Monday, March 29, 2010

Update #121 - Prophet, Priest & King

"And I gush like a groom, for it’s here I commune with a prophet, priest and king" Smalltown Poets

Filoli Gardens, Redwood City, CA

I like this lyric. It is from a song released by Smalltown Poets back in the mid 1990’s. It is about how Jesus is the ultimate all-in-one package: He is a Prophet (he guides our future), he is a Priest (he pardons our sin) and he is a King (of Heaven and Earth).

Jesus is known as the “first-born” (Romans 8:29) – and those who come to God through him are not only counted as sons (and daughters) but are justified and glorified. The same spirit who resided in Jesus resides in us – the “God” part of Jesus is in us too. Jesus was fully man, but Holy Spirit was with him 100% of the time guiding, helping, discerning, and giving him power.

In Biblical times prophets, priests, and kings had gifts bestowed, lavished, presented, imparted, brought to them by commoners, merchants, courtesans, and other kings. Hospitality was an important aspect of the culture and presents - along with food, housing, and livestock were commonly given to visitors, heads of state, and your enemies if you wanted to get on their good side. Second Chronicles 9 tells relates the Sheba / Solomon exchange – she gave gold, precious stones and spices and he gave her “all of her desire, all that she asked.”

That said we are modern day prophets, priests, and kings. Holy Spirit resides in us to help us navigate the roads of our lives (prophet), to irradiate and convict of sin (priest), and bestow upon us the inheritance of royalty (kings). It isn’t us – it is God in us that is the prophet, priest, and king.

The esteem granted the Biblical prophets, priests and kings still happens today. Pastors are regarded very highly world-wide for their commitment to God. Nuns are revered and special preference and partiality are paid to those in “full time missions” (ie. living outside their country of birth in “harsh” circumstances).

The worlds esteem only goes so far - but God’s esteem is far-reaching. He knows who the “true” prophets, priests and kings are. He knows who Holy Spirit resides in and is working through – and he rewards those people with his favor.

Those granting you favor, esteem, respect, and appreciation may be directing it at you but are giving to what is in you…what is shining from interior to exterior. They are honoring the “Jesus” in you.

So the next time you are given “something for nothing with no strings attached” don’t be surprised. When you receive unmerited favor don’t be shocked. When the grocery line is cut and you go from fifth to first – don’t be amazed. Favor adds flavor to life!

Are you experiencing God’s favor, his unmerited grace in abundant measure? Are you seeing his hand in your everyday life? If not, why? Are you just not paying attention? Are you taking credit when it is due elsewhere? Or is there something between you and God…and obstacle blocking the flow of favor, blessing, grace and honor into your life?


Living The plastic is to come of the 8th and the sale is to close the 15th…one more month of mortgage payments!

Work – the retreat weekend I am in charge of begins the 9th, we have a speaking-gig at Google on the 13th, Brett leaves for Nigeria (hopefully) on the 14th, and we need to publish 4 books between now and the first of May!


Living – the sale will go through without issue.

Work – that I can prep adequately for South Africa in the midst of all that is going on here, for participant to attend our many forums in Cape Town and for client recruitment in India

Fundraising – If this blog, or any of the past entries have touched your heart please donate toward my Africa fundraising venture…visit to get the full story. To contribute, please go to for details.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Update #120 - Rain Ranking

"He makes his sun rise on people whether they are good or evil. He lets rain fall on them whether they are just or unjust." Matthew 5:45

Oak Street, Saratoga

Growing up in Seattle you become intimately acquainted with rain. Unbeknownst to most, all rain isn’t the same – there is a “rain ranking” system:

  1. Mist – air is wet and foggy; you get damp, but don’t need an umbrella or hooded jacket
  2. Spitting – here and there rain drops, you don’t need an umbrella but a hooded jacket is nice
  3. Drizzle – steady, light rain, you can do with just a hooded jacket but an umbrella is nice
  4. Shower – steady, heavier rain, an umbrella is necessary and your feet will most likely get wet
  5. Pouring – heavy heavy rain, an umbrella may help, but you will be wet from the hem of your jacket down
  6. Deluge – incredi-rain that soaks you to the skin with or without an umbrella, jacket, hood, or boots, within seconds (ie Tropical rain shower).

(This doesn’t take into consideration wind or fog or that mist can be involved in multiple stages…I’m trying to keep this simple!)

January overwhelmed Northern California with pouring rain showers - and its inhabitants are not used to precipitation; a spitting mist sends them into a frenzy. All point APB’s are made for their long-lost umbrellas and they realize their hoodies are mainly made from cotton and therefore ineffective against the wet. I won’t even start on the driving…it is like Seattleites in snow!

On my way home across the misty valley my wiper speed increased with each quarter mile to hyper-speed by the time I reached my house on the hill. I asked God about the crazy weather conditions and remembered the verse about “showers on the righteous.”

I was a little slow on the uptake and remarked back “Not everyone on this mountain understands exactly who you are.” It was like God laughed (thunder resounded) and responded “I love them too – whether they know me or not.” That made me smile.

God is abundant. He is bountiful and he is giving. I saw this demonstrated in the rain on the hill…as a metaphor for his joy, his kindness, his care, his favor, his profuse love for us.

God wants all of human kind to come to him, to acknowledge him as creator God, Lord and Master. God gave us free will and the right to choose for ourselves; what pleasure is there in being worshipped by drones that didn’t have a choice but to serve you?

God loves each and every soul here on Earth – he knows their names and the number of hairs (or lack thereof) on their head. He provides the basics - rain and sun and tides and seasons – whether they acknowledge his hand in their orchestration or not. But to his own, to his cherished children he provides more…so much more that it overflows and affects the “unjust” – those who haven’t been justified through his son.

How soaked are you in God? Can you get by without an umbrella, jacket or hoodie? Or are you fully drenched – so much so your eyelashes are dripping? Or are you partaking of a “righteous ones” leftovers?


Living – The condo is in the last stages of “sale” – just awaiting plastic removal and I am done!

Work – Last few weeks of training and prepping for trips to South Africa and India.


Living – for no “hiccups.” Pray that the buyer will hold up his end of the deal and that everything will go smoothly and without issue / hindrance.

Work – for attendance of our forums in South Africa and for client recruitment in India.

Fundraising – I am actively fundraising to cover my upcoming trip to South Africa (about $3.5K with airfare). We will be working with entrepreneurs from around the world teaching them how to do business God’s way (visit to get the full story). If you would like to contribute, please visit - thanks in advance for your generosity!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Vote for Your Favorite Post

She's gettin' ready to publish... kinda...

I am putting together a devotional and would like to include the ones that tickled your brain the most.

Cast your vote by replying to the mail, e-mailing me at or commenting on (might need a visit to refresh your memory anyway...).

I look forward to hearing from you!

Poll closes on FRIDAY, MARCH while you can!

Thanks for the input.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Update #119

"For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword" Hebrews 4:12

Saratoga, CA

The air was snuggly warm, the sun danced across the deck in lace patterns, and I was in my most favorite place…Gran’s swing. It was an antique metal bench, with awning, covered with cushions – and it was exactly “one Dena” in length. I adored gently rocking back and forth, back and forth in rhythm to the waves lapping on the shore below. I would go out there to “read” but usually end up closing my eyes, listening to the birds, the rustle of the trees, and the faraway sound of children on the beach. It was my haven.

Once, when I was newly nineteen, I was out on Gran’s deck in my most favorite place; under the Madrona trees enjoying the warmth, sunshine, and reading my Bible (I had asked for a new one for my birthday and my parents had obliged). Gran was hanging laundry. “I don’t know why you find that book interesting. It’s old and everybody I’ve ever heard preach out of it says something different – even if they talk on the same bits. They preach on one part and say one thing and a year later say something completely different on the same part. A book is a book; it says the same thing each time – at least all the ones I read do.” Grabbing the empty basket she hefted it to her hip, spun on her heel and strode across the deck. Um, ok, no time for a response there.

As we age, we, hopefully, get smarter. Life experience, education, difficulties, friends, family all help us form a worldview from which we operate. As our wrinkles and gray hair increase our worldview changes, our perspective deepens, and we see things differently. So, put us in a situation we faced twenty years ago and we would, most likely, handle it a bit differently.

If I had the above situation to live again I would follow my Gran into the house and ask her if her opinion had ever changed; if her perception of an event was altered when she learned of new information, or if she had ever changed her mind regarding a decision she had made.

I know she would have said yes.

I would have gone on to point out that life circumstances have illuminated scripture that hadn’t really made all that much sense to me before (opinion changed); that learning the meaning of the Greek or Hebrew word has forever changed the meaning of a Bible verse (perception altered); and learning historical implications have altered how I thought (changed mind).

So, yes, “the same bit” can mean different things at different times. The words on the page stay the same but worldview, opinions, perceptions, education, history, and circumstances alter their meaning.

I know of no other book that has this ability… principles, stories, parables deepening in meaning and context as you mature. The Bible is living. The Bible is powerful. The Bible is sharper than any two-edged sword and can cut through to the heart of the matter.

What are your perceptions of the Bible? That it is flawed? That it is a good story book? That it is old and not applicable to today? When was the last time you picked one up and let its truth invade your heart? Your perception just might change.


Living – The condo made it through inspection and now we are waiting “plastic removal day” for loan approval to occur. Once that happens the sale finalizes…WHOO HOO! The buyer gets a newly spruced up building (siding, windows, and roofing) and I get a sale!

Work – I gained an employee…our intern from South Africa is now reporting to me.

Travel – I am coming to Seattle for a wedding the first part of May only to turn around and leave for South Africa 4 days after returning to California (but will make it home in time for the Posey-Miller wedding in June!).


Living – for no “hiccups” - I have to wait about 8 weeks for the sale to finalize. Pray that the buyer will hold up his end of the deal and that everything will go smoothly and without issue / hindrance.

Work – we have our largest team ever heading to India this spring. The local team is feeling the pressure to recruit clients for the June venture – please pray they are identified and sign up quickly.

Fundraising – I am actively fundraising to cover my upcoming trip to South Africa (about $3.5K with airfare). We will be working with entrepreneurs from around the world teaching them how to do business God’s way (visit to get the full story). If you would like to contribute, please visit - thanks in advance for your generosity!