Viewpoint off Highway 280 in Northern California
When others describe you, what adjectives do they use? Have you ever played that ice-breaker game where you describe yourself using each letter of your first name? What descriptors do you pick (i.e. Dynamic, Energetic, No-nonsense, Altruistic)?
What adjectives would you use to describe God? There is a famous quote from A.W. Tozer stating “What comes to a persons mind when they think about God is the most important thing about that person.”
Your view of God is very important. Unfortunately our perceptions are tainted by filters of human experience – how our fathers treated us, how our government works, how justice is meted out, how authority figures function (or didn’t function) in our lives.
Some view God as a kind and feeble old man who welcomes children into his lap for stories. Some see God as the punisher, condemner, and record keeper of wrongs. Which view is truth – or is it somewhere in the middle?
My question was, “How does God view himself?” A few years ago I did a study on the names of God and what they mean (thanks Kathy) – and learned a lot about Him and his character. I discovered God is:
· The all sufficient one (El Shaddai)
· The God most high (El Elyon)
· The everlasting God (El Okam)
· Lord, Master (Adonai)
· The Lord my banner (Jehovah Nissi)
· Lord (Yahweh)
· The Lord will provide (Jehovah Jireh)
· The creator (Elohim)
· The Lord my shepherd (Jehovah Raah)
· Jealous (Qunna)
· The Lord who heals (Jehovah Rapha)
· The Lord is peace (Jehovah Shalom)
· The Lord is there (Jehovah Shammah)
· The God who sees (El Roi)
· The Lord of hosts (Jehovah Sabaoth)
· The Lord who sanctifies you (Jehovah Mekoddishkem)
Now the hard part…do we believe it? Do we believe that God is really all sufficient and can fix anything? Do we believe that God will really provide for all our needs or do we make back up plans? Do we really believe that God will take care of us like a shepherd cares for his lambs? Do we believe that God heals today? Do we believe that God is actually interested in our lives, is with us, sees us, and knows everything?
God’s character never changes – it is the same yesterday, today and forever. He has been the same since the beginning and will be the same in the end. I can’t say that about myself…how about you?
Living – I am living with my relatives, but the Johnsons have made an offer on a property in Los Gatos (close date next week, October 28th) and so I will be moving in the next few months. Check out the blog for details
Work – the South African team is on the road and impacting the Johannesburg area, and the Indonesian and Indian teams are prepping to take off in the next two to three weeks. I am trying to stay on top of donor receipting as well as prep for the venture (not an easy task!) I was able to secure a retreat center for our next training weekend (thank you for the prayers!). Also, our home office is thinning out; the Dube’s are moving to Canada (and taking their adorable twin boys with them…sniff)!
Travel – heading to Indonesia the 31st of October through the first part of December and then home to Seattle for Christmas.
Housing – the house on the property will need remodeling/updating before anyone takes residence so a place close to it would be ideal…for me and for the Johnsons.
Work – please pray for the ventures, consultants, our travel, team-leads, clients, contacts and host countries. We are doing something a bit different this time around (because God asked us to) in India and South Africa and would appreciate your prayers. Also, we need a training lead for the next cycle (February start)…we won’t train without this person in place and need God to bring them in soon!
Purpose – I have been tasked to pioneer the rēp intercession effort in Indonesia. Pray for God to raise up the right people to carry the vision forward.
Financing – I rely solely on donor support. If these devotions have touched you, caused you to see God differently, or altered your outlook on life AND you are interested in contributing toward my day-to-day needs or to my travel fund, please see ‘Contribute’ at on the left of the page, or visit and read the footer for additional info.
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