Sunday, February 24, 2008

Update #65

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” John 10:27

Desert Garden; Huntington Botanical Garden, Pasadena, CA

What are you afraid of? This was brought up in a recent conversation and it gave me pause to think. What am I afraid of?

Well, cobwebs over dark pathways creep me out, unexpected touches in dim lighting make me jump sky high, relational discord makes me cringe, the thought of not never seeing my parents again makes my stomach knot up…but I think my greatest fear is not having God talk to me anymore.

In the past I have experienced periods of “God silence.” When this occurs I go through my list of questions; 1. What sin is in the way? 2. Who do I need to forgive or ask forgiveness from? If this doesn’t yield a response then I ask number three “Am I supposed to be learning something?”

The long silences in my life usually result because I have dug in my heels, crossed my arms over my chest, and steeled my resolve against whatever lesson He is trying to teach me. My pride kicks in, “self” takes over and my spiritual side goes to the back seat.

Eventually, desperation to hear His voice causes my resolve to fail – then my attitude becomes “wherever, whenever, whatever.” Honestly, I think this is where God really wants us. I have to believe that He wants the best for me and that the lessons, testings, and trials that come across my path are in my best interest. At times I have a hard time wrapping my mind around this concept and the “W list” doesn’t get whipped out right away – it takes me some time to assimilate.

Do you believe that God has your best interest in mind (Jer. 29:11)? Do you believe that what faces you can be turned for His glory in your life (Rom 8:28)? I think a lot of people stumble at this – they are facing so much, they are battling a great deal, their lives are hard, painful and overwhelming. “Where can God be in all this?” they ask.

Believe it or not, he is in the center of it with you (unless you told Him to go away). You may not be able to hear him, see him, feel him, or touch him but he is there none the less. We cause a lot of our own pain through choices we make – and the consequences that follow. He doesn’t abandon us in this either – he may shake his head in patient endurance but he does not leave.

What do you fear? What are you facing? What lesson is God facilitating? Have you relinquished control and asked “Where, When, What”? Are you trusting God for the “How” and believing Him for the “Why”? Are you hearing God’s voice (John 10:27)? Are you listening to it or is their an obstacle in your way?

– The Johnson House SOLD! The hunt for a new residence continues – where they move to will determine my new lodging…stay tuned!
Work – Training continues, it is less than a month to our HUGE retreat - and of course the usual “challenges” that go with conference planning are surfacing
Relationships – making new ones, deepening old ones, dating a guy…
Health – My left ankle is almost back to normal - is it still a bit swollen and complains if I walk too far or wear cute shoes for too long – but is MUCH better!

– I am with my relatives but when the Johnsons find their new abode I will probably be moving.
Work – The Big Weekend retreat (March 28-30) and international leader’s conference (March 24-28) are fast approaching, I am learning new things and being stretched constantly…pray against fatigue and acceptance of the ordinary!
Relationships - deepening of present ones, start of new ones and that God will be present.
Financing - If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Contribute’ at on the left of the page, or visit and read the footer for additional info.


PS Happy Birthday Craig Baker!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Update #64

"To have knowledge, you must first have reverence for the LORD..." Proverbs 1:7 (GNB)

Mt. Sinai

Have you ever read Exodus chapter 19 and 20? Have you ever pictured in your mind what that would have been like?

God decides to “have church.” So, he tells his buddy Moses who tells the Israelites. They have three days to take a bath, wash their clothes, and get clean (inside and out). This had to be a massive undertaking – picture a million or so bodies with three months of dirt and grime clinging to them rushing to the nearest water source to cleanse themselves (I once shared a house with 4 other women and I thought that bathroom was crowded!).

Three days after the pronouncement, the Israelites, with Moses in the lead, show up in mass at the base of Mt. Sinai. As they approach the mount a thick cloud descends, surrounding it, and trumpet sounds are heard on the air but none are seen being blown. Thunder shakes the ground; lightening flashes across the sky, the landscape, the mountain; and fire is everywhere - things are ablaze and the smoke spirals eerily up into the sky instead of spreading across the horizon with the breeze.

The call to worship starts with the sound of a trumpet that grows increasingly louder and louder and louder. Then Moses calls out to God and God responds with a thundering voice. The story continues with God using the crag as an altar, a lectern where he spells out the 10 commandments.

Needless to say the Israelites freaked out. In fact they backed away from the mountain and stood at a distance and commented to Moses “Um, you do the talking to God - we really don’t want much interaction with the fire/smoke/cloudy thing – we are afraid we may die.”

My favorite part of the story is in verse 20 when Moses responds to their fear by saying "Don't be afraid! God has come only to test you, so that you will be in awe of him and won't sin."

This leads to the question, “Are you in awe of God?” Are you in enough awe of his power, his might, his authority, his dominion, his love…to keep you from sin?

I can’t say that I live in constant awe of God. Unfortunately I can be cavalier in my attitude and take God for granted. I forget his supremacy. I take things on myself that I should let God handle. I tackle things best left for him to solve. I take God’s place in my life.

And I don’t think I am alone. I think I hold good company with many well meaning Christians – who want to do it God’s way but don’t take the time to find out what that way is. Proverbs proclaims that to gain wisdom we must first fear/awe/reverence God. It is a direct correlation.

Again, I ask, “How in awe of God are you?”

– at my relative’s house until God puts me in my own cute little place.
Work – Busy! Training continues, it is less than two months to our HUGE retreat (I am finding people to help me!), we are pursuing income generating leads, we are looking at a new training platform, creating more marketing materials, beefing up our training curriculum and…
Relationships – making new ones, deepening old ones
Family – my dad had left foot surgery on Friday and it went well
Health – I missed a step at work on Wednesday and sprained my left ankle, now my left looks worse than my right chronically arthritic ankle! It is much better now but still very stiff in the morning - I have a very interesting waddle gait for the first hour or so!
Computer – doing much better – thanks for praying!

Housing – I am with my relatives for the time being but will move when the time is right into my own little space.
Work – I am presenting on Saturday the 9th during training, The Big Weekend retreat (March 28-30) and international leader’s conference (March 24-28) are fast approaching, and administratively I am learning new things and being stretched constantly…pray against fatigue and acceptance of the ordinary!
Relationships - deepening of present ones, start of new ones and that God will be present.
Husband – I don’t know who he is /where he is, but I am sure he would appreciate prayer!
Financing - If you are interested in contributing, please see ‘Contribute’ at on the left of the page, or visit and read the footer for additional info.


P.S. Congratulations to Al Gerona and his new fiancĂ©e Laura…also, congrats to Mr. & Mrs. AJ Johnson as of Saturday, February 2nd!