Friday, September 21, 2007

Update #50

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (heaven) except through me." John 14:6

Autumn Splendor in Sonoma

My grandfather died last week. In a way, it was expected – he hasn’t been well for a long time. But, it was also unexpected. He had lingered for so long I honestly thought he would linger longer.

There are many ideas of heaven, afterlife and what occurs when you die. Most people I have talked to about this have a ‘second generation belief’. They believe what they believe because it is what their family accepts as true, what their church has faith in, or what their Great-grandma told them when their dog died.

What do you believe and how do you know it is true?

I believe there is a heaven and that hell exists. Furthermore, I believe there is only one way into heaven. It is quite simple actually – accept Christ – go to heaven, reject Christ, go to hell.

My belief seems harsh – this or that, either/or, one way is the only way…but truth is like that – back, white and simple. When heaven’s entry becomes grey and muddy it is because we have added to the mandate - like we know more than God and the simplicity he provided is not enough.

How do I know it is true? Like the children’s song says “The Bible tells me so.” Some may call me foolish for believing an ancient text full of stories about creating out of nothing, war, adultery, prophets, miracles, kingdoms, kings, and romance. If this is your view, I ask: “Have you read it?” Really read it – not skimmed it or started in Lamentations, but really got lost in it, understood it for yourself…if not, I challenge you to.

Where are you going when you die? It is the big question we all face. It is also a personal choice – one you have your entire life to make. But I wouldn’t wait too long to think this over…life is fragile and can easily break.

Living – at my relative’s house
Car – On May 24th I really felt God told me to relax about the car issue – that he would take car of everything…and he has. I have been asking lately about having a more permanent solution and on September 20th I received an email stating a rēp alumni is donating their car for my express use! It is being gifted to me! Once I get it I’ll post a picture of my newest God story! Samson – has got my relatives chatting with him. He sits in the window while my aunt gets ready for work and ‘entertains’ her with his vocalizations. She makes a statement “No, you aren’t going outside” and he responds…it is highly amusing!
Work – The travel season has started. The first staff members left this week with two more going next week, two more follow the week after that, then two more after that.
Financing – I have raised about $1900 a month – thank you. I am actively working to book LEMON seminars ( in the Bay area to raise my salary.

– I am with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin for the time being but, when the new rēp headquarters are determined, I need to a cat friendly space close to the office.
Car – We need to complete the necessary paperwork for the donation and get the testing done and it will be transferred – hopefully in the next two weeks!
Work – I need to book LEMON Leadership forums and I am hitting wall after wall after wall – pray that I can have strategy on how to proceed.
Computer – It is doing weird stuff. The mouse wanders off across the screen and won’t come back and programs just start doing their own thing – like turning on track changes. Strange.
Financing - Eventually my position will be salaried but at first I need to raise ~$3000 a month cover expenses. If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Contribute’ at on the left of the page, or visit and read the footer for additional info.

Happy First Day of Autumn / Spring depending on your locale!


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Update #49

“One prayer have I made to the Lord, and this is my heart's desire; that I may have a place in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, looking on his glory, and getting wisdom in his Temple.” Psalm 27:4

Artesian Glass at Stanford Mall...whatcha think Andy?
“How wide, how deep, how great is your love for me.” This was one of the phrases we sang at church today and I was struck by it.

Questions flooded my brain…Do I really know how wide God’s love is for me? Do I really fathom how deep it is? Do I really understand how great his care is for me?

The song continues with “I am amazed by you”. As I was harmonizing more questions hit me: “Am I? Am I amazed by God?”

Since moving to California I am stunned by the busyness all around me – there is so much to see, do, experience, take part in, minister to, join with, that I have been overwhelmed. Most of the people I have chatted with are running, running, running – from work, to church, to ministry, to friends, to family, and their life is full of ‘shoulds’ – I should be doing this, I should be ministering there, I should be taking care of that…I should, I should, I should…

I was caught in the ‘should’ pattern last week. Lyn, my bosses wife, said “you need a should free day” – and she was right. I was so wrapped up in the ‘shoulds’ and ‘doings’ of life that I had lost the amazement of it.

The more I contemplate it the more I feel busyness and shoulds are a trap…they take the focus off God and put it on other things…amazement stops and running starts.

When were you last stunned by God? When were you last overwhelmed by his love for you? Are the shoulds and busyness of life stifling amazement and making your soul impervious to the whelming of God’s love?

I want to live a life where I am amazed, astonished, surprised, bewildered, shocked, startled, stunned and taken aback by God. I want to be overwhelmed with God and God alone…do you?

Living – at my relative’s house
Car – God is soooooo cool. Tuesday Eric returned (a bit leaner, looking tired, but smiling) from Malaysia as did Jodene (who caught a horrid cold) from South Africa. With them home, my car resource pool dried up…but, Cathy, Lyn’s assistant just happens to be going out of town and is letting me borrow a car! AND, I can use it until the end of the month when the resource pool is populated again! Thank you God for the 700 series BMW to drive! Whoo Hoo!
Samson – is getting chunky. Jamie was here last weekend and she commented on what a tank he has become…needless to say we are cutting back the kibble and he is NOT happy (insert loud yowling here)
Work – Due to various reasons I am postponing my trip to Israel until the Spring or Summer. So I will be home holding down the office while the rest of the staff travels with the various teams. I will miss Africa but know that I am helping others make an impact by staying behind to support them from here!
Financing – I have raised about $1900 a month – thank you. I am actively working to book LEMON seminars ( in the Bay area to raise my salary.

Housing – I am with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin for the time being but, when the new rēp headquarters are determined, I need to a cat friendly space close to the office.
Car – I have started to ask God when I get a car of my own (I am not complaining, just asking…my faith has been stretched and strengthened immeasurably during the ‘borrowing process’- and He has definitely had me driving INCREDIBLE cars!)
Work – The Big Weekend i.e. training finale is next weekend. Please pray that God will show up, his presence will be palpable and people will be impacted. I am excited! Also, I need to book LEMON Leadership forums and I am hitting wall after wall after wall – pray that I can have strategy on how to proceed – thanks.
Computer – Yep, it is back on the list. My laptop mouse is doing its own thing…it just wanders off across the screen and won’t come back, even when asked. I have to wait a few minutes and then it is ‘ready’ to work again – only to get ADD and go zinging off to the upper right corner – I think it likes the close button.
Financing - Eventually my position will be salaried but at first I need to raise ~$3000 a month cover expenses. If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Contribute’ at on the left of the page, or visit and read the footer for additional info.

Are the leaves changing where you are? They are in California – so happy autumn to you Northern Hemisphere peopleHappy end of August!


P.S. To add to last week’s post…Brandon, Karen’s husband was in need of new board shorts – guess what happened – yep, moments after she uttered the request the door opened and a brand new pair, that was too small for the owner, was offered to Brandon…Ha! Hey, Karen, can you chat with God about a car for me?