has. Brazen and bold statements I know, but they are true. When you walk intimately with God your life doesn’t make sense all the time – look at the mainline Bible characters (Abraham, David, Joseph, Paul, Peter) for the truth of this statement.

There are other reasons I fundraise...Accountability to and Inclusion of Others hallmark the list. But that discussion is for another time. This update is long enough and this last week has been overwhelming, a bit painful, but, thankfully, God’s presence was palpable.

Thank you to those who have been lifting up my upcoming travels in prayer. Fundraising was at a standstill until just last week and now I am closing in on the goal. Only a few have donated but the donations have been significant (thank you) – I truly believe it is my prayer supporters that make things really happen and move.

In light of that, when you pray, please lift up the traveling teams from the US...three out of the four teams are short US consultants. JHB only has 3 at this point....we need 11 (optimally) for a full team. Thank you for your prayers.

If you would like to partner with me financially, please see the ‘how to’s’ at the bottom of the page.

Please feel free to post a comment, if you have one, the link is at the bottom of the page.

Blessings to you, and thank you for walking on this journey with me,


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Update #18

“This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.” Revelation 14:12

South Africa doesn't have Starbucks, Tully's, or Seattle's Best, but they do have the SEATTLE COFFEE COMPANY...go figure...

Since committing to return to Africa my life has been chaos. I have been in California two weekends (one for a Cape Town Team reunion – we received 4 ½ feet of snow in 24 hours – which is ironic if you contrast the summer temperatures CT is actually receiving) and in Canada at Whistler (another irony – no snow, just immense amounts of rain – yep, the rental chalet’s roof has SEVERAL leaks – mostly around my favorite reading area!).

Adding to the chaos is the job market. It is finally opening up! I have gotten calls from friends recommending positions, cold calls, recruiter calls, calls from actual hiring managers – it has been wild! “Ok God, whater doing?”

So far each job has fallen by the wayside for one reason or another and I am back to where I started – but it has been an intense time of seeking God and what He actually wants from me!
I was at church a few Wednesday’s ago and Clark Roberts was joking with me about the length of my trip this time around. He asked how long I was going for and I answered that the outside parameter is 6 weeks. He quipped – so you’ll be gone 9 months? Ha, Ha, Clark, very funny - but it brings about a good point.

The point being: “Dena, when are you returning to the US and what are you going to do?”
I don’t know. My ticket says I return on May 20th at 10:47 am, but if God asks me to stay and work for awhile I will. On the other hand, if God asks me to come home early I will. As for when I return, heaven and its inhabitants only know! I am still praying for direction, knocking on doors, and walking through those that stay open. It is an adventurous living situation, to say the least, and hope for some more ‘concrete’ pathways to be revealed between now and when I return. I’ll keep you posted.

On the topic of posting – I have created a blog (denanadrews.blogspot.com). For you non-techies, a blog is like an on-line diary that is out there for the world to read. This time around, instead of doing the weekly e-mail updates, I will write to the blog, post it, and a notification will be sent to you through Google groups. The tricky thing is, you need to have a Google account to be in my group – fortunately it is easy to set one up! If you haven’t received an invitation to join my group, let me know.

This will be the last ‘conventional’ update you will receive. From now on, if you choose to join the group, you will receive an email from Google notifying you that the blog has been updated. Clear as mud?

Thanks to all of you who have graciously volunteered to give some of your precious prayer time to me. I appreciate your sacrifice. Thank you to those who have sacrificed financially to help me make it back to the ‘dark continent’ and share Jesus in an unconventional way – through business consulting (yes, it can be done).

When petitioning heaven for me if you could chat to God about:
· Safe travels
· Godly relationships
· His will to be done
· Protection in the Spiritual realm
· Daily provision
· Wisdom, discernment, grace, His guidance, etc.
· Team unity in JHB and CT
· US consultants for JHB
· Clients in JHB and CT
· God to provide the funds needed for the venture in JHB and CT
· Physical, mental and emotional strength and stamina
· Strengthening of all relationships locally and internationally

Funding: I am trusting God completely for the resources I need. But, I believe that others desire to give and support the cause of Christ, thus the request to join me on my adventure. My expenditure will be about $6,000. (This covers airfare and 6 weeks of in-country costs). If you would like to know more about how to financially support me, please see the bottom of the page.

Thank you so much for your time in reading this and for your prayerful consideration of supporting me.

Go sign up for Google Groups (http://groups.google.com/group/denaandrews?hl=en)!


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Update #17

“This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.” Revelation 14:12

Since returning from Africa, my life has been a study in patience and trust. In the eyes of the world (and most of my loved ones) I haven’t accomplished much. I haven’t secured employment, I haven’t secured a car to permanently call my own, and I not pursuing a marked direction or path.

Almost every time I chat with God about this ‘lack of direction’ I am rewarded with some verse about patience/trust. I have started keeping track of all the Hebrew words I have learned...Here’s a sampling:

  • Qavah – wait patiently/hopefully for
  • Yachal – to wait for, put hope in, expect, trust
  • Hasa – put trust in
  • Makrothumia – longsuffering patience
  • Hupomone – patience which grows only in trial, endure

“Yep. Ok God. This is a time of patiently waiting on You. Um, have you seen my bank balance lately?”

I am patiently waiting and trusting in God to bring about the ‘next thing’ – as I actively wait (pursue every lead given, seek out new ones etc.), I lack nothing. This ‘living on the edge’ mentality is adventurous, but at times, a bit nerve racking!

My life is full of color and light. I am working through the ‘direction’ question (and others), but who isn’t struggling with something huge? My life is blessed in so many ways. God has provided solid people to walk along side me. I have two ‘life experienced’ women providing me with insight/wisdom and two accountability partners that aren’t afraid to ask me if I need balloons for my current pity party.

Yesterday I had lunch with one of the ladies and she posed several questions. It made me consider multiple things – among them: Where is my heart? What am I passionate about? Where is God working? Where can I join in?

The answer was immediate. Equip. God is working and moving in Equip. I am passionate about the ministry and what they are doing around the world – and I want to be apart of it.

In short, God is allowing me to return to Africa to participate in the Johannesburg and Cape Town business ventures. I leave the 12th of April but need your help to get there.

I am write in hope that you can share my adventure with me. I have two primary areas of need:

  1. Prayer support is essential! Some areas include, safe travels, for Godly relationships, for His will to be done, for protection in the Spiritual realm, for daily provision, for wisdom, strength, grace, His guidance, etc. A solid group of prayer supporters is my greatest need and I would value your partnering with me in this way. Please let me know if you will be able to support me in prayer so that I can keep you up to date on my adventure! There will be daily updates posted on the website (http://www.repurposing.biz/) and I will send updates tracking answered prayers, events, and prayer requests.

  2. Funding: I trust God completely for the resources I need. But, I believe that others desire to give and support the cause of Christ, thus the request to join me on my adventure. My expenditure will be about $6,000. (This covers airfare and 6 weeks of in-country costs). If you would like to know more about how to financially support me, please see the end of this mail.

Thank you so much for your time in reading this and for your prayerful consideration of supporting me.

I appreciate you and your friendship,


Immediate Prayer requests:

  • Team unity in JHB and CT
  • Clients in JHB and CT
  • God to provide the funds needed for the venture in JHB and CT
  • Physical, mental and emotional strength and stamina
  • Strengthening of all relationships locally and internationally
  • Protection while traveling and while in South Africa

Financal: Please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below

Update #16

“This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.” Revelation 14:12

Happy 2007!

I have been home almost a month and have been asked by numerous people “So how are you doing?” Well, in all honesty...

It has been hard. Really hard. I was warned repeatedly about culture shock and transition difficulty, but wow - I had no idea what I was going to experience. I think coming back at the height of American commercialism didn’t help either!

The similarities between the two continents I found humorous: traffic, materialism, family gatherings, meeting with friends, me-first orientation, holiday craziness, decorations, inflated gas prices, gaiety of the season...some things are the same no matter where you are in the world!

The contrasts, in comparison, have been stark: 98 degrees boarding the plane to 38 degrees getting off; land of want to land of plenty; full-on encompassing participatory worship to polite singing; dry arid climate to full blown 100mph windstorm and rain with power outages; from “God bubble” to ungracious reality.

I was at the mall the other day and watched a woman pick out 5-6 sweaters to buy...for herself (she tried them on and proceeded to the counter). This was in absolute contrast to a man I met in 98 degree heat who was fearful of removing his wool sweater for the chance that it could be stolen from around his waist. Sweat trickled down the side of his face as he related this to me.
It has been hard to return from what I experienced and ‘fit back into’ my former life. I feel like a square peg being rammed into a round hole. I don’t fit anymore...and I don’t know if I want to.

People ask: “What’s next?”, “Where do you go from here”, “What is your strategic plan?” I don’t know. Every time I chat to God about it, it is like he tells me to ‘rest’. So ‘rest’ is what I am doing, and trying to be content in doing it! As the verse above relates, I think this is a time of ‘patient endurance’ for me - a time for me to rest and wait on His timing, His provision, His strategy. For me the organizer, fixer, doer this is difficult.

I was told once that God expects ‘active waiting’. We aren’t to sit and watch the world pass us by – but to do what we can until told something different. This is what I am doing. I have applied to several temp agencies and am awaiting a call, have gotten out of debt, am searching for a solid, reliable car for under $5K...and in the midst of it all am ‘resting’, ‘abiding’, ‘following’ His lead. It is a peace-filled position but definitely one of adventure.

The issues of financing, transportation, employment, next steps, relationships are ever-present, as they are for all of us. I deeply thank those of you who have continued to support me prayerfully (and financially) as I have transitioned home. It has been a rough period, but I know it could have been a lot worse!

As I bring this update to a close, I wanted to remind you of an open house my friend Jill is having this Sunday, January 7th, from 2-5 pm. I hope you can come so I can thank you personally for your support of me during my “African Adventure” (details below).

Warm wishes to you in 2007,


Open House Details:
Sunday, January 7th, 2007 from 2-5pm
RSVP to: Jill Olney jill.olney@comcast.net
Address: 12720 NE 10th Pl. #D304, Bellevue, WA 98005
Home Phone: (425) 467-6300

Jill lives in a condo complex and there is limited parking...so carpool if you can! Feel free to invite others...just let her know. Her condo can be hard to find...it is between NE 8th and Bel-Red Road just off of 124th street (and NE 10th Pl.) – call if you get lost.


Update #15

“…I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.” Psalm 32:8

I’m home!

My flight out of Joburg was 2 hours delayed (2 am departure), but I was still able to catch up with my friend in Amsterdam for 40 minutes before leaving for Seattle. I wasn’t able to sleep much on either flight, but I slept 15 hours at my parent’s house when I got home!

Monday I moved back to my condo. Jamie (my house sitter for the last three months and my close friend) has decided to stay on, so she, Woody (her chocolate lab), Samson (my cat who has taken up residence under my bed), and I are creating a ‘cozy’ existence in my one bedroom flat! Despite the cramped quarters, it is a blessing for both of us.

I have been pondering what exactly happened the last 12 weeks and I came up with several lists – Cool Things: Stuff God let me experience, Answered Prayer: Stuff God provided, Miracles: Stuff God pulled off unexpectedly or moved obstacles to make happen, and Learned: What I will take away with me. I included them below. I was a bit ‘whelmed’ when I re-read through them.

What now? I have spent the last three days running errands, cleaning up mail and other loose ends, bills, etc. I need to sell my car and find one that is reliable, good on gas and fits my very meager budget! I also need to find what God wants me to do job wise…I am still unclear in that arena. Equip is starting another round of training in January and I will be involved in that…contact me if you are interested in changing your life for the better!

Thank you, once again, for your prayers, I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate your support, both spiritually and financially. Not many people have the opportunity to experience what I did – I feel very fortunate and blessed to have done so.

This is the last of my weekly missals…if I go on another ‘grand adventure’ I’ll let ya know!

May God bless you abundantly for your fervent prayers (James 5:16).


So, here is a summary of the last twelve weeks, in yes, bullet-point format – any other way and it wouldn’t be ‘Dena’!

Cool Things: Stuff God Let Me Experience

  • Consultant and ops manager on Joburg venture
  • Intercessor and consultant on CT venture
  • Renewed joy
  • Prophesy courses in Joburg
  • Leadership Development courses at EuroSteele
  • Trip to Durbin, South Africa
  • Day of Durbin tourism with Trish Volker
  • Hanging out with Intercessors (Willem, Sean, Carla)
  • Purpose and Destiny Conference in Joburg
  • Reading vision/purpose books
  • Time of isolation – teaching, refining, learning
  • Content/grounded feeling
  • Extended summer
  • Intercession education in CT
  • Living in community / God bubble for ventures
  • Using my ‘giftings’ in a new and stretching way
  • Paradigm shifts in the business world
  • Time at the Mashatu game reserve

Answered Prayers: Stuff God Provided

  • My passport renewal arrived 5 days early
  • I was able to attain air tickets at an INCREDIBLE price
  • Financial support came in steadily
  • I was “gifted” a Dell laptop, docking station, software, etc.
  • God provided a friend to housesit for me
  • My girlfriend had her baby BEFORE I left (so I got to be apart of it)
  • No nausea on flights (Thank you Inge for the secret)
  • Safe travel
  • Funding for 2 equip ventures, airfare, travel insurance, and misc. needs
  • Little to no jet lag – adjusted very quickly to local time
  • Emotional healing
  • Ability to stay on in Africa for 10 weeks beyond initial return date
  • Provision of room and board for 5 weeks after Joburg venture date
  • Mugg and Bean internet café
  • Purpose, vision and discernment about life’s next steps revealed
  • Sleep improved
  • Internet connectivity in CT – skype to parents and friends
  • Staying with the Porters after the CT venture – before and after Botswana
  • Staying with the Ball’s in Botswana
  • Samson remembered his mama and I have my ‘bed warmer’ back!
  • Great reunion with my parents
  • Deeper intimacy with God – that has remained as I returned stateside
  • Luggage arrived at the same time I did 7 out of 8 flights!
  • Router on sale and with rebate was 75% off (my old one died)
  • New router has wireless capabilities
  • Roll over minutes enable me to keep lower rate for several months
  • Clothes held out for 3 months of hard continuous wear
  • Camera repair shop in Joburg

Miracles: Stuff God Pulled Off Unexpectedly or Moved Obstacles to Make Happen

  • I can eat almonds, hazelnuts – I stopped breathing before
  • Clients rededicating their lives to Christ (one in Joburg, one in CT)
  • Sale of a clients cars to increase business capital
  • Business contracts miraculously materializing
  • Property sales
  • Provision 3x the amount needed for Joburg business owner
  • $11000 provision for consultant
  • House sitting gig for the Porters the week after the Joburg venture
  • Joburg to CT flight – upgrade to 1st class
  • Corporate jet flight to and from Botswana
  • Ability to do things with my ankle I haven’t done in years – 20K bike ride, swimming, endless walks, boldering, wearing ‘cute’ shoes
  • No malaria from Botswana mosquitoes
  • Rogue wireless at the Porters

Learned: What I Will Take Away With Me

  • Grace became personal
  • Faith became more than just a word
  • Working for God became more than just a concept
  • Personal purpose and vision became real
  • Words became more than sounds to communicate – they have impact and spiritual ramifications
  • Love has a whole new connotation to it
  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God went way beyond expectation
  • Developed a better ear for God’s voice
  • How to “remain in Him” is becoming a lifestyle
  • Study of Biblical characters and the lessons learned
  • What my life can look like if I walk closely with God

Thank you for spending time chatting to God about me…as you can see I benefited greatly. My time in Africa equates to a life milestone – and you had a part. Thanks.

If you would like to financially help me while I get back on my feet and find full time employment, please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

Update #14

“…I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.” Psalm 32:8

A final ‘Hello’ from Africa –

I awoke in Botswana Monday morning and by 6:30 was off to the airport – with the air conditioner blasting! Yup, it was in the mid-80’s and not yet 7 am! I won’t miss the heat or the mosquitoes, but I will miss the country and the people!

I had a special treat last Wednesday & Thursday – I was privileged to visit Mashatu Game Reserve (http://www.mashatu.com/). I stayed in the tent camp (I likened it to a hotel with soft, breathable walls) and my shower had a tree in it! Anyway – I was able to go for two game drives (about 7 hours total) and saw African wildlife at its best! I saw elephants up close (picture), zebra, wildebeest, impala, kudu, tortoise, a lioness with her month old cubs, giraffe, ostrich, baboons, leopard…the list goes on. I had seen most of these animals in zoos, but seeing zebra race alongside the land-cruiser bucking up their hind legs, elephants spraying each other in play, giraffe heads popping up over trees in curiosity…it was amazing! Mashatu is the largest privately owned game reserve in Africa. It is in the corner of Botswana that touches South Africa and Zimbabwe – at one point I was riding the border between Bots and Zim!

I was touched by the harsh beauty and disparity of the bush. The bright green of the soft new leaves contrasted with the red, hard-baked earth. The fragile butterflies / dragonflies (huge actually) compared with the enormity of the bull elephant. The bush is a place of extremes and survival. I saw a zebra with a huge open red gash on its neck. The ranger said it had probably survived a leopard or lion attack. There’s reality for ya!

I don’t think I could live in this climate year-round, but, it has given me a greater appreciation of God’s creativity and the effort of survival. People live here. They have round mud huts with thatched roofs - were we have dog’s they have goats. Were Americans would have grass they have red dirt that is immaculately swept and edged with a stick fence or carefully placed rocks. Trees are treated with a special reverence because they provide a rare commodity - shade. Bush dwelling Africans are a hardy bunch – this wimpy Northwest girl can’t hack it! 102+ in the shade is a bit much for me!

I leave the heat of the African summer on Thursday night. When I board the plane for home I will have been here three months. I feel that I am a different person, a much different person, than I was when I landed 12 weeks ago. I have broader vision, a greater respect for life, and for the hand of God. Africa is just another continent filled with people – but I think it is special due to the suffering and hardship it has to face. God is present with those that suffer and are sorrowful – and you can feel His presence in Africa. I am humbled and awed that I was able to spend so much time here - thank you, once again, for your support - both spiritually and financially. Here is an update from the last posting:

  • Computer issues – I am back at the Porter’s using the ‘rogue’ wireless. Thank you God for providing the ability to communicate through the internet!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – Wow. I have seen God work in ways I can not put into words and my life has been changed because of it.

  • Travel – I made it back and forth from Botswana without incident – AND I had the luxury of riding in an air-conditioned corporate jet BOTH ways (vs. driving 7 hours)!

  • Material Needs – I had a friend e-mail me a story of provision. She has been trying to pay off debt despite one obstacle after another; also, her business was declining in bookings and therefore profit…she received an $11,000 anonymous cashiers check the other day. Wow. God more than abundantly provided for her needs. Amazing what God can do huh!

Here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Family – Please pray for a pleasant reunion with my family and a smooth return to home – and that Samson would remember his ‘mama’. Also, my girlfriend who has been house-sitting for me is staying on…pray that we become great flat mates!

  • Protection – as I am in Joburg and as I revert to driving on the ‘other’ side of the road!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19 – and that this ‘learning’ will continue in the states.

  • Discernment / Wisdom – Please ask God that I clearly hear His voice, experience His leading, and determine His direction for my life when I return stateside December 8th. (What am I supposed to do?!)

  • Travel mercies: I leave Johannesburg at 11:55 pm Thursday, December 7th; fly to Amsterdam and then home to Seattle. Long distance flights are hard on me - I get nauseated and feel generally icky! Please pray for “divine seating” and smooth travel! I am hoping to connect with a friend in the Amsterdam airport – he arrives from Paris the same time I arrive from Africa!

  • Material Needs – That God is preparing my next employment opportunity and that He will abundantly provide for pressing financial obligations.

  • Insurance – that I will be able to obtain drivers and medical insurance – mine expired while I was away.

Thank you for your support of me in Africa and beyond!


If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa or while I transition back into stateside living, please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

Update #13

“…I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.” Psalm 32:8

Hallo from the African Bush!

I am in Botswana! On Thanksgiving (last Thursday for you non-Americans) I received a call from Rawdon Ball, a close friend of the Porters, inviting me to hop a corporate jet, come visit Botswana and stay with his family. How can anyone turn down that offer?!

So here I am! The African bush is much different than I thought it would be. The spring rains have come so it is green, lush, and verdant. I saw pictures that were taken two weeks ago and was shocked. The bush looked desolate – no leaves, brown, dry - the trees looked like they were upside down (roots-side up)!

On Saturday, we went to the “sailing club” or the “dam” as the locals call it. Wow. It is an expanse of water with “kopies” or large boldering rock formations jutting out creating islands. It was stunning. Most of us swam out to one of the islands and climbed the boulders to the top – what a view. The surrounding terrain is mostly flat with small undulations and “kopies” - making it look like huge green tents have sprung up across the landscape (picture).

I thought Joburg was hot – Botswana beats it hands down! And the locals tell me this isn’t even heat! My poor Seattle-acclimated body! In spite of all the layers of SPF, I have gained a lot more freckles in the few days I have been here. Saturday, it was about 102F in the shade!

It you ever come to Botswana – pack your mosquito repellant! Geeze! The little buggers are vicious! My ankles and feet are covered in welts – and that is with repellant cream! I am trying so hard not to scratch.

South Africa is considered by most a first world country, Botswana, third world. The difference is plain as you view the buildings, the cars, the unkempt landscape, the litter, debris, and filth. The school Sally, Rawdon’s wife, works for hasn’t had power for weeks following a huge storm - this means no lights in the bathroom, no computers, and no hot water.

In contrast, the people are incredibly friendly and open. They drop in and out of each others homes like family. They pick up and tend each others children like they are their own. The ‘community’ here is palpable and blurs racial lines.

I feel so blessed to have been able to see this part of the world. Yes, it is only a small nickel mining town on the edge of Botswana, but it has given me a better appreciation of first vs. third world countries that no mission preparation exercise could ever impart.

Thank you, once again, for your prayers, I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate your support, both spiritually and financially. Here is an update from the last posting:

  • Computer issues – The Ball’s have a dial up internet connection but it is “fussy” and connects only when it feels like it and then decides to drop without notice! Ha! You will receive this after I return to the Porters!

  • Family – I hear that it has snowed back home and that Samson isn’t too fond of the “white stuff.” My parents had a great laugh watching him try to keep all four paws in the air as he bounded back to the house!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – Stretching. Seeing the poverty and uncaring attitude toward the surroundings hurts my heart. I so want to ‘fix’ – and make things better.

  • Discernment / Wisdom – still seeking God as to what He would have me do when I return to the states. I am working on several trails, but nothing glimmers right now -

  • Material Needs – thank you for your generosity. I return home in a bit over a week and am excited to see how God will “sort” all the home finances. I have never once lacked for anything here and I know if I am doing what He wants where He wants I will be provided for.

Here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Computer issues – that I will be able to send and receive e-mail until I get home

  • Family – that the prep of the holiday season will be a joyous and not a stress filled time

  • Protection – as I am in Joburg for my last week and for my flight home. Long distance flights are hard on me - I get nauseated and feel generally icky! I am starting to psych myself up for this “grand adventure”!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19.

  • Discernment / Wisdom – please ask God that I clearly hear His voice, experience His leading, and begin to determine His direction for my life when I return stateside the 8th.

  • Material Needs - transportation, supplies (toothpaste, shampoo, etc.), and for payment of pressing financial obligations when I return home.

Thank you for your support of me in Africa and Beyond!


If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa or while I transition back into stateside living, please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

Update #12

“…I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.” Psalm 32:8

Hello from Johannesburg and Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans!

The last two plus weeks brought plentiful rains to Gauteng…Joburg is so much prettier than when I left! The grass is sooooo green. Due to the afternoon rain it is much cooler this go-around too! Thank God!

The Cape Town venture wrapped Friday the 17th. The last day was bittersweet; happy to see the clients presentations and hear what impacted them, but also sad in that the equip cocoon was ending. I feel that I will always have a close connection to Cape Town due to the people I met and interacted with.

Saturday night we went downtown to the “African Café” (picture). Authentic dishes from all over Africa are served to you…and as long as you keep eating, the food keeps coming. The guys loved it! I discovered a fondness for Springbok (an antelope-ish animal) with ginger and honey. They also had this salad dressing that was incredible, ooh, the fish was good, um, and the chicken in the curry stuff, and, oh, the spinach lentil thingy…needless to say I enjoyed myself!

My ride to the airport was an adventure! My client, Greg, offered to take me but didn’t tell me that the “Double O Boys” (Theo and Quinton) and Brett were also coming along! We all squeezed into this little car (thanks for letting me have the front guys) and I had a “tour” of Cape Town (there was construction and an accident on the freeway so we took back roads…there is NO way I could repeat that route!). The best part was that they wouldn’t let me carry my luggage – and it was HEAVY! I was so pampered! Thanks guys!

The flight was TUR-BU-LENT. I have never been on such an ‘exciting’ plane ride. Passengers know it is bad when the flight attendants strap in! I was excited to have the plane land and see Dave and Sarah waiting for me at the Joburg airport. The Porter’s are so hospitable it is like arriving to family. I have spent my first three days “in venture recovery.” Ironically, this is where God had me recover from the last one! Charlie the cat has been a semi-permanent lap fixture and his goal is to push the “lap invader” (my laptop) to the floor!

In two weeks I return to the states. The last three months have been life altering. Thank you, once again, for your prayers, I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate your support, both spiritually and financially. Here is an update from the last posting:

  • Computer issues – My computer has done great the entire time I have been here (barring the first week) and I have discovered a rouge wireless network in the Porter’s den – thank you God!

  • Family – My Dad made it home safely from the Middle East!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – I have been studying Biblical characters…it has been very interesting. All the people I studied have hearts for God but one (or more) area of fallibility – they weren’t flawless, just focused. Gives me a bit of comfort!

  • Discernment / Wisdom – still foggy as to exactly what God wants me to do when I return home…details are slowly coming in!

  • Material Needs – thank you for your generosity. I bought a plane ticket and the funds arrived the next day via donation…very, very, cool to watch God’s hand move like that!

Here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Computer issues – none just now but pray anyway – I am not an IT wizard and am almost clueless how to ‘fix’ these things!

  • Family – that they would have a peacefilled Thanksgiving!

  • Protection – as I toodle around Johannesburg and then fly to the states in two weeks

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19 – I really want this!

  • Discernment / Wisdom – please ask God that I clearly hear His voice, experience His leading, and begin to determine His direction for my life when I return stateside in December

  • Material Needs - transportation, supplies (toothpaste, shampoo, etc.), and for payment of pressing financial obligations when I return home.

Thank you for your support of me in Africa!


PS: Tom and Kasia – I am seeing Jessica on Friday and I passed on the cd’s to Ria! T, guess who is going to be a consultant? Patrick! Cool huh!

If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

Update #11

“…I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.” Psalm 32:8


Hey from Africa! I am in my final week of the Cape Town venture and all I can say is Wow. It has been absolutely amazing watching God work. He has been moving not only in the client’s lives and businesses but in the consultants as well.

It is very true that God’s plans aren’t always ours…i.e.… I went through equip training and was prepped to be an ops manager but, in addition, ended up being a Joburg consultant. I spent the interim reading the training material and pepped to be a Cape Town consultant but ended up on the intercession team!

I feel as if I have been drinking from a fire hose! Being on the intercession team has opened my eyes to new and exciting ways that God can move. God is definitely not ‘boxable’! In the intercession room I feel like a venture ‘client’ because I am experiencing paradigm shifts and mind-stretching realities.

I am in awe of how God cares for each one of us and approaches/deals with us in ways that are meaningful to us as individuals. Each person is handled differently by God and with so much care - even if that person is being stubborn, disobedient, or ignorant of what God is really asking of them. I have been moved to tears several times as I have witnessed God’s compassion for his people.

I head back to Johannesburg Sunday. I wanted to stay in Cape Town for awhile longer and experience some of the sites and culture, but God needs me to go to Johannesburg so off I go! So, I will spend from November 20th to the 7th of December in Joburg (at this point – God can change his mind!).

Thank you, once again, for your prayers, I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate your support, both spiritually and financially. I don’t think half of what I have experienced would have occurred without my faithful supporters back home! Here is the latest request update:

  • Computer issues – I am heading back into the ‘black hole’ of connectivity! I will try and get my letter out…but you may not hear from me again until I return home.

  • Family – my Dad is in the Middle East on a business trip through Sunday, Mom is doing well (as are her children – the dog, turtle and ‘grandcat’ Samson), and my sister is swamped at work.

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – please ask God that I can learn how to ‘remain’ in him…I have had an incredible time of intimacy and don’t what to have a “relapse” into pre-fire hose state!

  • Discernment / Wisdom – Wow. God is speaking, I am hearing, discerning and with wisdom and obedience imparting what he shares. The main intercessor couple has called me the “spiritual nurse” of the team…I am binding wounds, sharing ‘the right medicine’ – and helping them limp along. I didn’t know I had a pastoral side – but it has definitely come out during this venture. It has been incredible.

  • Material Needs – Thank you for your support. I received word this week that a debt I wasn’t even aware of had been taken care of for me. Praise God!

Here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Computer issues – I will not become frustrated at the lack of connectivity and be able to get out what I need to get out…and be content with that!

  • Family – continued peace and protection especially for my Dad in the Middle East

  • Protection – as I fly to Johannesburg and then onto the states in three weeks time

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19 – I really want this!

  • Sleep – continued deep sleep that I awake rested from

  • Discernment / Wisdom – please ask God that I clearly hear His voice, experience His leading, and begin to determine His direction for my life when I return stateside in December

  • Material Needs - transportation, supplies (toothpaste, shampoo, etc.), and for payment of pressing financial obligations when I return home.

Thank you for your support of me in Africa!


If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Update #10

“…I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.” Psalm 32:8

Hi from the southern most point of Africa!

I was telling one of my teammates I am having difficulty grasping the fact Christmas is just a month or so away. The KITKAT bars here have holly on them and the stores are putting up decorations…but it doesn’t FEEL like the holiday season! The weather here has been equivalent to early summer in Seattle – lovely and 75 during the day with a light breeze. I am ‘confused’ season-wise but I the weather makes me so happy!

The venture officially started Saturday. We went sightseeing and I was stunned at the raw beauty – the beaches rival California (picture), the mountains were breathtaking and flora was lush. I can understand why people who visit Cape Town end up staying.

“Adventure” is the best descriptor of my first three days of client involvement. This venture has been so different from the one in Johannesburg. Like Joburg I was given a client – but they didn’t show on Monday so I “helped” with other clients and the admin side of things. On Tuesday I was invited to pray with some clients from the last Cape Town venture; all I can say is WOW. There were two guys being prayed for and two other intercessors. When I arrived names exchanged and we started praying.

God gave me verse after verse after verse for them. It was amazing. After the guys left, the other intercessors confirmed the verses were dead on for what had been discussed during the prior two hour counseling session. I love it when God works like that – when some stranger (me) comes along and confirms everything that He just had spoken. I was on a high for hours!

Wednesday I spent most time with the intercession team. Wow. What a way to spend a day…in worship; in prayer for individuals, the venture, for clients…I witnessed a woman re-dedicate her life to Christ, saw direction imparted, wisdom downloaded, etc…and it went on and on! Talk about faith building – watch God work for a day, it will change your life!

I am blown away by what God is doing; in me, in others, in the city. It is amazing to witness and be part of. He doesn’t have to ‘use’ any of us. He could do it more effectively, and efficiently, Himself – but he allows us to experience Him and His power. This humbles me.

Needless to say, I am a bit whelmed at all God has done in and around me. Thank you for your prayers, I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate your support, both spiritually and financially. Here is the latest request update:

  • Computer issues – Connectivity has been better – but with the entire team here the connection is maxed and so being dropped and ‘locked out’ is a regular occurrence.

  • Family – my Mom’s b-day is Friday, my Dad leave for the Middle East this weekend, and I got to chat with my sister on the phone!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – being in a team environment stretches anyone. The ‘stretching’ I am receiving is good, but I am confronted once again with the ‘ugly’ side of myself that I don’t like to recognize or consider all that often!

  • Sleep – Once I get there it is great! Thanks for praying.

  • Discernment / Wisdom – No leads beyond the 19th of November. I know I will be returning to Joberg at some point but am trying to discern what God is going to have me do between November 19th and December 7th.

  • Material Needs – God has met every need thus far through your generous donations. Thank you. As for transportation, I will have access to the equip vehicles through the 19th and then after that we’ll see what God does!

Here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Computer issues – I will be able to connect with those I need to at home and that the wireless system will stay “strong”.

  • Family – continued peace and protection especially for my Dad in the Middle East

  • Protection – as I and the team move around Cape Town and South Africa

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19 – I really want this!

  • Sleep – continued deep sleep that I awake rested from

  • Discernment / Wisdom – please ask God that I clearly hear His voice, experience His leading, and begin to determine His direction for my life when:
    o I finish the Cape Town venture (what am I to do, where to go)
    o Return to Joburg and when I (when, where to stay)
    o Return stateside in December

  • Material Needs - transportation, $$ for supplies, God purposed travel, and the Cape Town equip venture

I can’t thank you enough!

See you in a month!


If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa or for the equip Cape Town venture please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

Update #9

“…I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.” Psalm 32:8

Hello from lovely Cape Town, South Africa!

My flight to the cape is another story of God’s goodness. I had booked an 8 pm departure, but the client meeting ended early and by 3:30 I was at the airport. Hmm…can I possibly fly standby at 5:30?

The standby system in Joburg is a bit different that I am used to – basically you stand in a penned area, the phone rings, a name is called out and that person makes the plane. Or, the flight number is called and whomever pushes themselves to the front first gets the seat. My name wasn’t called, and I am not a pusher, so at 5:23 I approached the counter to place my name on the next standby list.

As I stood there, the phone rang and to my great surprise there was one seat left on the 5:30 if I wanted it. Hmm…I had seven minutes to make it across the airport, through security, to the gate, and onto the plane - of course I wanted it! Sweaty, out of breath, slightly askew, with cell phone ringing, I made the gate at 5:28! Then, get this; the only seat left was in first class! By the window! Ha!

As soon as I was seated, the flight attendant arrived with a cool towel for me to “refresh with”- I think she was startled at my appearance and huffy/puffy breathing! I don’t run well (ankle) and then to have to do this convoluted slide shuffle leap step through security and along the terminal in dress shoes…well, you get the picture! I was happy to have made the plane! I made it but my luggage didn’t. Thankfully, my bags were on the 7:00 – and were delivered to me later that evening!

I landed Halloween night at sunset. It was beautiful watching the sun sink over the sea and reflect on the mountain. Cape Town has not been undersold; it is beautiful, lush, and green (picture above of Table Top Mountain, the 12 Apostles and Lions Head). The B&B I checked into (Rondebosch Manor) Wednesday is also lovely. It is two houses smooshed together with a kitchen in the middle. http://www.rondeboschmanor.co.za/index.htm I have a lovely “suite” behind the kitchen and under the stairs. I feel a bit like Cinderella! I am so happy!

The team is slowly arriving - Jodene (team lead) is already here and so is Bart (ops manager). Stacie arrived this morning and the rest are trickling in over the next two days.

I am thanking God for these days of interim – I am able to reflect on what has happened over the last month or so. I am a bit whelmed to see all that God has done in and around me. Thank you for your prayers, I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate your support, both spiritually and financially. Here is the latest request update:

  • Computer issues – I have my own desk area with wireless internet! Whoo Hoo! I have taken full advantage of this! I should have this “capability” through November 18th.

  • Family – I was able to chat with my mom for a long time yesterday. It was nice to hear her voice and get caught up with stuff back home. My dad is leaving for the Middle East the 11th for a business trip and my sister battling a cold that has affected her hearing.

  • Protection – no problems – Thank God!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – I was telling Jodene this morning that I feel contented, calm and “grounded” – it is a lovely feeling. I just pray I can keep it as things begin to change and as the venture ramps up and starts.

  • Sleep – Better! Thank you for praying. Besides the one night praying for a friend who is undergoing unexpected open-heart surgery, I have slept much better. My first night at the Cape Town B&B was one of the best nights of sleep I’ve had in a long time!

  • Discernment / Wisdom – No leads beyond the 19th of November. I know I will be returning to Joberg at some point but am trying to discern what God is going to have me do between the November 19th and December 7th.

  • Material Needs – God has met every need that I have had through your generous donations. Thank you. I will have access to the equip vehicles through the 19th and then after that we’ll see what God does!

Here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Computer issues – I will be able to connect with those at home I need to and that the wireless system will stay “strong”.

  • Family – continued peace and protection

  • Protection – as I and the team move around Cape Town and South Africa

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19 – I really want this!

  • Sleep – continued deep sleep that I awake rested from

  • Discernment / Wisdom – please ask God that I clearly hear His voice, experience His leading, and begin to determine His direction for my life when:
    o I finish the Cape Town venture (what am I to do, where to go)
    o Return to Joburg and when I (when, where to stay)
    o Return stateside in December (what to do)

  • Insight – I am starting with a new client the 6th of November – please pray that I will understand what they need and am able to communicate it in a way they understand – please also pray for unity between me and my South African co-consultant

  • Material Needs - transportation, $$ for supplies, God purposed travel, and the Cape Town equip venture

I can’t thank you enough!

All the Best!


If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa or for the equip Cape Town venture please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

Update #8

“…I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.” Psalm 32:8

Happy All Saints Day (well almost)!

I have been asked repeatedly “How are you doing…really?” And I thought that in actuality, more than just three or four of you are wondering this. I am doing ok. I can’t say that my time in Africa had been “fun” but it has been abundantly blessed.

God has used this time in Africa to isolate me and teach me several things. One is the true meaning of ‘working for God’. As Christians we are called to “do your work readily, as to the Lord, and not to men” (Ephesians 6:7). I have read this scripture and had been practicing it to the fullness of my knowledge, but I have been shown a whole new aspect working here.

In the terms of business knowledge and background, I don’t have much. Physical Therapy school prepared me for clinical practice – which is WAY different than standard business practice. My post venture assignment has been to implement Junction Choices’ scorecard. When I re-opened it and tried to decipher what Brett had written I was reading Latin! Oh boy. So I stopped, prayed, and asked God to show me what He needed to happen in Junction Choices - SHAZAM! Divine download. Stuff poured out of me; I documented it in flow charts, process diagrams, task lists, action items, etc. It was absolutely amazing. I worked for hours and it felt like minutes.

The best part was my ‘performance anxiety’ (Are they going to like what I came up with? Is it good enough? Will it be accepted?) didn’t crop up when I presented what I produced. God had said all the stuff, I just documented it. What I presented to the CEO of Junction Choices should be what was expected – or even better! Needless to say, she was more than pleased! I have been working that way ever since. You should see what God has in store for her business!

I spend most days working at my laptop or reading and summarizing books. The evenings are mostly filled with reading too. I have met a few people from the church and have attended a few functions (ask me about the on-campus church worship service at Johannesburg University – wow, or the home cell group I attended).

God has used the time I am in South Africa to teach me what I was too busy, or too distracted, to learn stateside. Thank you for praying for me when you think of me. I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate your prayers and financial support. Here is the latest from the last posting:

  • Computer issues – I have small windows, but more frequent, to up and download e-mail. There is a cute open aired pub close to here (Mugg & Bean - see picture) that has wi-fi – I am becoming very fond of their Strawberry juice!

  • Family – continued peace and protection – I haven’t actually spoken to them in over 3 weeks because of connectivity issues – thank you for your prayers concerning the peace in their hearts

  • Protection – no problems – Thank God!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19 – I really want this!

  • Sleep – I have been sleeping less well due to the heat (90+) and the neighbors pool cleaner coming on at 5:30 am (I affectionately call it the “wall thumper”)

  • Discernment / Wisdom – No leads yet beyond December 8th yet. I will return to Seattle, start looking for a job and see what God does!

  • Material Needs - access to a car has all but dried up – I have had a few people cart me places but for the most part I am “cottage bound” – seeing the positive, it does keep me focused! Thanks to those of you who have donated additional funds. I do have to pay $2000 for the Cape Town venture and every bit has helped.

Here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Computer issues – I will be able to get e-mail up and downloaded in 10 minutes or less!

  • Family – continued peace and protection

  • Protection – as I move around South Africa - I am really looking forward to going to Cape Town the 31st and being around American accents - I won’t have to listen as hard!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19 – I really want this!

  • Sleep – I am changing locations again the 31st – please pray that I will be able to sleep in the new surrounding and it won’t take me too long to acclimate!

  • Discernment / Wisdom – please ask God that I clearly hear His voice, experience His leading, and begin to determine His direction for my life when:
    o I finish the Cape Town venture (where does He want me to stay in CT),
    o Return to Joburg for 2 weeks, and then
    o Return stateside in December

  • Insight – I am starting with a new client the 6th of November – please pray that I will understand what they need and am able to communicate it in a way they can understand

  • Material Needs - transportation, $$ for supplies, God purposed travel, and the Cape Town equip venture

I can’t thank you enough!



If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa or for the equip Cape Town venture please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

Update #7

“…I no longer call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his lord does. But I called you friends, because all things which I heard from My Father I made known to you.” John 15:15

Spring has sprung in Africa!

Yep – Spring is in full swing! Leaves are bright green, flowers are budding and fragrant, trees have their leaves or are sporting lovely blossoms – it is beautiful! Daily, the sky is a brilliant blue and the weather is warm (80’s). Thankfully it cools off at night so I can sleep.

Needless to say, my body is soooooo confused! It expects autumn colors, brisk air, and rainstorms! Ha! I am tanner now than I was this summer (well, at least my arms are – I only have one pair of shorts with me!).

October 13-15th (last weekend) I attended a conference with Brenda’s church in Hartbeespoort. Driving there, we came over a ridge and I was stunned…there was a HUGE body of water in front of me…Hartbeespoort has a dam (see picture). I didn’t realize how much I missed the water! The weather was “bloody hot” (90’s) but the area was beautiful. We spent Saturday afternoon by the waterfront and I got some great pictures (Yea! My camera is working again!).

No church I have ever attended worships like the Africans (black and white). It is all encompassing and POWERFUL. Songs I have sung for ages took on new meaning and depth. They repeat choruses 15-20 times (three line songs can easily go for 10 minutes), and they fully submit themselves to the act of worship. It’s a heady experience…and I got to do it 2-3 times a day! I kinda felt dizzy / tipsy after each go.

Their were 6 different presenters speaking on the discovery of personal purpose and destiny. To summarize, all humans have the same general purpose to "glorify God". Christians are also imparted a piece of God’s character to exemplify on earth. God’s character is diverse and complex…there are billions of options! I think mine may have to do with encouragement and a few other things…not sure yet! I am still processing!

I plan to spend my last 2 weeks in Joburg working for Brenda and then I am off to Cape Town (November 1st) for the equip venture there. After that, who knows! I will have three weeks before my flight home – I may be back in Joburg, or God will have something else lined up! I’ll keep you posted as He downloads!

I am deeply appreciative of your financial, and especially, your prayer support while I am in Africa. I know that I am not here by mistake - there are too many miracles I have witnessed or been a party of to think otherwise! Thanks again for your dedicated prayer between updates. Here is the latest from the last posting:

  • Computer issues – I am only getting/sending e-mail about once a week now – sorry for the delay of response to your messages! Rather than get frustrated I decided to go with the anti-connectivity flow!

  • Family – things are better and I think they are more at peace. Thanks for praying for my parents and sister.

  • Protection – so far, so good!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – the conference I went to was incredible and I felt God’s presence in new ways. I am still processessing all that I experienced.

  • Sleep – consistent and sometimes deep! Thank you for praying.

  • Discernment / Wisdom – off to Cape Town November 1st – then????

  • Material Needs - I am borrowing vehicles / bumming rides as needed and financial support is slowly trickling in. Thanks.

Here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Computer issues – I will be able to get e-mail up and downloaded in 10 minutes or less

  • Family – continued peace and protection

  • Protection – as I move around South Africa

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19 – I really want this!

  • Sleep – continued consistent and deep sleep

  • Discernment / Wisdom – please ask God that I clearly hear His voice, experience His leading, and begin to determine His direction for my life when I return stateside in December

  • Material Needs - continued transportation, $$ for supplies & God purposed travel
    I can’t thank you enough!



If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa or for the equip Cape Town venture please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

Update #6

Habakkuk 1:5"Look at the nations and be amazed! Watch and be astounded at what I will do! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you about it...2:3But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed..."

I put my feet in the Indian Ocean!

Brenda and I were in Durban (pronounced: Duurbin – with a slight trill on the “r”) Tuesday for a series of client meetings. Before dinner she took me down to the beach and I was able to stick my feet in the water (cold) and watch the surfers for a bit.

For those of you not acquainted with Durban, it is on the Eastern coast of South Africa, a political “hotbed” of activity, a major import/export harbor (think Seattle harbor on steroids), and known for its beaches and surfing competitions. It is the third largest city in South Africa (behind Joburg #1, Cape Town #2) and gets the most rain (the climate is a lot like Kauai). Durban has blue trees (jacindas sp? - see picture of one in Joburg)! I have never seen that before!

Another of the day’s highlights came as a surprise. Brenda, and her business partner Robin, had Trish give me a tour of the area! I visited the ‘Valley of a 1000 Hills’ – Wow! I wish my camera had been working so I could share the views with you. The endless green hills rise in and out of the mist, small houses dot the landscape, little monkeys are in abundance (and very friendly – “Got some food for me?”), but sadly, this beauty is marred by immense poverty….a reminder of the disparity present in the world today.

On the one hand there is the wealth of gorgeous scenery/landscape, but on the other, the distress of the lands inhabitants due to unemployment. Not that poverty it isn’t being addressed - several organizations, entrepreneurs, etc. are joining to help the Zulu nation. Trish and her husband Gunter are a part of several ministries bringing job training and assistance to the area. But as always, more is needed.

It was an incredible day – one of my favorites thus far. I feel very fortunate I am seeing/feeling experiences that I wouldn’t have had the chance to encounter if I had stayed stateside.

Everyday turns into an adventure – even if I spend it reading! God is showing me new things all the time - I hope the same is true of you! Thanks again for your prayer between updates. Here is the latest from the last posting:

  • Computer issues – I am only getting/sending e-mail about once a week now – sorry for the delay of response to your messages! Rather than get frustrated I decided to go with the anti-connectivity flow!

  • Family – things are better. Thanks for praying peace into my families heart!

  • Protection – so far, so good!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – I am being exposed to new and exciting aspects of God’s character all the time – and he is putting incredible people in my path! Thanks for praying for this.

  • Sleep – Better! Last night was great - I slept 11 hours! I think I was making up for the 4– 5 hour nights the previous several days! Thanks again for praying for this – I am so much better when I am rested!

  • Discernment / Wisdom – I know I am to go to Cape Town for the equip venture November 3rd (please pray for the right airline ticket). After the equip venture I am not sure if I am to remain in CT, or return to Joburg.

  • Material Needs - I am borrowing vehicles as I need them and financial support is slowly trickling in. Thanks.

I am learning more and more how God values the spoken word. That said, a solid group of prayer supporters is my greatest need. I appreciate those of you who regularly remember me. Here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Computer issues – I will be able to get e-mail up and downloaded in 10 minutes

  • Family – continued peace and protection for them

  • Protection – as I move around South Africa

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me – see Ephesians 3:18-19 – I really want this!

  • Sleep - consistent!

  • Insight – I am attending a conference this weekend on “Purpose and Destiny” – pray that I will have a better understanding of what God is telling me!

  • Discernment / Wisdom – please ask God that I clearly hear His voice, experience His leading, and begin to determine His direction for my life when I return stateside in 8 weeks

  • Material Needs - continued transportation, $$ for supplies & God purposed travel
    Thank you so much for your time, prayer, and for supporting me!



If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

Update #5

Habakkuk 1:5"Look at the nations and be amazed! Watch and be astounded at what I will do! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you about it...2:3But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed..."


Well, so far, this week has been amazing! Brenda spent most of Monday prepping for a Tuesday meeting – so I caught up on reading for the November Cape Town venture (Clint, thanks for the books!). That night we went to a “learning to prophesy” course at a local Christian bookstore (picture). It was mind-blowing! The teaching was straight out of the Bible and done in a way that you could apply it pronto! I am still trying to grasp all that I learned. It is basically “active prayer” – when I get home I can explain if you are interested.

Tuesday was spent at a client site. In the morning I had the privilege to sit in on a Leadership Development class Brenda’s business partner Robin lead…it was on personal and organization change and implementation (oh, hmm, how apropo!). It is amazing to see how God lines things up in my life! Last night I dropped Brenda off at the airport. She is off to Cape Town for a conference and a series of meeting – I will be “holding down the fort” in Jo-berg.

The weather has been beautiful and warm (like a Seattle July) – with thunderstorms threatening occasionally. My ankle has been holding up great! I haven’t had any discomfort at all with all the barometric pressure shiftings! Praise God!

My camera died. I have no idea why or what caused it. I asked God to fix the problem or help me to find someone to fix it. Several days later, I was driving close to where I was house sitting and low and behold off to my left is a Pentax camera shop – so I took it in for an estimate. Long story short, God provided a certified Pentax repair shop (the only one in Jo-burg) and I am getting my camera repaired! Go God!

As I read over the last few paragraphs I shake my head – God is so good to me and so present in my life. I hope the same is true of you! I feel so fortunate to have you praying for me (Let me know if there is anyway I can be praying for you). Thanks for all of your prayer between letters. Here is the update from the last posting:

  • Computer issues – this is getting better, but still frustrating. God is really working on my patience!

  • Family – they are still adjusting to me staying until December 7th

  • Protection – as I move around Johannesburg – so far, so good!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – I am being exposed to new and exciting aspects of God’s character all the time

  • Insight – I trust my “gut” more – thanks for praying – things pop into my head during meetings that I have no idea where they came from. Now, if I will just speak them out...

  • Sleep - better but still not great…

  • Discernment / Wisdom – I know I am where I am supposed to be – the confirmation is too numerous to discount!

  • Material Needs - I am borrowing vehicles as I have need and financial support is trickling in!

A solid group of prayer supporters is my greatest need. Thanks for praying for me – here is an updated “needs” list:

  • Computer issues – I will be able to get e-mail up and downloaded in 10 minutes and that attachments will come through without “hanging” the system

  • Family – they will find peace in my decision to stay and work in South Africa

  • Protection – as I move around Johannesburg – my travel insurance has expired and won’t extend while I am in-country (I have to go off continent, apply, and then come back – weird) so I have no coverage at the moment.

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – that I will fully grasp the fullness of God’s love for me.

  • Insight as I work with Brenda and travel to Cape Town for the pending equip venture

  • Sleep - it takes me a few days each time I move residences to attain a good nights sleep – I still haven’t had it!

  • Discernment / Wisdom – I want to be able to clearly hear God’s voice and determine my life’s direction when I return in December

  • Material Needs - continued transportation availability while I am in South Africa, $$ for supplies & God purposed travel

Thank you so much for your time, prayer, and for supporting me!

Blessings to you and your families,


If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

Update #4

Habakkuk 1:5"Look at the nations and be amazed! Watch and be astounded at what I will do! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you about it...2:3But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed..."


I have been extremely blessed by being allowed to “camp out” at the Porter residence while they were away on holiday. They have a lovely house and the animals and I got along great…even though their golden retriever has a paper fetish and ate my thank you note to them!

I have been in and out of meetings all week working with Brenda and others. The most interesting was meeting with one of the top women executives at OLD MUTUAL – a London based insurance/savings/loan firm. Brenda has been hired to help implement change in their support structure. Very intriguing.

I moved into Brenda’s cottage on Sunday (entrance pictured above). It is a lovely 500 square foot “flat” with too spacious rooms – and very quiet! Her back garden fronts the entrance so I lookout onto a bricked patio surrounded by green and flowers – very pretty.

I am still experiencing connectivity issues – and I apologize for the long delays between updates. I have discovered a cute pub/coffee shop not too far from Brenda’s that has wireless service. The “Mugg and Bean” allows 10 minutes of internet without a fee, so I am able to up and download e-mail several times a week! Whoo Hoo!

Even with all of my connectivity issues, God continues to move and is ever-present. I have heard Africa described as the “most spiritual” of continents. I now understand what they mean. Spirituality (good or bad) is saturated into everything. The great thing is God “right here” all the time. But, then again, I may have a skewed experience because of all of the prayer being said for me!

Thanks for all of your prayer between my updates here is the latest status:

  • Computer issues – hard time communicating back home and sending instructions/directions to my parents/friends etc. I am trying not to become frustrated!

  • Family – my decision to stay in South Africa has been difficult for my parents. Please pray for God’s comfort for them.

  • Protection – so far so good!

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – great things are happening!

  • Insight as I work with Brenda – I have a background in healthcare not business – but it is amazing to see how my training is being used to benefit those around me and those Brenda is working with

  • Discernment / Wisdom – as I move into this time of work and renewal. I want to be able to clearly hear God’s voice and determine direction for now and for when I return to the states in December – still seeking!

  • Material Needs - transportation while I am in South Africa, $$ for supplies and God-purposed travel (Cape Town etc.)

Prayer is essential and a solid group of prayer supporters is my greatest need. When you remember me, please petition God in my behalf for the following:

  • Computer issues – I will be able to get all the e-mail up and downloaded in 10 minutes WITHOUT issue!

  • Family – they will find peace in my decision to stay and work in South Africa

  • Protection – as I move around Johannesburg

  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – continued growth

  • Insight as I work with Brenda and travel to Cape Town

  • Sleep - it has taken me a few days each time I move residences to attain a good nights sleep – if you could pray that this happens sooner rather than later – it is not great to have me yawning in the middle of a business meeting with one of Brenda’s clients!

  • Discernment / Wisdom – as I move into this time of work and renewal. I want to be able to clearly hear God’s voice and determine direction for now and for when I return to the states in December

  • Material Needs - transportation while I am in South Africa, $$ for supplies & God purposed travel

Thank you so much for your time, prayer, and for supporting me!

Blessings to you and your families,


If you would like to financially help me during my extended stay in Africa please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.

Update #3

Habakkuk 1:5"Look at the nations and be amazed! Watch and be astounded at what I will do! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you about it...2:3But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed...4the righteous will live by their faith..."


All I can say is WOW! The last week has been so full of “God stuff” that if I included all of it this update would be a short novel- here are the highlights:

  • One of the clients rededicated his life to Christ and God brought about 2 miracles in his life – one regarding sale of a property that had been on the market for a long time
  • Another client was severely in debt and needed divine intervention to save her business and keep her children in school – God provided three times the amount of money she needed – all in one night!
  • One consultant was molested as a child and has been “crippled” by this his entire life – God brought healing him and he is experiencing a joy he has never known
  • God invited me to stay on in Africa to continue working with my client AND to journey to Cape Town to be apart of the equip conference in November

Yep, you read correctly! I am so excited! Sunday night I will be leaving the place I have called home the last two weeks and moving into the Porter’s (pictured above) household. I will house-sit for a week (This is a gift from God in that I will have time to reflect on what has happened during the last two weeks and, they have two dogs and three cats!) and then move into the cottage behind my clients (Brendas) house.

I am still praying through all of the “reasons” and “why’s” of my staying on, but I think it is multi-faceted. One reason is to further the work started with Brenda and get her business more firmly established/documented. Another is to assist with the equip Cape Town venture, and finally to have a time of respite, restoration and release.

Brett Johnson warns that becoming involved with Equip is transformational and your life will never be the same. I have only started to realize the extent of how I am being changed. Africa, may be viewed as wild and dangerous, but for me it is a place of peace and fulfillment.

God continues to move and is ever-present. I know this is due to the prayer said for me. Thank you. Here are the updates from my last letter:

  • Computer issues – I am consistently connecting to the internet (when there is a signal)!
  • Family – Thank you for praying for protection/comfort while I am away – they are continuing to do well
  • Protection – Still driving and moving with ease in Johannesburg!
  • Strength, Stamina, positive Attitude – I have rediscovered a joy and strength I haven’t had in years! Thank you for strengthening me in prayer!
  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – can’t even start to explain what God has freed me from! All I can say is WOW!
  • Insight for my client as I work as a consultant – I think I have learned more than my client – it has been VERY GOOD!

I am learning more and more that prayer is essential and that a solid group of prayer supporters is my greatest need. When you remember me, please petition God in my behalf for the following:

  • Computer issues – continued internet connectivity
  • Family – continued prayer for protection/comfort while I am away
  • Protection – while in Johannesburg, Cape Town and wherever else God may send me
  • Spiritual growth and intimacy with God – please pray it continues to grow and deepen
  • Insight as I work with Brenda and in the Cape - that I will see the needs and God will equip me to meet them
  • Discernment / Wisdom – as I move into this time of work and renewal. I want to be able to clearly hear God’s voice and determine direction for now and for when I return to the states in December.
  • Material Needs - transportation while I am in South Africa, $$ for God purposed travel

Thank you so much for your time, prayer, and for supporting me!



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If you would like to financially support my extended stay in Johannesburg please see FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS below.