Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update #177 - Cultural Sensitivity

“…to you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God…” Luke 8:10

Winter Sunset, Orange County, CA

Before we take a team on the road we introduce them to cultural sensitivity training – to avoid social blunders like eating with your left hand in India, touching a child’s head in Indonesia, using your pointer finger for “1”(when in most countries it signifies “2”), hugging an Asian in greeting vs. shaking hands, toilet tissue goes in the bin not in the commode, etc. We also cover dress code / appearance and things to keep with you at all times i.e. hotel information, tissue, hand sanitizer, power bars and enough change for a taxi ride.

On a recent trip abroad I was at a conference. It was very “Americanized” – clean bathrooms, lots of bottled water available, air conditioned halls and comfortable seats.  Then we went to the stadium event.

Three hours in a moderately air conditioned bus driving through 100 degree heat and 100 percent humidity leads to lots of water drinking – and very full bladders. Several hours of water consumption made for an uncomfortable arrival.  Our dear chaperones (all men) valiantly tried to find us bathrooms.

The stadium restroom (loose term) near our seats had a line 45 deep – um, not an option for those of us dancing quietly in pain off to the side. Eventually a “port-a-potty” was located. It was not the American green plastic single-seater found at fair grounds, concert events and construction sites – it was a “portable potty.”

Yes, a three “stall” commode on wheels was the size of a portable school classroom, raised up like an off-road vehicle with wood side paneling – it was a site to behold! I had never seen anything like it; I should have taken a picture.  A Muslim man and his family were charging for the use of their “facility” – a priceless moment of international travel.

We joined the queue dancing silently one behind the other.  I turned to the adorable septuagenarian lady behind me and whispered “Do you have tissue?”

Her eyes widened, jaw slackened and she stared at me “They, they, they, um (glup), they don’t have tissue?”

“Most likely not. Here ya go.” I handed her a piece of my stash.

A few minutes later the 70+ year old tugged on my arm “Miss, do you have any more?”

I turned and met the eyes of 10 horrified ladies.  “Yep, do…” and walked down the line dispensing tissue, telling them where to put it (not down the plumbing, we didn’t want a clog), how to “flush”, and to find me afterward for hand sanitizer.  The other girls on my team (so proud of them) joined in on the advice giving “roll up your pant legs, remember to rinse your feet, don’t touch anything, use the door to balance.” It was a riot!  How many times in your life do you get to school a bunch of older ladies on how to use a potty!

These women, all in their late 50’s to 70’s travelled around the world to participate in the largest prayer gathering to date. Most (upon further discussion I discovered) hadn’t travelled much outside the United States and this was their first foray into the international sphere. Go Ladies.

They survived the “porta-potty” experience and after rinsing their feet and hands with sanitizer, rolling down their pant legs, and exhaling after holding their breath; actually laughed about the experience.  We all did.

I have entered countries unprepared. I went to Bali not realizing it was primarily Hindu in nature and regretted not knowing.  I went into Egypt unaware of the preference for ladies to don three-quarter to full length sleeves (it was BLASTED hot; most of my stuff was sleeveless!).  I have walked unescorted down a street in Cairo ignorant of the stigma in which the action marks me. I have learned to pay attention to the culture, the preferences, the “unwritten”.

I think the same thing happens in God’s Kingdom.  Most of us are clueless as to how he likes things done. Most of us haven’t taken the time to research, learn or educate ourselves on God’s culture. What is God’s culture? What does he want to manifest in our lives, in the atmosphere around us? What does he want to be known for? Honor? Freedom? Abundant Life? Respect?

What hallmarks symbolize your culture? What characteristics are you known for? What characteristics do you want to be known for but currently are not?  What actions do you need to take to make this change? What aspects of God’s culture manifest in your life on a regular basis?

Work – We are recruiting!  Do you have any family, friends, co-workers, Bible study members, church friends – anyone who would benefit from knowing how to do business God’s way?  Wanna know what he cares about? How he would do business if he owned it? Come to our training!
Events - We are having the WPA Indonesian Reportback on the 27th in Saratoga, the 4th of July party the following week, then two of our alumni are getting married - one in Puerto Rico and the other in the Bay Area.  Congrats Lourdes and John!
Personal – My dad is “officially” retiring Monday.  He now says he is part of the neighborhood RED Group (Retired and Extremely Dangerous) – um, ok dad.  I am looking forward to traveling up to Seattle to celebrate him!

Travel – Domestic only! Whoo hoo! No passport needed; but baggage fees apply!  Safety as I come and go would be appreciated.
Work – Events, recruiting, prep for the training cycle, Brett and Lyn as they finish their 5 week “Asian Adventure” only to turn around and perform a wedding ceremony in South America the following weekend!
Personal – Prayer around next steps, priorities, and focus points.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Update #176 - Everything Glorious

"You make everything glorious; and I am yours.  What does that make me?” Everything Glorious by David Crowder

Hotel Grounds, Bogor, Indonesia

My girlfriend Kim was staying with me a few weeks ago and we had worship music blasting as we were getting ready one morning.  If I am really honest , it was a coping mechanism; both of us were tired, not in fantastic moods, and we needed a bit of an “upper” to get our day going… coffee and worship music for her, tea and tunes for me!

My stereo cycled through to the next CD and The David Crowder Band filled the air.  “I love this song.” I commented to Kim.

She, mouthful of toothpaste and brush smiled at me and mouthed “Why?”

“It is about who we really are.  It is about how we should view ourselves. It is about how God makes things on purpose and even if we forget, choose not to remember or are dissuaded from believing the truth, we are glorious; we are made in his image.”

She nodded; spit, rinsed and I continued “It is about being. Not feeling.”

“Huh?” muffled Kim, from behind a towel wiping her mouth.

“Ya know when a girl says she is ‘fat’ but she isn’t? She feels overweight, feels bloated, feels not so pretty, but in reality she isn’t? She is skinny as a twig and gorgeous – but she ‘feels’ fat. It is like that. Feeling vs. Being.”

“Ah” commented Kim who had now moved to makeup application.  “I feel a blog coming on” she stated.

“Very funny.” But she was right (you’re readin’ it).

The notion our feelings dictate so much of how we act, do, react and engage wouldn’t leave me.  The thought our feelings, appraisals and interpretations direct our decisions vs. our reality doing so bothered me.

God is glorious. We are made in his image. He makes everything glorious – therefore we are glorious too.  I forget that a lot.

How would my life, my actions, my decisions change if I lived my life from that reality. That I am a glorious one, favored of God, a princess. My circumstances may not reflect it (um, my bank balance isn’t exactly princess paralleled; and my accessories not exactly royalty rating) but from God’s perspective it is true. It is truth. It is real.

What if I chose to live my life as God sees me.  I choose to give more than I receive. I choose to give grace where punishment and penance are due (their consequences may be more than enough anyway).  I choose to forgive and forget instead of stewing and stowing for a later rehash and rebuttal?

What if I lived like royalty in action and deed? If I lived like I belonged in God’s household; his kingdom?  What would it look like? How would things change if I lived from my “being” vs. my “feeling”?

This is the reality via David Crowder: “You make everything glorious. Yeah, You make everything glorious. You make everything glorious. And I am Yours.”

What is your reality? Do you live from a place of who you are (being) or where you are (feeling)? What is the difference between who God says you are and who you say you are?

Work - The Convergence seminar in Jakarta went well – over 80 were in attendance! And it was an interfaith event. Brett, Lyn, Kim and Linda are now off to Bali where they will present a youth Convergence forum, work with leaders there and visit several churches.
Events - We are having the WPA Indonesian Reportback on the 27th in Saratoga. Here is a link to the team blog if you haven’t had a chance to look at the pictures.  Please rsvp per Eventbrite if you want to come to the event on the 27th.
Personal - Jet lag is finally finis! I am converting to more of a night owl since the trip, which is unusual for me. I am staying up late (for me) and my body is still waking around 7am…somedays it is a big OUCH!  I now have compassion on all my non-morning people friends!

Travel –I have a trip the end of June to Seattle to celebrate my dad as he retires from Boeing after over 50 years of service (yes, all at the same company – Go Dad!).
Work – Prayer around recruiting would also be appreciated – we begin our next training cycle in July. Click here for more info.
Personal – I have really enjoyed the last week or so. I have been able to reconnect with old friends, spend quality time with new ones and working at a slower pace than usual.  I am also really looking forward to seeing my family the end of the month.  Prayer around next steps, priorities, and focus points would be appreciated.