Thursday, December 22, 2011

Update #164 - Rememberance

"Remember how the LORD your God has blessed you in everything that you have done. He has taken care of you as you wandered through this vast desert. He has been with you these forty years, and you have had everything you needed.” Deuteronomy 2:7

Redondo Beach, WA

Remembrance; long word, seemingly simple meaning, BIG impact. “To remember, recall” is what the dictionary says. I think it has a deeper meaning.

I have a great memory...for certain things. I can remember what someone was wearing the night I met them, favorite colors, favorite meals, what things people are allergic to, and can put an entire year’s social calendar in my head. But, can I remember God’s provisions when I am in despair? Can I “recall, remember” his promises and blessings when I am angry or confused? Not usually - unless I make a conscience decision.

Steven Curtis Chapman speaks about it in the song “Remember your Chains” - basically remember where you were before God redeemed you. Remember your state of mind, your situation, your problems, your outlook – remember your hopelessness, despair and unhappiness. I forget what a self-centered, self-serving individual I was before God cleaned me up. I forget my main goal in life was me, me, and me before Christ entered my life.

Remembering not only where you came from but the actions God has taken in your life is also crucial. When I am unable to see where my life is headed I remember what he has brought me through. I recall what he has done in the past and declare it as hope for the future: He has provided in the past; he will provide in the future. He has come through in the past; he will come through in the future. When I take time to reflect on the grace, mercy, and love he has shown me bad, impossible situations change. If God can do ____, he can fix _____.

How do we aid remembrance? I wish I could say that I kept a journal of all of the cool things God has done in my life - I don’t, but I have pictures of those situations, mementos, and memories. When I review theses I am given hope which leads to faith. I also play the alphabet game. When things get a bit grey, the mist of uncertainty swells I start with “A” and go through “Z” listing all the great things about God – Abundant, Benevolent, Caring, Daring, Eternal, Faithful, Gentle, Heroic, Instant, Just, Kind, Loving, Meaningful, Never-dull, Opulent, Pursuing, Quiet, Restful, Standard, Trustworthy, Unusual, Victorious, Wonderful, X-traordinary, Zoe; sometimes it takes two to three rounds before the swirling haze and fog lift.

If you are still “haze fighting” start sharing stories of God’s goodness. It will help your faith and will boost the belief of others. One of your friends may have the story you need to get you through a situation. I have a girlfriend who married for the first time at 42 - to a God-fearing man; this gives me hope.

Where are you without hope? Where are you without vision? What has God done in and through your life, or the lives of your friends, which can bring you hope? What methods of remembrance can you use to boost your faith?

Travel – I’m in Seattle and wearing long underwear; it is cold here (either that or I am fully Californian-ized and a now a cold wimp)!
Personal – Thank you to my generous donor who sent money for a new camera… I purchased one on Monday and used it for the first time today (and am giggling with delight!).
Health – Cold is gone (well mostly) but I am feeling SO much better!

Work – We are having our annual planning meeting starting January 4th – prayer for a fruitful time of hearing what God wants us to do in 2012 would be appreciated!
Personal – for a restful time at home with my family, and ability to visit who God wants me to, and to read several books!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Update #163 - Gracious Waiting

“Therefore the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you…” Isaiah 30:18a

Temple Bell, Seoul, South Korea

In Isaiah 30, Israel is doing her usual thing…taking confidence in Egypt (not in God), not listening to the prophets (they want niceties not truth), and relying on their own strength (not Gods) to outwit their oppressors. Isaiah cautions - if heed isn’t taken, they will overreact, their numbers will dwindle, and they will become a remnant; a marker commemorating a once great nation.

“The Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you…” I looked up the word wait (haka) and was stunned. Basically, instead of turning his back on a people who have turned their backs on him, God camps out and waits. “Therefore (because of the things you are doing) the Lord will wait.” God isn’t hanging out or idly passing the time either, the definition reveals He is actively waiting; He is LYING in wait, He is HOPING, LONGING for their return.


After thinking about it, I could begin to grasp God’s heart. He wants us restored, reunited and fellowshipping with Him – it is what we were made for. And He is willing to wait for us to hear and respond to His call.

The part that actually rocked my world is what God wants to do when Israel returns – when His waiting, hoping and longing come to an end. This people, who have gone against everything God stands for, who have flouted their independence and ran in the other direction...God wants to be GRACIOUS to them!

Yep, gracious - He wants to take compassion, have mercy, pity, bestow favor, and be generous and kind; he wants to love on them! This is totally against what the human flesh would want to do! We would want to revenge a bit of the hurt inflicted, make them understand the waiting and pain we experienced. God doesn’t even address this…he wants to tend to their hurts, their needs, be generous by giving them things they need to survive.


This God sized attitude brings me comfort, but also makes me uncomfortable. I find solace that God will wait and be gracious to me if I ever slide away. The unease arises from the awareness that I need to treat others the same way I am treated. Which (gulp) means I should emulate God’s pattern of active waiting and graciousness to those who malign me.

Tall order.

I don’t have this nailed yet. It ranks right up there with ‘bless those that curse you.’ My instant response isn’t gracious action towards those maligning me. It should be, but it isn’t.

Who has mistreated you? Who are you waiting to come into alignment with God and his wishes? Who do you need to be gracious toward? Who do you need to care for as God has cared for you?

Travel – I’m home – until the 22nd then off to Seattle to celebrate Christmas with my family. I was able to book air tickets to the NW on air miles! Whoo Hoo (flying at odd hours, but the ticket was mostly free!)!
Work – The Call2All Conference was not as well attended as they had hoped, but we made some key contacts, sold several books and introduced our new Convergence Study.
Personal – Camera has been pronounced totaled, dead, done for. The repair shop isn’t sure what happened, but the LCD screen is no longer functional and is not repairable. Thank God for my Blackberry phone camera… not great quality but works!

Travel – Upcoming trip to Nigeria for Brett, Seattle for me!
Work – Year end wrap up, prep for 2012 planning meeting, and recruiting, recruiting, recruiting for our upcoming training cycle.
Personal – a head cold has made its home in my sinuses. Sleep, fluids and rest aren’t kicking it – please pray it goes away soon!