Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Update #124 Faith Foundation

"Moses said to the people: Fear not: stand, and see the great wonders of the Lord, which he will do this day… The LORD will fight for you, and all you have to do is keep still" Exodus 14:13, 14

Me, Kim, Jamie and Tiia at my open house

On my way back from Switzerland I sat next to a twenty-something viticulturist. We chatted about the frozen vineyards I had seen on the Genevan hillsides – and I asked what happens during winter in the wine-making process. His answer was simple, yet profound…“the vines root.”

I must have looked puzzled / confused because he continued, in heavily French-accented English, to explain how the harsh weather conditions drive the roots of the vine deeper into the earth where they find nutrients, sustenance and moisture. He added that viticulturists can artificially stress vines any time of the year, but it is best if it happens naturally.

As Jean-Pierre turned to chat with our other row-mate (a nice chappy from England) I thought about what he said. Harsh conditions cause vines to root – um, God, is that what you were doing in 2005-2006 when all that “crap” happened to me? Were you causing my superficial roots of faith to dig deeper, seek the substantial, and cling to the eternal? Is that what you were doing?

I thought of the icon of Seattle – the Space Needle; built for the worlds fair in 1961 and once the tallest structure west of the Mississippi. Records indicate 20% of the spire is underground and that its foundation is so massive the “Needles” center of gravity is just 5 feet above ground level – even though she towers 605 feet in the air. Due to her stable foundation she can withstand winds up to 200 mph and earthquakes of 9.1 magnitude.

Is your faith that solid? Can you withstand wind gusts of 200 mph and 9.1 magnitude earthquakes (i.e. your computer fails, you get a tire flat, it’s raining, your spouse and you have a major tiff, your child is rebelling against everything you have taught them, your dog dies, your cat gets the mother-of-all fur balls on your antique Persian rug, the bills are due and there is no money, you are victim of fraud, the dryer stops working, the sewer backs up, you can’t find a job…and your mother-in-law is about to visit)?

What do you do? In Exodus 14 the Israelites had just exited Egypt. They march a few days into the desert when the Egyptian war machine begins pursuit. As the pharaoh and his army bear down on the just-former slaves, they freak out…and their leader, Moses, essentially says, “Chill out boys, just stand there, keep still, and watch God work.”

I can hear their reaction in my head “Um, what?! They have chariots, swords, bows, arrows, and other killing stuff – I am just to stand here and be slaughtered? Moses, are you that sleep deprived? Shouldn’t I be doing something? Can’t I use this vase to bash an Egyptian or something?”

God was developing their root system. He wanted them so secure in who he was and what he could do that they would have no choice but to stand. A vine can’t move itself when it is stressed, the Space Needle can’t move from Seattle to San Francisco when the weather turns nasty – it has to stay where it is. As should we.

How far down does your root system reach? Has it gotten past the superficial layers of commitment and “proving” to deeper levels of faith, to the substantial, the eternal, the everlasting? What are your roots siphoning off of…living water, the true God, the life-source? Or something else? Where do you turn in crisis of faith? And, do you flee / escape / run or do you stand, keep still and watch the mighty God work?

Living – I cleaned out the condo’s storage unit on Friday; it was full of all the previous renters “treasures.” I got a new set of luggage, my dad inherited a really nice tool set, my realtor gained a skill saw, my mom received an ironing board and broom – and the construction guys gained miscellaneous gaming equipment, cd’s, dvd’s, etc. I couldn’t believe all that this guy left behind! I signed most of the paperwork on Tuesday and will sign the rest when I return from Africa. The condo is slated to close June 16th if the construction stays on schedule (pray hard please!).
Work – three out of four books are ready for printing and the fourth is close. I hope to get them up to Kindle by weeks end – stay tuned!
Travel- was in Seattle this last week. Pretty busy schedule but was able to spend several nights with my parents, visit a few friends, and hosted an open house which was quite fun (thanks Jamie and Mom for all the goodies!). I head to Cape Town, South Africa on Monday, May 10th for three weeks.

Living – that construction on the building will finish by the first of June and closing will be smooth, and that the girl staying in my California apartment will enjoy her time there.
Work – for all our upcoming travel… Kala Lumpur, Chennai, Kochi, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Lagos, Connecticut, LA, Texas are just a few of the places we are heading! And for my time in Cape Town (flights included) – Thanks!
Fundraising – if this blog or any of the past entries have touched your heart please donate toward my upcoming trip to Africa. Visit to find out what I’ll be doing while in Cape Town. To contribute, please go to for details.

PS – Congratulations to Holly & Glen, Deny & Vivian, Kasia & Keith – all who were married last weekend! And to my friend Erik who marries the love of his life while I am off in Africa…

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